Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4531: Just now, it was great to hit me!

However, he didn't know where he was.

I don't know the specific location!

However, if you can't judge its exact location, you can't use the heavens and the earth to repeat the magic of reincarnation!

Chen Feng was beaten into the air again and again, but in that intense pain, he used his incomparable reason to keep his eyes fixed on the trajectory of the crazy tiger's body!

Finally, Chen Feng's eyes flashed!

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, as if he had caught something.

This is the ninth time that Chen Feng has been smashed into the air! Fly away fiercely!

Seeing, Chen Feng will be smashed into the air for the tenth time!

This chain will hit the body for the tenth time!

Moreover, there seems to be an endless trend!

Crazy Tiger smiled contemptuously: "Boy, I will tell you to smash it ninety-nine or eighty-one times!"

"After eighty-one times, your body should be almost broken into a puddle of mud!"

"But I shouldn't die, and the master won't punish me!"

He laughed wildly.

However, just as he was about to hit his tenth offensive, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

Suddenly it fell somewhere!

It turned out that when the seventh blow of the crazy tiger fell on him, Chen Feng had already discovered the clue.

He found that every time the crazy tiger drilled out, the ground would sink a little bit, and a very subtle mediation appeared.

The mediation is so small that it may only be like hair, and ordinary people will never find it.

But Chen Feng's mental power is extremely strong, and he is observant, how could he not discover it?

However, after finding out, Chen Feng did not immediately activate it.

Instead, I endured it three more times!

Endured three more attacks and observed three more times!

In the end, after confirming that there were no problems, it was launched!

Chen Feng has always been an extremely meticulous person, if he is not absolutely sure, he will definitely not do it!

"It's this moment!"

The expression in Chen Feng's eyes seemed to freeze instantly!

It was at this moment that he accurately judged Crazy Tiger's next landing point.

So, in an instant, Chen Feng Tiandi repeated the reincarnation magic, and suddenly launched!

Although he is now paralyzed and stiff, unable to move.

However, the soul martial arts of activating the heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation magic art does not require the body to move!

The huge pupils formed in an instant, floating directly above the ground vortex!

And the crazy tiger, almost just got out of it, slammed into the huge erect pupil!

Among the huge erect pupils, the blue light shrouded him all.

The mad tiger trembled heavily, and then his body froze.

With dull eyes, standing still, motionless!

Chen Feng was ecstatic!

This time, heaven and earth repeated reincarnation, and it was done!

In an instant, Mad Tiger felt his soul plunged into a strange and mysterious world, and a huge vortex appeared in front of him.

The soul seems to be absorbed directly!

And Crazy Tiger suddenly felt that if his soul was absorbed, there would definitely be a dead end!

Crazy Tiger struggled madly, and roared in his heart: "No! I don't want it!"

He desperately pulled his soul, trying to leave the range of the whirlpool.

Affected by the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, although the mad tiger was extremely resilient due to his soul being tortured for a long time, he was not directly drawn into the soul world by Chen Feng.

However, it also changed for a few seconds instantly!


At this time, Chen Feng had already passed the time when he was paralyzed by the black thunder light!

Control the body again!

He laughed aloud: "It's now!"

At this time, thirteen big stars in his body are shining!

The thirteenth star began to burn!

A force of 390 billion catties burst into Chen Feng's body instantly!

Then, he directly grabbed the chain on the neck of Mad Tiger, and hit his head with a punch!

With a crisp sound, this punch directly sank the crazy tiger's head!

Even the neck bones were broken off!

Chen Feng laughed wildly: "You hit me just now, it was so cool? Huh?"

It's another punch!

"Have you played enough? Now, it's my turn!"

It's another punch!

Bang bang bang...

In an instant, Chen Feng slammed nine punches!

At this time, only three breaths have passed!

If it is in a normal state, the mad tiger will dodge and can also defend.

But now, under the impact of the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth, his soul is in a frozen state, where can he resist?

This crazy tiger is worthy of being a great genius in a small thousand world, and has experienced these three years of blood and fire tempering.

Under such a blow, he is still alive.

After three breaths, the mad tiger suddenly woke up.

Staring at Chen Feng, let out a crazy roar, full of hatred and murder!

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "What a shit?"

Heaven and earth reincarnation magic, launch again!

When the heaven and earth reincarnation magic power was launched this time, Chen Feng felt that his soul seemed to have been torn apart!

But he still started!

He did not intend to give the crazy tiger any chance to fight back, enduring the pain of the soul being torn into pieces, the heaven and earth reincarnation magic works again!

Crazy Tiger fell into sluggishness again.

Chen Feng attacked like a storm again!

This time, when the time passed three more breaths, Chen Feng had already hit the eighteenth punch!

The eighteenth punch smashed down on the throat of the crazy tiger!

With a click, his unchained neck broke directly!

He fell to the ground violently, his breath weakened instantly.

This blow was a fatal blow!

This punch out!

Chen Feng just exhaled a long sigh of breath, and finally relaxed.

I have to say that these strong people on the top of the sky are really terrifying!

Not only is the strength terrifying, but it also has various methods.

When he was smashed and flew out, the crazy tiger also came to his senses.

It's just that he can't fight back at all!

Let alone counterattack, he couldn't even stand up.

In his throat, blood poured out frantically, and what came out of it was his power.

He is now extremely weak.

He looked at Chen Feng, his pupils began to diminish and his body began to disappear.

In short, he is dying.

The fierce and violent color in his eyes gradually lost.

Instead, it is the ultimate regret and pain.

His fingers trembling, pointing at Chen Feng.

He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Chen Feng landed slowly.

As soon as he relaxed after landing, he suddenly felt pain all over his body.

With a muffled hum, he vomited blood again and again.

At this point, I feel a little more comfortable.

A little bit of perception is a wry smile.

This time, his internal organs were badly damaged.

There was bruise everywhere, and almost all bones in his body were broken.

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