Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4467: Kill you, like kill a chicken!

This big slap slapped his face fiercely.

Everyone was silent and dare not say a word.

Just looking at Pang Yuanzhou, whose face was blue and red, for fear of being angry by Pang Yuanzhou.

Chen Feng not only killed the elder directly, but also made a false move, pretending to attack Xia Pang Yuanzhou, causing Pang Yuanzhou to directly lose a protective magic weapon.

Pang Yuanzhou felt extremely embarrassed.

For him, the death of this burly elder was far worse than the loss of this protective treasure, and he felt heartache!

But at the same time, the loss of this treasure is far worse than the loss of face, making him feel embarrassed!

As Chen Feng said, he was fooled!

The trick is very strong and thorough.

The Bahuang Tianmen was originally known for relying on foreign objects.

On the Dragon Vein Continent, there are many powerful sects, which restrict the disciples' use of various treasures.

I think this is not my own power, and it is not useful at a critical time.

It's his own tyrannical body, and his martial arts are the most effective.

But the Bahuang Tianmen is an exception.

The Bahuang Tianmen has a very deep entry into the world and very few births.

It has a lot to do with the following dynasties, empires, etc., because the strength of their own creation ancestors is not the top, and there is no amazing powerhouse behind.

Therefore, their martial arts skills are inherently insufficient.

Their treasure of the town is not a powerful martial art, not even a treasure, but a hall!

A defensive hall!

Their origin, the entanglement with the mortal world, are inherently insufficient, and they don't have enough powerful martial arts.

There are no amazing characters to help them open up the road of martial arts.

It is destined that they must use foreign objects, and they have to use foreign objects.

No way, the talent is not good enough, the martial arts technique is not good enough, if even the treasures are not good enough, then how to gain a foothold among the nine powers of the Dragon Vein Continent?

Still want to be one of the nine forces?

What a joke!

Therefore, the Bahuang Tianmen disciples, ever since they have the ability to walk the Dragon Vein Continent, have been searching for various treasures.

They replaced martial arts techniques with various powerful treasures.

In fact, this is not wrong.

As the head of the Bahuang Tianmen, Pang Yuanzhou naturally cannot fall behind.

In fact, Pang Yuanzhou's strength is 70% in his treasures.

Not a treasure, he is just the pinnacle of the Six-Star Martial Emperor.

Counting all kinds of treasures, it is almost comparable to Qixing Wudi!

The head of the Eight Desolate Heaven Sect for so many years was not in vain.

At this time, on the robe he was wearing, there were all kinds of fragmentary ornaments.

His whisk, his jade pendant, even the high crown he wears on his head, the shoes he wears under his feet, the jade belt around his waist, etc., are actually extremely powerful and rare treasures.

Chen Feng looked at everyone and suddenly smiled brightly.

In the smile, he was particularly fierce and cold.

"Do you think that is enough?"

"Tell you, this is just the beginning!"

The next moment, Chen Feng disappeared again.

Then, the shadow ghost step was launched again, and once again appeared in the shadow of a short and thin elder.

Although this short and thin elder was fully guarded, Chen Feng who suddenly appeared in his figure caught him off guard.

However, he had already pinched the magic weapon that he had cherished for many years.

It was almost the moment Chen Feng emerged from his figure, he snapped and crushed it directly!

Above his body, a yellow light suddenly appeared.

Protect him tightly.

The short and thin elder suddenly felt loose, and a touch of ecstasy surged.

But soon, this ecstasy turned into a deep stunned.

It turned out that Chen Feng disappeared as soon as he appeared in his figure.

Appeared in the figure of the elder next to him.

The elder next to him, dressed in a purple robe, is tall and looks rather domineering.

Elder Zipao, seeing Chen Feng appearing in other people's figures, suddenly felt relieved, thinking that he was safe and sound.

Unexpectedly, this time, Chen Feng even directly used this shadow ghost step as a false move!

The real goal is him!

This purple-robed elder, caught off guard, was directly hit and killed by Chen Feng!

So far, two elders have died directly.

But the short and thin elder who had released the magic weapon before releasing a yellow light around his body.

At this time, the time limit for the magic weapon around his body had already arrived.

After all, the protective treasure can only protect him from a breath.

So, in the next moment, in his silhouette, Chen Feng appeared again!

The two people almost met each other!

The short and thin elder was almost crying, crying and crying like a nervous breakdown: "Why are you here again?"

Chen Feng looked at the short and thin elder with a smile on his face: "Do you think you have escaped a disaster?"

He stretched out his finger and shook it in the air: "Too naive!"

In the next moment, a fist!

One punch hit this short and thin elder hard!

This person has already consumed his only treasure that can withstand the Six-Star Martial Emperor's peak-level offensive, and there is no more treasure to use.

After all, treasures that can withstand the six-star Wudi peak offensive are also extremely rare.

He let out a howl of despair to the extreme, furiously playing several defenses!

Try to block this punch!

But all this is in vain!

The seven big stars shone, and the power of 211 billion catties burst out, directly piercing his three-layer defense!

Chen Feng's jade-white fist fell fiercely on his chest! My heart!

This short and thin elder, his heart vein was directly broken!


The next moment, blood spurted out wildly, his body tilted, and he accidentally fell to the ground, his breath was gone!

In an instant, the three elders were beheaded by Chen Feng!

The three six-star Wudi masters all died!

Every six-star martial emperor master could not even stop his move!

What a terrifying strength this is!

Chen Feng suddenly beheaded three people.

Adding to the elder Chu at the beginning, he has already killed four elders!

But everyone is helpless!

Chen Feng is right!

It's not that everyone surrounded him, but he surrounded everyone with his own power!

Which one you want to kill is like no one.

At this time, counting Pang Yuanzhou, the strongman of the Eight Desolation Tianmen, there are ten people left!

Chen Feng pointed at the crowd and smiled contemptuously: "Kill you, wait like a chicken!"

The entire Bahuang Tianmen was slapped in the face.


Pang Yuanzhou's face was gloomy, and he shouted sharply: "Kill, kill!"

"Go together, kill this little bastard!"

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