Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4666: ridicule

Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

The next moment, I almost laughed in anger.

"Smash up nine divine weapons above the first-grade treasure?"

You must know that even if the magic weapon above the first-grade treasure is on the top of the sky, it can't be considered bad, it can almost be regarded as a peerless magic weapon.

And he actually had to break a whole nine pieces before he could unlock the seal of the title of fate!

Divine Weapon above the first-grade treasure, all have weapon spirit, just like the Qingyan Divine Sword.

And it's probably not easy to mess with!

Want to break someone? Does anyone obediently break you there?

It must be a desperate fight!

Having said that, many treasures have their owners!

This magic soldier is not easy to provoke, and their master is not easy to provoke!

It is really hard to do this!

But Chen Feng is Chen Feng after all, and soon erased the anger in his heart.

Instead, the fighting spirit was ignited in my heart: "Nine magic soldiers! I still don't believe it!"

At the same time, Chen Feng also carried unspeakable expectations in his heart.

He knows the style of action ruled by heaven.

There has always been a reward for what you pay, without any discount.

It is so troublesome and costly to unlock this destiny title, so you can imagine how powerful this destiny title will be!

When Chen Feng talked about it, everyone was amazed.


Fairy Yuheng smiled and said, "Chen Feng, the thing you asked me to look for before, looks impressive."


Chen Feng's eyes lit up: "Hundred Ghosts Yexing Soul Calling Scripture, do you have eyebrows?"

Fairy Yuheng nodded: "I have used up the number of times I have entered the giant tower of Buddhist scriptures in the heavens. For this reason, I specially ask a friend who can enter the second floor of the giant tower of Buddhist scriptures in the heavens."

"I looked it up carefully in the giant towers of Tibetan scriptures in the heavens."

"On the second floor of the giant tower of the Tibetan Scriptures of the Heavens, there really is the Scripture of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts!"


She was a little bit hesitant and stopped.

"Just what?"

Fairy Yuheng said: "It's just, it's very possible that the Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Soul Calling Truth inside is just a fragment."

"Maybe the effect is not so good."

Chen Feng looked pensive.

After a while, he said firmly: "Even if the fragments are good, they can at least give me hope."

Even though this Hundred Ghosts Nightwalking Soul Calling True Story is just a fragment, it lets Chen Feng know a little:

The top of the sky is indeed all-encompassing!

Even the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling True Scripture, this mysterious technique that does not know where it came from or where it is where, can be found.

"If you can find the fragments of the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Bible in the second level, then at a higher level, can you find the complete Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Bible?"

Soon, Chen Feng and others arrived in front of the huge tower of Buddhist scriptures in the heavens.

It was like a towering huge pillar towering in front of everyone. You could not see the end of the height or the end of the left and right at a glance.

The huge cyan tower body gives people an unparalleled powerful oppression and shock.

There are several portals on it, and people come and go from time to time

Chen Feng and the others condensed their hearts and quietly, light was quietly emanating from the samsara jade plate.

Suddenly, a few green rays of light radiated from the giant towers of the Tibetan Scriptures, enveloped them.

At the next moment, everyone felt dizzy and appeared in a huge space.

This space is somewhat similar to the interior of the huge trial tower.

It seems vast.

Inside, there are many warriors at this time.

In the distance, in front of everyone, there are nine huge blood-red light beams.

The red light shone brightly, but it also revealed a somewhat confusing and mysterious sense.

At the top of each beam of light, there is a big letter written on it.

The one on the far left is the ancient Chinese seal: One!

The next one is the ancient seal: two.

And so on.

When it comes to the one on the far right, it says the ancient seal: Nine.

The first blood-red beam was about 100 meters high and about ten meters in diameter.

The larger the number, the larger the beam of light.

By the time the ninth blood-red light beam, the height was as large as 10,000 meters, as if the sky penetrated the earth.

The blood-red light emitted was also crystal clear, like a ruby ​​condensed.

Fairy Yuheng whispered: "These nine pillars of light lead to different levels.

"The first beam of light corresponds to the first layer."

"That's it."

Chen Feng nodded, his eyes swept away.

I saw that at the entrance to the first floor, the most people gathered.

At the entrance of the second floor, there are a lot less people, but there are also crows.

The third layer is even less.

At the fourth floor, there were not many.

Those above the fifth level will not see people at all.

Fairy Yuheng smiled and said, "There are very few who can go to the fifth floor and above."

"On this top of the sky, they can all be regarded as the existence of strong people. Generally, they rarely appear, and it is normal to not touch them."

Chen Feng nodded solemnly, and walked towards the entrance to the second floor.

And if they want to get to the second floor, they have to pass through the entrance beam of the first floor.

When Chen Feng and the others walked by, suddenly two joking shouts from the crowd sounded: "Oh, isn't this our great genius Chen Feng?"

"What are you doing here? You didn't get the qualification to enter the giant tower of Buddhist scriptures!"

The person next to him said with a smile: "Looking at what you said, he is certainly not qualified to enter the giant tower of the Buddhist scriptures of the heavens. He can't come here to watch us enter and relieve his greed?"

The person who started talking laughed: "Brother Wenren taught that."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that the speaker was two young people, who were still acquaintances.

All are geniuses from the world of **** trials.

One of them is Wenren Mingxuan.

The person next to him is named Wu Taihua.

Wenren Mingxuan, Yuehua first-grade destiny title.

Wu Taihua is the title of the third rank of the stars.

They are all pretty good, but they are much worse than Chen Feng.

At this time, the two had changed their outfits.

Wenren Mingxuan wore a purple robe, radiating light and fluctuating spiritual energy, obviously it had its own magic circle, which could help with cultivation.

Wu Taihua wore a heavy black armor. The black light rolled, his strength was concentrated, and his defense was extraordinary.

Chen Feng knew it well.

Presumably, this is the equipment their sect has exchanged for them.

At this time, the two looked at Chen Feng, with a bit of jealousy in their eyes, but more of a sense of pleasure and condescending superiority.

Wenren Mingxuan's words contained a bit of a lesson.

"Chen Feng, want me to say, are you really flattering?"

"So many sect forces give you so many benefits, why don't you even go?"

"Yes, what to pretend?"

Wu Taihua snorted.

Wenren Mingxuan smiled and said, "However, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have the opportunity to enter the first floor of the giant tower of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures."

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