Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4925: Hit till it's served!

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the center of the hall.

Chen Feng stood in place.

A fist stopped less than an inch in front of him.

And the tall and thin man slowly lowered his head.

Chen Feng's fist pierced his body!

Flesh and blood spilled all over the floor!


The tall and thin man only had time to make the last sound, and his eyes disappeared.


Chen Feng remained indifferent as usual and withdrew his hand.

With a light push, the tall and thin man's body fell backwards.

In the whole hall, there was no sound.

too fast!

Almost no one can see exactly when Chen Feng punched!

Hit to death!

Is he really just a nine-star martial emperor?

Chen Feng stood there and scanned the crowd again.

He had no mercy with that punch just now.

The purpose is to Liwei!

This group of handyman disciples, who have stayed here for a long time, have forgotten how many catties they are.

Only absolute strength can eliminate future troubles forever.

In the hall, many people were shocked.

This person is not weak!

Some of the handyman disciples had this idea for a moment, but then they shook their heads.

Chen Feng in front of him is indeed only the cultivation base of Emperor Wudi Nine Stars.

No matter how powerful Jiuxing Wudi is, it is limited.

Although, Chen Feng's posture of killing him with a punch is a little scary.

However, there are many people who have the strength of tall and thin men.

The brawny bald man looked at the little brother who fell on the ground, instantly furious!

Little brother is dead, but Chen Feng makes his face dull and serious!

"Little bastard, it seems that you have to let Grandpa come in person!"

He strode forward, the first floor aura of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, pressing down!


Chen Feng waved his hand casually.

The bald man flew out several tens of meters, knocking down a group of handyman disciples.

Falling to the ground, blood spurted wildly.

Without saying a word, he was directly killed!

Everyone's eyes are horrified!

They looked at the brawny bald man lying in the distance.

"We...Boss Wei, dead, dead."

Someone shivered and said.

The exclamation resounded through the hall.

In an instant, everyone in the hall turned their heads and looked at Chen Feng.

His face was full of shock!

In the entire A-character courtyard, the strength of the bald man is in the top ten!

Since he came to the Ten Thousand Beast Palace, he has almost hit the entire Jiaziyuan.

Even those with strength above him are reluctant to provoke this kind of sting.

This person had good blood in his body, although he certainly couldn't reach the level of a **** and demon body refiner.

However, his body is extremely tough and extremely resistant to fights.

Fighting him, even if the cultivation base is better than that, it won't take much advantage.

And he must report, and he has a grumpy temper.

Unless you can kill with one hit, trouble will continue.

This is also the main reason why he can become the leader of a small group.

Chen Feng still stood in the center of the hall, motionless.

It looked calm and calm, as if nothing had happened.

He looked at the small group closest to him.

The brawny bald man is dead, and there are six or seven people in this small group, all of them are pretty good.

Looking at the entire Jiaziyuan, it is also in the forefront.

The handyman disciples who were met by Chen Feng's eyes were scared to death!


They can only think of these two words in their hearts.

This Chen Feng did not use any martial arts techniques at all, only relying on physical strength!

With one punch, they killed their boss.

This kind of flesh is as terrifying as the legendary demon god.

Chen Feng looked at them and smiled faintly: "You guys, do you want to do it with me?"

Those who had been clamoring before are now stepping back.

With fear written on everyone's faces, they forced a smile.

"No, dare not!"

Those six or seven people, without exception, waved their hands desperately.

"Dare not dare!"

"President, we don't know Taishan. I beg you a lot."

"Take us as a fart, let it go!"

They regret that their intestines are all green!

I can't wait to slap myself twice.

A nine-star martial emperor who can be directly appointed as the head of the Jiaziyuan, can it be an ordinary person!

Why do you want to provoke such a horror character!

Chen Feng's smile became more kind.

"You are welcome, come, I will let you go together!"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces looked like bitter gourds.

"No, we dare not fight..."

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "If you can't fight or not, you don't count!"

The next moment, he moved!

Chen Feng took the initiative to kill the six or seven people.

In an instant, it's near!

Seeing that he could not hide, one of them gritted his teeth and roared.

"Desperate with him! Let's go together, I'm afraid he won't make it!"

Everyone reacted.

There is only one Chen Feng, they have six or seven, and each cultivation base is in the first floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Don't you have the courage to connect with Chen Feng's attack!

If this is the case, what kind of face will they have in the Jiaziyuan in the future!

Chen Feng watched the changes in their faces.

His smile appeared brighter.

This is just right.

Defeating a group of unscrupulous cousins ​​can not achieve the effect of standing up.

Inside the hall.

The handyman disciples scattered around to make room for Chen Feng and the others.

Of course, it is mainly to prevent it from spreading to yourself.


Seven moves, attacking Chen Feng at the same time.

In the hall, an extremely violent power fluctuation erupted.

Everyone squinted.

The hair was messed up by a gust of wind.

The roar instantly turned into a scream!

The next moment, the screams stopped abruptly.

Individual disciples with the highest cultivation bases took the lead to react.

They looked towards the center of the main hall, and looked towards Chen Feng where they were.

His complexion instantly became extremely ugly.

In the middle of the empty hall, only one figure stood.

Under his feet, seven bodies fell.

Each one is covered in blood!

Abruptly killed by a punch!

Kill seven people with one punch!

"This is impossible!"

In the hall, everyone lost their voices when they saw this scene.

His eyes were full of fear.

Chen Feng looked like a demon in their eyes!

Very scary!

With two punches, the strongest force in the A-character courtyard can be crushed to death!

This is really the peak of Jiuxing Wudi, can it be done?

"How strong is he?"

"Star Soul Martial God Realm third floor?"

No one dares to contempt or provoke.

His eyes are full of awe.

However, Chen Feng did not interrupt and let them go.

He turned around and scanned all the handyman disciples present.

Every disciple of the handyman who was swept away by him shivered involuntarily.

Inside the hall, the needle fell, and the silence was extremely quiet.

Everyone is looking forward to it in their hearts.

I hope Chen Feng can stop here.

Don't continue!

"I think you seem to be very unconvinced."

Chen Feng smiled.

It reaches everyone's ears, but it is like a thunderstorm.

The more than three hundred people left in the hall all shook their heads like a rattle and waved their hands desperately.

"Dare not dare!"

"You're here to do this thing about the yard, who dares to say nothing, I will kill him!"

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