Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4835: The Great Array of Thunder Destroying the World!

The Tiancun Beast Slave explained it carefully before Chen Feng understood.

It turned out that the reason why this beast gun was so lifeless was because I didn't know what great changes it had suffered that day.

Cut off by life!

At the time of the cut, the spirit of the beast's spear in the beast's spear was also severely injured.

Its power is not one in ten.

There was only a remnant soul left, falling into deep sleep.

And this beast spear also fits perfectly with the beast slaves who have a special origin and don't know what race they are.

At that moment, when the cruel beast slave held his hand on it.

Suddenly, the remnant soul in the beast's gun was actually awakened.

But this remnant soul, sleeping for too long, could not support it at all, it was directly absorbed by the heavenly remnant beast slave.

Therefore, the strength of the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave has greatly improved.

The consequence is that the soul of the Tiancun Beast Slave was sucked into the Beast God Spear and briefly became the Spear Spirit of the Beast God Spear! Spiritual!

Therefore, the beast slave can control the beast gun.

For a short time, reaching the level of the unity of man and gun.

Replace the soul of the beast gun with the soul of your own body.

Thus, in an instant, the power of this incomplete beast gun was displayed.

However, the beast gun was extremely worn out, and with the strength of his soul, it could only support three breaths!

Three breaths almost exhausted his soul power.

After three breaths, his soul will be extremely traumatized.

Even the soul may be broken, fall into deep sleep, or even die directly.

Chen Feng suddenly said, "That's it."

The Tiancun Beast Slave waved the beast magic spear and said excitedly: "After I enter the state of combining humans and spears, I can exert one percent of the power of the beast magic spear in a complete victory!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "One percent, what power is it?"

The voice of Tiancun Beast Slave was trembling: "Star Soul Martial God Realm, fourth floor!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was instantly stagnant!

The fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

You can reach such a realm!

It can be so scary!

Exerting one percent of the power of the beast gun, you can have such a terrifying strength. It can be seen how strong this beast gun is when it wins!

Then, he laughed excitedly.

He patted the beast slave on the shoulder again: "You really didn't let me down! Nor did you let down this beast gun!"

With the strength of the Tiancun Beast Slave, Chen Feng can play another powerful hole card!

Chen Feng was very excited: "If this is the case, my plan will be more certain."

At this time, hundreds of thousands of miles away, there is the Xiong's big camp.

In the patriarch's tent.

Zhan Xiu and others stood there blankly.

There are strong Xiongs around, staring at them, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Roar loudly, murderous intent!

It turned out that after Zhan Xiu and the others returned, the whole You Xiong clan was shocked!

When I went, it was more than a thousand Erlang.

Only a few of them came back!

This makes all the strong Xiongs, why not be angry?

Have to kill one after another quickly!

There was Xiong Jie expressionless, looking at those screaming strong Xiongs, and said lightly: "Let him explain first, let him die, and die."

There were many strong Xiongs, and then they calmed down.

At this time, Zhan Xiu, with a calm and calm face, smiled and said:

"Okay, then I'll talk to the patriarch."

"This time, there are three steps."

"The first step, the patriarch and I have confirmed this matter."

"In the second step, my friend from the righteous Bai Bone Peak camp, I explained the process in detail, and he arranged for us to enter the Bone Bone Peak camp."

"third step."

The smile on his face was particularly brilliant: "My friend turned around and told Fang Wanjian, who is the coach of Baigufeng Daying."

A strong bearer next to him, Yin Han said:

"In other words, you knew this was a trap for a long time, and took us to die! Isn't it?"


Cham Hugh smiled.

In an instant, these strong Xiongs, like they were fried!

"Destroyed our Qianerlang, I will kill you!"

Several strong Xiongs directly rushed forward.

He even ignored Xiong Jie's words to block him.

Several of them have even reached the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Even Xiong Jie can't stop them!

Zhan Xiu was surprised, he didn't want to die here unexplainably.

Immediately stepped back, an object appeared in his hand, and he shouted loudly: "Master Patriarch, this treasure in my hand can explain everything I said!"

"Fucking back for Lao Tzu, do you want to rebel?"

You Xiong Jie's eyes flashed, and he let out a low growl.

In an instant, everyone was shaken back.

Zhan Xiu said word by word: "What is this?"

Zhan Xiu smiled slightly: "Bone Bone Peak Camp, the formation of the thunder and the world!"


At this moment, all the powerhouses of Xiongshi City were shocked!

Originally, just now, they were so angry that they would smash Zhan Xiu and the others into pieces, but they calmed down all at once.

Because everyone knows the value of this array!

It can even be said that no one in this world knows the value of this array better than them!

No one wants this map more than them!

The offensive between the witch demons and the right way lasted for a thousand years.

Between each other, canine teeth.

The major clans of the Witch Clan demons are responsible for different attack directions.

There is the Xiong clan, who is in charge of attacking from the Jiuyin Mountain Range to Baigufeng Daying.

In the past thousand years, in fact, they have breached the Jiuyin Mountain Range several times and hit the White Bone Peak.

However, in the end, without exception, they all stopped before the White Bone Peak camp, smashed into the sand!

Then, under heavy losses, he was afraid of the arrival of righteous reinforcements.

Therefore, we can only retreat in anguish.

It can be said that for You Xiong, this White Bone Peak camp is their nightmare!

It was they who wanted to spend all the money and had to pull it out, a belly nailed to their heart!

Over the past millennium, they have tried countless times.

However, none succeeded.

The strength of the defenses of the White Bone Peak Camp, looking at the entire right way, is extremely rare.

Relying on the bones of possibly the most powerful monster beast in this world in the ages, the right way took almost a hundred years of their accumulation.

Created this terrifying, huge, complicated, and extremely solid array!

In this big array, nothing can be seen outside.

In fact, it is in a radius of thousands of miles, covering thousands of miles upwards and thousands of miles downwards.

After the opening of the big formation, it is as good as gold.

How many strong Xiongs died there.

The most important thing to break through the big formation is the formation!

Now, the formation of the Lei Shishi Great Array is in front of them?

How can they not get excited?

In an instant, even Xiong Jie's breathing became heavy!

He chopped his hand to **** the pattern.

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