Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4862: Chen Feng's backhand

"Coming and going freely on the territory of the human race, killing countless."

"You said, righteous people, how would you think of you?"


Fang Wanjian's face suddenly changed: "You, what you said is true?"

He naturally knew that what Chen Feng said was absolutely true.

However, I still hold some last hope in my heart.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "You can check the corpse, and you will find that there is a dead person here. Among all the descendants of the Xiong family, one of them has a bear mang."

"At the same time, there are fewer. A hundred of his guards who should have died here, and a thousand members of the Clan Xiong who belong only to his control!"

Fang Wanjian had a sullen face, unable to say a word.

Ji Manhao's expression changed drastically, and he quickly ordered to go down.

Chen Feng was there waiting leisurely.

After an hour, someone responded.

There are also quite a few people in the human camp. They have been dealing with the Xiong family for so many years, and they know them very well.

After careful investigation, the report came up.

Sure enough, there were no bear mans, and the bodies of the guards around him.

Fang Wanjian's face was gloomy, and he was no longer as relaxed as before.

He knows what it means.

Staring at Chen Feng, he said coldly: "You did this all?"

Chen Feng spread out his hands and said leisurely: "Originally, there was a Xiong clan in the Witch Clan, so there would be no army left."

"But it's a pity that I have always been cautious, just for fear of Master Fang Wanjian, you will do such a thing."

"So, I deliberately left behind and left a remnant army for them."


Chen Feng spread his hands and looked helpless: "I guessed it."

He paused, then smiled and said, "Only I know where the remnant of the Xiong family is."

"If you kill me, you will never kill them in your life."

"They will become a huge stain on you!"

"Even, someone will say that your Master Fang Wanjian is trying to get a reputation, and you have not wiped out the Xiong family at all, but just put gold on your face."

Fang Wanjian's face grew gloomy.

What Chen Feng said is very likely.

It is also very powerful to sway each other between the right ways.

As long as someone caught him with a little handle, he would not let it go.

In fact, Chen Feng is not in a fighting state now, he can leave at any time if he wants to leave.

But Chen Feng still has the most important move, and the last two moves of his big plan have not been taken.

Chen Feng will not leave now.

He took a slight breath: "The trick that was arranged that day was finally used."

It turned out that Chen Feng left Xiong Mang as a backhand on that day.

Even, he had already told Xiong Mang that this was a trap.

He also advised Xiong Mang to keep the people at hand.

Don't act rashly.

Chen Feng knows very well that Xiong Mang, who has such an upright and admirable temperament to his father, will definitely tell Xiong Jie about this matter, and will definitely persuade Xiong Jie hard.

But at the same time, Chen Feng was even more aware that he would never listen to Xiong Mang's words before he gave him the huge temptation in front of Xiong Jie.

This strength is not high, and he would not pay much attention to the suggestion of the concubine who has the Xiong family and has no status.

And everything, just as Chen Feng expected.

After You Xiong Mang returned to You Xiong's camp, he didn't take what he said to Chen Feng.

As a result, after discovering the existence of Zhan Xiu and others, he was already quite wary.

Xiong Jie has repeatedly advised.

But how can he persuade Xiong Jie?

On the contrary, he hated him more and more.

In the end, Xiong Mang could not persuade him.

I remembered what Chen Feng had ordered.

Just ask Ying, and lead a thousand people to guard the old camp.

This behavior has been criticized in You Xiong.

He was considered to be a coward, afraid to fight.

After being scolded by Xiong Jie, he also agreed to his request.

Chen Feng thought leisurely: "At this time, Xiong Mang must have known the news of the collapse of the Xiong City army."

"Presumably, Cui Jiuxi will not disappoint my expectations."

"Next, he will lead this remnant army of the Xiong clan to fight everywhere."

"It's revenge, but also some benefits."

It turned out that Chen Feng just put Cui Jiuxi back, just to tell him that there are still many benefits to be made from Xiong Mang.

Chen Feng is not worried about the fate of Xiong Mang next.

Whether Cui Jiuxi wanted to kill him or use him, anyway, at least assure that during this period of time, before Chen Feng returned to the top of the sky, Xiong Mang would not die.

Moreover, I'm afraid there will be quite a lot of noise.

The greater the movement over him, the more advantageous Chen Feng.

As for the ending of Xiong Mang after returning to the top of the sky, Chen Feng can't manage it.

Anyway, in Chen Feng's eyes, he was just a chess piece.

At most, it's a living longer chess piece.

When the player has left the field, who cares about the fate of the chess piece?

Ji Manhao's eyes flashed: "Marshal, do you want to catch the two of them, tortured..."

Chen Feng smiled: "I can guarantee that you can't ask a word."

Fang Wanjian also shook his head, this was the best way.

He is also worthy of being a hero, like a righteous person.

At this time, he immediately calmed down, looked at Chen Feng, and said lightly: "What do you want?"

"Look at what you said, my lord Chen Feng has always been loyal to you."

"My purpose is also to assist your lord to ascend the position of the overlord of the right way."

"Even now, nothing has changed."

Chen Feng was extremely sincere.

"If you continue to use me, Dashuai Fang, I will help you ascend the right way overlord!"

Fang Wanjian's face changed and he smiled.

He patted Chen Feng on the shoulder again and laughed: "Okay!"

"The old man just now was just a test for you, and sure enough, you didn't disappoint the old man."

Chen Feng also smiled: "How can I have two hearts with the boss!"

The Tiancun Beast slave was dumbfounded when he watched from the side.

The two of them were back at war, you come and I go, but now they are so close.

He shook his head and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, Big Brother can deal with these people."

"If I change it to me, it would have been calculated to death."

Before Chen Feng could speak, Fang Wanjian said loudly: "This time, Yan Changfeng, you have contributed the most."

"As a person who defected from the Wu clan, I am all committed to the righteous way. It is even more gratifying and commendable!"

"Just say what you want!"

"What the old man can do, I will satisfy you!"

Chen Feng smiled, Fang Wanjian, this was letting himself make the conditions.

"Okay, then you're welcome."

Chen Feng stretched out a finger: "First, on this battlefield, I want all the blood of the Witch race."

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