Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4680: You guys laughed too early

Everyone trembles!

"It's ridiculous that I am waiting. Chen Feng was not arrogant before, but he has such strength!"

On the floating mountain where the nine great forces were located, the atmosphere fell into a treacherous silence.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw indescribable worry and fear in each other's eyes.

"Chen Feng's strength is a blessing or a curse for the nine major forces?"

But in any case, there is only one emotion in everyone's eyes looking at Chen Feng: awe!

After Chu Shaoyang and Xiahou Yinghao came back to their senses, they fled towards the iron-black wishful boat in the sky almost at the same time.

Chen Feng looked up.

He was quite familiar with the iron black wishful boat.

Then I remembered.

When Xiahou Jiuyuan and others had to come to meet him before, he broke into the Hall of Destruction of Souls, and they were riding on this iron-black Ruyi boat.

Unexpectedly, Xiahou Yinghao even loaned it out.

Seeing the actions of Chu Shaoyang and Xiahou Yinghao, Chen Feng didn't even pay attention.

There was just a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at them lightly, as if watching two jokes.

Almost instantly, Chu Shaoyang and Xiahou Yinghao fled to the iron-black wishful boat.

With a snap, directly activate the magic circle.

In an instant, on the iron black wishful boat, countless symbols lit up.

A huge formation was suddenly activated!

The entire Ruyi Boat buzzed slightly, a layer of iron black light brushed, and then another layer...

In an instant, a full sixteen layers were posted on this iron black wishful boat!

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang and Xiahou Yinghao were shocked.

The two stood on the side of the ship, gasping for breath.

Glancing at each other, all of a sudden burst of laughter, full of joy after the disaster.

"Alive! We escaped from Chen Feng!"

"Great, no need to die!"

The two laughed with great joy.

At this time, Chen Feng's voice came from leisurely.

"You two, is it too early to laugh?"

Both of them were shocked, and saw Chen Feng's figure floating leisurely from the floating mountain.

Came to the same position as Ruyizhou, looked at the two people, and smiled faintly.

In an instant, Xiahou Yinghao was full of fierce and ferocious expressions: "Chen Feng, I admit that we are not your opponents!"

"I admit, your strength must surpass Qixing Wudi!"

"But now, the two of us have come here, you can do nothing with us!"

Chu Shaoyang also recovered his senses at this time.

Staring at Chen Feng with spiteful eyes: "Unexpectedly, you are so strong!"

"But so what, the mighty power behind me is definitely not something you can afford!"

"When I invite the great power behind me out, he can easily crush you!"

"is it?"

Chen Feng looked at the two of them: "You two feel that if you hide inside, I can do nothing with you, right?"

"Yes, the biggest mistake you just made was to underestimate the enemy! Don't stop us both!"

Xiahou Yinghao also laughed wildly: "Do you know that this Ruyizhou is the treasure of my God of War Palace!"

"Even the eight-star Emperor Wu's bombardment can be stopped, boy, when I go back and invite my father out, you will definitely die!"

The two are confident.

Thinking that Chen Feng couldn't break this wishful boat at all, he was helpless with the two of them.

And he thinks he has a strong backing behind him, enough to suppress Chen Feng!

Chen Feng shook his head: "You guys, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that moment!"

He laughed suddenly, let out a low growl, and slammed a punch!

The incomparable strength came out courageously in an instant, directly hitting the heavy light curtain around the iron black Ruyi Boat!

A loud noise!

The heavy light curtain, unable to support even for an instant, was shattered!

Bang bang bang...

The sixteen layers of light curtains were all shattered at the same instant!

Add it up, they couldn't last for a moment!

After that, Chen Feng's fist fell on the iron black wishful boat!

The iron-black wishful boat made a crunching sound, instantly distorted, and then, with a bang, it exploded into countless fragments!

The powerful Ruyizhou that could withstand the offensive of the Eight-Star Emperor Wu was smashed by Chen Feng with a punch!

Floating in the void!

Everyone was in an uproar!

This punch made everyone clear about one thing.

Chen Feng really has the Eight-Star Martial Emperor, even stronger!

Chu Shaoyang and Xiahou Yinghao were still full of disapproval when Chen Feng threw a punch.

The next moment, that smile was frozen on his face.

Then, it turned into extreme fear!

The two yelled, trying to avoid, but how can they avoid it?

As the iron-black Ruyi Boat was directly shattered, the two were also affected!

I felt like I was hit by a hammer in my chest, and he was vomiting blood again and again, and I was directly shaken out!

Chen Feng would naturally not let them go.

With a flash of figure, he came to Xiahou Yinghao's side.

Xiahou Yinghao screamed bitterly: "You..."

The following words, before being said, were shot by Chen Feng.

In an instant, his eyes widened, his body trembled, and blood spurted wildly.

His lips trembled as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

At this moment, his eyes were full of regret, and he suddenly uttered a crazy roar with the last few minutes of strength; "I am so regretful!"

The breath is cut off!

The figure fell down.

This powerhouse of God of War, a man who was inexhaustible in the Dragon Vessel Continent, was directly killed by Chen Feng!

In the next instant, Chen Feng had already come directly to Chu Shaoyang's side.

In his eyes, Xiahou Yinghao is not worth mentioning.

He valued Chu Shaoyang more, or, to be precise, the ancient power behind Chu Shaoyang!

Chen Feng came to Chu Shaoyang instantly, slapped him casually, and directly smashed all the offensives of Chu Shaoyang.

Then, with a light tap of his finger, he sealed the meridians all over his body.

Lift him in your hand like a chicken.

Chu Shaoyang was even more desperate, knowing that he and Chen Feng were not at the same level.

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "Tell me, where is the person behind you?"

Chen Feng captured him alive, just to ask about the existence of the ancient mighty power.

That great power, although he had never met Chen Feng, he left a painful memory for Chen Feng!

With a prominent finger from the ancient power, he almost knocked Chen Feng to death, which left a deep impression on him.

Almost has become his demons!

Chen Feng must kill him if he wants to break this demon!

What's more, such a time and again have to deal with his own existence, if you don't clean up, Chen Feng will feel like a throat!


Chu Shaoyang gasped, "So you want to find out his whereabouts. Do you think I will tell you if you ask?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "Do you think I am discussing with you?"

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