Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4698: The big formation that trapped the dragon vein continent to death

Chen Feng heard it, and the goose bumps all over his body were all over, shuddering beyond words!

What kind of school is this Yuxu fairy gate!

How strong and determined are their people?

At this moment, no one has retreated! No one escaped!

"At the last moment, we were trapped by them on the golden dome at the core of the sect."

"At this time, the real head teacher has already died in battle."

"And in my Yuxu fairy gate, only the six strongest elders are left!"

"Relying on my grandfather's shelter, my sister and I are still alive!"

The yellow bird was full of miserable expressions: "At this time, it's a dead end."

"Among those sects that besieged my Yuxu Immortal Gate, the one with the highest prestige came out and told us."

"If we honestly hand over the Dragon Vein Continent at this time, we people will die, but they will build the Jiuyou Tomb for us and rebuild the place of reincarnation ascending to heaven!"

"Help me wait and re-enter the cycle!"

Chen Feng was horrified and shocked: "Is there really a way to reenter the cycle?"

Huang Niao shook his head: "My level is too low to reach it."

"But when the elders are chatting, they often talk about it, thinking it should be."

Chen Feng silently wrote it down.

His heart is full of yearning for the mysterious and yellow world.

What a magnificent world this is, with what infinite secrets!

All-encompassing, exhausting my imagination.

"That's where I should go!"

The voice in Chen Feng's heart was stirring!

"Several top power experts in the sect, it is not rare for him to offer the conditions."

"Even after exhausting all the power at the end, the five people joined forces to spur a large taboo array that has been passed down since ancient times."

"The reason why this big formation is taboo is because it hurts others and self."

"The people who set up the big formation will have to pay a very painful price."

Chen Feng whispered: "This great formation must have trapped the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"Yes, these five elders first sealed them!"

"Then, cut off the connection between the Dragon Vein Continent and the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World, banished it, and entered the endless void."

"Finally, even with all his cultivation, using his body to integrate into this large formation, it also turned into a huge barrier that was extremely thick and impossible to break, and sealed the entire Dragon Vein Continent forcibly. "

"From then on..."

She looked at Chen Feng: "Longmai Continent has lost contact with Xuanhuang Zhongqian World forever."

"Longmai Continent, has been banished!"

"The five elders died, leaving only the three of us, grandpa and sister."

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel moved.

Yuxu Immortal Gate, a crowd of people, really are extremely strong.

"At this time only grandpa is left, but even so, grandpa still has a chance to escape."

"It's just that there is no way to take my sister and me away."

"So Grandpa didn't go by himself, but instead used his last strength to send me to the Dragon Vessel Continent."

"Because he knows that no place is safe, except for this Dragon Vein Continent that has been banished and has lost all contact with the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!"

"At the beginning, the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor he left in the Dragon Vessel Continent played a role."

"He took the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury as a beacon of time and space and sent me there."

"My sister, she instilled her last strength into my body, giving me the power to protect myself."

Tears were already rolling in her eyes.

"When I disappeared and came to the Dragon Vein Continent, I looked back."

"They have been overwhelmed by those enemies."

She suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a stern roar: "I hate it!"

"I hate why I don't have the strength. I practice every day and look forward to returning to the world of Xuanhuang Zhongqian and avenging them!"

"But 100,000 years later, I discovered a sad fact."

Chen Feng also thought of something, he took a deep breath and said softly:

"You find that the aura of the Dragon Vessel Continent is too scarce, and the upper limit of power is completely locked."

"So, no matter how you practice, there is no hope, right?"

The yellow bird nodded: "Not only that, I also found that my talent is too low."

"I was born in the yellow bird group, the yellow bird group, originally talented, looking at the mysterious yellow world, they are all considered to be very strong monsters."

"But for some reason, there seem to be layers of seals in my body, so that I can only use my talented bloodline ability to a trivial point!"

A sad smile appeared on her face: "My talent is determined. If I practice for millions of years, I will never be able to avenge them."

Chen Feng said: "So, you start looking for someone."

"Yes, so I changed my method. I want to find the most outstanding genius in the Dragon Vein Continent."

"Help him, guide him, let him go to Xuanhuang Zhongqian World."

"Avenge for me, for my sister, for my grandfather, for my Yuxu fairy gate!"

Chen Feng sighed: "Unfortunately I ran into the God of War Mansion!"

Huang Niao said lightly: "The God of War Palace gave me a slap in the face."

"I treated them wholeheartedly, but they imprisoned me, trying to torture me for good."

"So, I didn't tell them anything at all!"

"They have delayed me a whole half a million years! In these half a million years, I have not seen the sun, nor have I seen any wizards. They have delayed me for half a million years until now!"

She gritted her teeth with hatred!

Suddenly he slapped the gourd on his waist.

Suddenly, Xiahou Jiuyuan's screams in the gourd became more stern.

Then, she suddenly flickered and came to the mountains behind the God of War Palace.

A very tall and majestic stone mountain is covered with huge tombs.

Here is the tomb of the ancestors of the God of War Palace.

The yellow bird smiled coldly and let out a sharp roar, like Fengmao for nine days.

She waved her hands again and again, and her incomparable strength poured out!

Boom boom boom...

Those powerful protective barriers were directly shattered!

Then, these tombs, one by one, were all razed!

But in a moment, it has become a ruin.

The huge and luxurious giant coffin was also directly blasted out, scattered everywhere.

a mess!

The yellow bird panted heavily, and the hatred in his eyes faded slightly.

At this point, she seemed to have just solved her hatred.

Chen Feng suddenly said softly, he obviously felt that Huang Bird's mood was very low.

Chen Feng took a closer look and saw that a black gas flashed across Huang Bird's face.

At that moment, her beautiful face became cold and fierce.

"I couldn't find someone, and I was imprisoned."

The yellow bird murmured to himself, and suddenly slapped his face severely, cursing in a low voice:

"Yellow bird, yellow bird, you are such a waste! Can't do anything!"


The yellow bird's eyes lit up suddenly: "Now, I found you!"

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