Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4929: Pure blue glass heart!

"At this time, the wound will open again."

"President, let's go quickly!"

Before the voice fell, the sound waves rolled!

The cliff was suddenly swept by sound waves.

King Golden Winged Garuda screamed frantically.

Sound waves wave after wave, almost leveling the entire cliff!

The sad screams are like magic sounds piercing your ears.

In an instant, Luo Qiuchuan was stunned.

Chen Feng's body also tightened, almost summoning the great witch divine body.

Suddenly, his heart moved.

"Perhaps, there is news..."

In an instant, the introspection of the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva quietly revolves.

At the same time, a faint golden Buddha light appeared all over him.

The golden Buddha light seemed faint, but strangely resisted the terrifying sound waves.

Below the cliff, the other Jialouluo birds all huddled together, hiding aside, trembling.

It's been a long time.

King Golden Winged Garuda finally came over.

The sound wave gradually subsided.

The golden Buddha light on Chen Feng also disappeared instantly.

As if never appeared.

Chen Feng had not had time to speak.

A voice came from the high cliff!

"You have a familiar breath."

Chen Feng was surprised.

The one who was talking about it was actually the golden-winged King Garuda!

It bowed its head and stared at Chen Feng indifferently.

After a long time, it spoke again.

"It seems that it is the breath of the ancestors."

Chen Feng did not respond.

He silently observed the golden-winged King Garuda.

King Golden Winged Garuda, turned around and walked towards the back of the cliff, and whispered softly: "You follow me, rest assured, I have no malice."

Chen Feng believed this.

On reaching the cliff, Chen Feng was more certain.

Behind the Golden Winged King Garuda, is its lair!

From his angle, he could see several fist-sized heart-shaped objects lying in the nest.

The whole body seems to be the best colored glaze carving.

Cyan glass heart!

Almost instantly, within Chen Feng's body, in the Martial Soul Space!

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul became extremely excited.

Its extreme desire was conveyed to Chen Feng the first time.

The cyan colored glass heart was full of desire to swallow.

The desire of Zhu Jiu Yin Wuhun has never been so strong!

"Candle Nine Yin Martial Soul, why is it so?"

"Why does this blue glass heart have such a huge attraction to him?"

Chen Feng forcibly suppressed the fierce emotions in the body of the Jiuyin Wuhun.

He turned his head and looked down the cliff.

Luo Qiuchuan also fainted on the ground.

Chen Feng observed for a while and confirmed that he was in a coma, and would never wake up for a while.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Feng faced King Jin Wing Da Jia Lou Luo again.

Shen said: "Please screen back left and right."

The Golden Winged King Jialoulu took a deep look at him, and screamed a few times. Suddenly, these Jialouluo divine birds spread their wings and flew out.

It didn't know what Chen Feng was going to do, but the aura on Chen Feng just now made him feel close inexplicably.

The next moment, suddenly, golden light surged in Chen Feng's body.

The golden scriptures of Buddhism in Buddhism quietly operate.

Turning his hands up, Chen Feng injected a breath into the body of King Dajialouluo.

The light golden Buddha light submerged into King Dajialou Luo.

In an instant, the golden wings glowed with brilliance.

King Dajialouluo trembled, and his feathers stretched out instantly. He closed his eyes and raised his neck comfortably.


Unconsciously make a low noise.

The most important thing is that on its back, the wound that almost split it in half.

At this moment, it suddenly collapsed, and golden blood poured out.

But, it didn’t make it worse...


The vitality of heaven and earth gathered into King Dajialou Luo.

That terrifying huge wound unexpectedly began to slowly heal!

Even Chen Feng, seeing all this, showed a strange color on his face.

He just had a guess, but he didn't expect that the effect was amazing.

However, Chen Feng only entered a breath after all.

The portion is limited.

After a while, the wound on King Dajialoulu slowly stopped healing.

It slowly opened its eyes.

Although the wound has not healed completely, the pain has almost disappeared!

It stared at Chen Feng without concealing its shock.

"Come again."

King Dajialouluo talked again.

The voice of the vicissitudes of life, the high-pitched tone, also carried a hint of urgency.

Chen Feng frowned upon hearing this.

He hates this tone.

However, he did not show it.

Just shook his head lightly.

Seeing his refusal, King Dajialouluo narrowed his eyes.

The terrifying aura was released instantly.

The surrounding forest shook violently, like a violent wind passing by!

The lair behind King Dajialoulu was swept away and completely exposed.

Chen Feng was the closest, and he felt the fastest and most true to this breath of transcendence.

If he hadn't transformed into a great witch **** body on the spot, he was afraid he would kneel to the ground!

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "You dare to go with me?"

"Only one breath a day!"

"Otherwise, there will be none at all!"

He was not afraid, coldly staring at the Golden Winged King Garuda.

King Dajialouluo's aura slowly converged.

It looked at Chen Feng and judged whether this sentence was true.

Chen Feng finally took back the great witch **** body, but his face was already quite ugly.

"From tomorrow, every noon, come and breathe for me!"

The voice of King Dajialoulu was not slow.

The order is general.

It stared at Chen Feng indifferently, with no room for discussion at all.

Chen Feng turned around and left.

King Dajialou has never seen such a bold disciple.

It has lived in the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts for many years. Apart from the original elder, who would dare to be so disrespectful to it?

"you wanna die!"

His eyes burst out with a strong killing intent, and King Dajialou raised his golden wings high.

Between the sparks and flints, Chen Feng let out a cold snort and flipped his hand to take out the Royal God Wan Beast Order.

Power poured into it.

In an instant, a burst of dark light spilled out, directly enveloping King Golden Winged King Garuda.

King Dajialouluo was in pain!

Every inch seems to be cut by thousands of swords, thunder and lightning!

The Royal God Wan Beast Order is directly aimed at the soul of the demon god!


King Golden Winged Garuda wailed.

The wounds that had healed a lot of time had a vague tendency to collapse again.

Chen Feng was not at all polite.

Urging the imperial gods and beasts, his expression was indifferent.

King Dajialoulu wailed and rolled on the ground.

The surrounding ancient trees were overwhelmed by its huge body.

The surrounding Garuda divine birds have never seen their king so embarrassed and angry.

But he didn't dare to shoot Chen Feng.

Even the Golden Winged King Garuda was suppressed, let alone them.

"Little friend, forgive me..."

Finally, King Dajialouluo trembled and lowered his posture.

It lowered its head to Chen Feng.

Only then did Chen Feng stop urging the Imperial God and Ten Thousand Beasts.

King Golden Winged Great Garuda got up weakly from the ground.

This time, it didn't dare to arrogate to Chen Feng.

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