Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4432: why!

He glanced over the people he had captured.

These people just closed their eyes tightly and fainted.

They are sealed in it, and suicide is impossible.

However, the meaning of frustration is still full of heart.

What happened today is that the plan was completely disrupted, and he accomplished less than half of his goal.

Because the six people beheaded by him are precisely the six he vowed to capture!

He knew that these six people had the closest relationship with Chen Feng and had the strongest potential. They were also the people Chen Feng cared about most.

But I didn't expect that all six of them died!

But the goal was achieved after all, half of it was achieved.

With the rest of the people he captured, he also knew very well that Chen Feng would definitely come to rescue.

One's own goals can certainly be achieved!

However, he was embarrassed to the extreme.

He saw the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people watching from afar, and he could also feel the emotions and gazes of these people.

In their eyes, he was nothing but a thief with powerful strength.

And these dead people, those caught by themselves, are the real heroes.

This feeling made Chu Shaoyang extremely difficult.

And what makes him most uncomfortable is that he understands in his heart that it makes sense to think so!

When he faced these people, he felt unspeakably ashamed.

He shook his head fiercely, shaking all these thoughts out.

Then, he turned his head back suddenly and stared fiercely at the people in Tianyuan Imperial City.

Everyone in Tianyuan Imperial City, silent as a chill, bowed their heads.

They felt the threat from Chu Shaoyang.

It seems that Chu Shaoyang has recovered a bit of confidence from his own powerful threat and the fear of the people in Tianyuan Imperial City.

He let out a hoarse laugh, stretched out his hand, lifted up the crowd who had been unconscious, and put them into a treasure like a cloth bag.

Then, the cloth bag shrank and fell into his hands.

With a flip of the wrist, it was gone.

Suddenly, Chu Shaoyang caught a glimpse of the Baishanshui next to him.

Although Bai Shanshui died but did not fall, he stood there with a smile on his mouth.

Chu Shaoyang looked at his smile and felt that he was mocking himself no matter how he looked at it!

His already suppressed emotion burst out again, and he could no longer control it!

Roaring frantically, he came to the corpses of Bai Shanshui and others.

He smashed his fist down, smashing it hard, and shouting like a nervous breakdown: "Why! Why!"

"Why do you prefer to die by yourself instead of being caught by me!"

"Then Chen Feng, why are you worthy of being treated like this!"

He was also furious, and his whole person was almost crazy.

He is doing the most disgusting thing!

Not only killing people, but also killing corpses!

However, at the moment when the hand was raised, he came into contact with Bai Shanshui's eyes.

Bai Shanshui's eyes are still alive despite death.

Awe-inspiring, as if untouchable!

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and that palm could no longer be suppressed.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, without saying a word, went straight to the door of the Qianyuan Villa.

He even dared not touch the bodies of Bai Shanshui and others.

Chu Shaoyang stretched out his hand, and the huge stone engraved with the four characters'Qianyuan Villa' flew up into the sky.

Chu Shaoyang thought for a moment, his thoughts moved, his fingers were like a knife.

Brush and brush, the stone powder falls.

Above the boulder, two rows of writing were displayed.

Chu Shaoyang let out a cold snort, and the boulder fell.

He left without looking back.

Qingluan Ruyi Boat cut through the sky and hurried towards the direction of Tianyuan Imperial City.

The speed is unprecedented.

The green light drew a gorgeous arc above the sky.

Behind the Qingluan Ruyi Boat, a huge golden-winged dragon eagle walked with the wind.

Its wings slowly spread, forming an extremely graceful arc.

It also implies the wonders of heaven and earth, and it seems to move forward rapidly with the fluctuation of the airflow, without any effort.

It's just occasional shaking of the wings.

The Tiancun Beast Slave stood upright on the top of the giant goshawk and stretched out his arms.

He had studied with Chen Feng Haosheng before, about the practice of the use of Qi Yun.

Later, it was the practice method of seeing the blood wind, and I felt it.

Embracing the world at this time, and strive to sense the world and make yourself stronger!

Chen Feng stood on the bow of the ship, looking into the distance.

At this moment, he no longer had the gaffe he had just made, and his expression was very calm.

It's as if nothing happened.

However, he stared blankly, as if in a trance.

Beside, Han Yu'er looked at him with indescribable worry in her eyes.

Others don't understand Chen Feng's current situation, but she is very clear.

She knew that Chen Feng was now even more explaining the problem.

She walked forward and whispered softly: "Junior Brother, you..."

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and gave a wry smile: "Senior Sister, I don't hide it from you, I'm really confused now."

"I know."

Han Yu'er bit her lip, her eyes are also quite anxious.

After Chen Feng explained it to her, she was like this.

Because most of the people who were involved in the accident, she also knew each other, and many of them had very good relationships with her.

She even knew what kind of feelings Chen Feng had for them!

I also understand how anxious and sad Chen Feng is!

She didn't say anything, just hugged Chen Feng gently.

Wenxiang Nephrite is full of arms.

Chen Feng's heart also gradually calmed down.

This time, it was true peace.

Because he knew it was useless to think about it all.

Now, I can only speed up and get there as soon as possible.

He can't do anything else!

"Do not!"

In Chen Feng's mind, there was a flash of inspiration: "I have one more thing to do now!"

When thinking of this layer, Chen Feng's heart was suddenly shocked!

That kind of sadness, that kind of extreme pain, instantly stayed in his heart forever.

It made his heart twitch rapidly, and even made him sore that he couldn't breathe.

Chen Feng actually bent down and retched, his face was full of pain.

Han Yuer was shocked: "Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

After a while, Chen Feng stood up straight, shook his head and slowly said: "It's okay, I just remembered one thing."

"I thought I couldn't do anything these days on the road."

"But it seems that I have to plan ahead and prepare something."

"If you are preparing to go there, it may be too late!"

Han Yuer said anxiously: "Then why do you suffer so much?"


Chen Feng's voice was trembling: "If I need to do these things, it means that they have..."

Chen Feng looked at Han Yu'er, and the two of them were connected.

He didn't say anything, Han Yuer understood.

In an instant, Han Yuer's eyes reddened, and tears fell down.

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