Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4825: Space magic circle! Successful raid!

It was a very small gem.

Smaller than the tip of a needle, it quietly fell towards the ground.

Very small, very slight, just like a particle of dust.

A dozen or so steps away, a team of strong men is slowly passing by.

But this little gem only has an extremely faint light.

Under the shining moonlight in the sky and the bright lights around, it didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

When they stepped on the ground, this little gem also quietly fell inside the gate, in the shadow.

It takes at least one hundred breaths for a strong team to pass, and the next strong team to come back.

One hundred breaths is enough to do a lot of things!

In the next moment, the little gem suddenly shattered silently.

In the same place, a black disc with a diameter of about two feet appeared.

Dim and inexplicable, without any breath fluctuations.


There is the Xiong Family Camp in the Wu Clan hundreds of thousands of miles away.

In the patriarch's tent, there is awe.

Thousands of strong people lined up in a neat team.

Each of them is holding a strange monster.

The shape of this monster is extremely simple, and it feels like a few lines drawn with a brush.

Simple, even rough.

However, there is nothing superfluous.

The whole body is full of evil and violent power.

This special monster is called the witch beast.

It is a special product of the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan demons, and many powerful men have a Witch Beast.

Get along day and night, the heart is connected.

The strength of the witch beast is not inferior to them, and it is their most loyal combat partner.

The combat power of each witch beast knight is equivalent to twice that of the witch clan powerhouse of the same level!

A whole thousand people, all of them are witch beast knights, this is actually equivalent to the combat effectiveness of two thousand witch clan powerhouses.

Before the team, it was a huge circle.

The radius is thousands of meters, and the extremely strong spatial power shines brightly in it.

Void and vague.

You Xiong Jie looked at Zhan Xiu beside him, his eyes deep.

"In order to build this huge space array that can accommodate a thousand people and span hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, it has consumed my ten-year accumulation of Xiong's.

"You, don't let me down."

Zhan Xiu smiled slightly: "Don't worry."

In fact, at this moment, he was extremely excited and worried.

However, as the leader of all the strongest people in the sky, he is also the person who presides over this matter, but he can't show it anyway.

It still looked like Zhizhu was holding it.

There are dozens of people beside him, who are the many strong people on the top of the sky.

Zhan Xiu has already explained to them the plan for today.

They know that if this time goes well, they will get extremely huge benefits.

Among other things, Xiong Jie has already agreed, and as long as this succeeds, each of them will have a witch beast.

Moreover, the strength is definitely not lower than their own.

This also means that as long as this time succeeds, each of them will double their strength!

Such a big benefit makes everyone's eyes red.

Zhan Xiu suddenly looked at Cui Jiuxi and said leisurely: "Cui Jiuxi, you are the weakest."

"Go, it's also the burden of my waiting, just stay here!"

Hearing this, Cui Jiuxi's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

Then, unspeakable anger, grievance, and loss surged in his eyes!

Others looked at him, gloating.

"This Cui Jiuxi should indeed stay."

"Yeah, he was only going to die. After all, he is the weakest among us."

In the end, Cui Jiuxi's eyes turned into a touch of numbness, and he whispered, "Yes."

Zhan Xiu smiled triumphantly.

Seeing Cui Jiuxi's reaction like this, the people around looked even more down.

Xian Yu Wan Beast simply spit in front of him, disdainfully sneered: "Trash, coward!"

There was Xiong Jie beside him, watching this scene indifferently.

This is the private matter of these warriors of the eccentric Yingzhou mainland, and he does not intend to take care of it.

Just now.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in that formation.

A black circle appeared, right in front of Zhan Xiu!

Zhan Xiu could hardly suppress the ecstasy in his heart and let out a low growl: "It's done!"

He didn't hesitate, just stepped into it.

In an instant, the figure disappeared.

In the next moment, there were more than a dozen black apertures appearing, and many strong men of the sky also stepped into them.

Then, more and larger apertures appeared.

However, within a few breaths, the whole magic circle has been enveloped.

Xiong Jie let out a low roar, his voice trembling: "Go!"


All the powerful witches stepped into the circle.

In the next moment, all disappeared.

At Bai Bone Peak Daying, a long and faint figure emerged from the small black circle.

At the same time, there is also a very weak atmosphere of space coming out from it.

This thing turned out to be a piece of space equipment.

And as this figure appeared, he immediately took out a dozen things from his arms at an extremely fast speed, and scattered them to the ground.

In an instant, those things turned into more than a dozen spatial teleportation treasures.

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures appeared from it.

Then, they threw out more space to transport treasures.

Almost instantly. Dozens of people appeared here.

There are humans, and there are witch demons.

Zhan Xiu took a deep breath, looked at the towering Bone Peak camp in the distance, felt the breath of countless powerful people around him, and was extremely excited!

The extreme ecstasy!

A voice in my heart roared wildly: "It is done, we are done!"

Beside him, most of those strong in the sky are like this.

However, for fear of disturbing others, he resisted without making any sound.

Almost just a few moments of effort, hundreds of people appeared in this clearing!

This time, their breath could no longer be concealed.

In fact, they don't need to cover up at all!

Murderous and powerful, soaring into the sky!

In an instant, those strong patrols have already discovered the situation here.

I was silly to see this scene.

Between the shadows, the shadows, and the darkness, hundreds of witch demons appeared here?

how is this possible!

The first reaction of those strong patrols was that they couldn't believe it and rubbed their eyes.

The next moment, I found out that this was true.

They also reacted extremely quickly, and immediately screamed and killed them.

In an instant, kill into a ball!

However, these warriors in charge of patrolling are all ten people, or even a few people.

How can it be compared to those witches and demons, with so many people?

The witch demons, a thousand strong, all assembled.

Under the leadership of ten experts in the Star Condensing Realm, the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, they are already in ten teams.

And one after another stepped on the witch beast, instantly turning into a witch beast knight.

Several leading Witch Clan Star Condensing Realm experts successively issued orders.

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