Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4933: trap!

In a blink of an eye, a more domineering aura suddenly appeared and pressed against Chen Feng.

"Soul Eater Void Mirror!"

Kong Wanjun was also shocked.

"Ning Zhangyuan, this is going to use the treasure at the bottom of the pressure box!"

Above Ning Xiuyuan's head, a simple round mirror bordered by charred wood suddenly appeared, releasing a frightening atmosphere.

Awesomely another treasure!

This treasure is constantly emitting gray and black smoke visible to the naked eye.

Listen carefully, you can even hear the screams and roars of the ghosts.

This is another treasure of Ning Xiuyuan.

Compared with that great bow, the level is much higher.

Chen Feng looked at the Soul Devouring Void Mirror, and his tongue was smacked.

It seems that this Ningzhang Academy has many treasures.

Seeing him offering two rare treasures, his face didn't feel distressed.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Go on, how many treasures are there? Let's take them out together."

"No more, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to take it out again."

Ning Xiuyuan had stayed in Wan Beast Palace for so long, and no one had ever dared to be so arrogant to him.

"court death!"

He roared and urged the Soul Devouring Void Mirror to shine on Chen Feng.

Black smoke gushed out, and countless evil spirits roared fiercely inside.

The ghosts all cried and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head.

In the next moment, the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara quietly revolves.

The golden light of the ancient Buddha flashed out slightly.

Those black smoke touched the golden light of the ancient Buddha, instantly, like snow in the sun.

Direct ablation.

The black smoke melted, and countless evil spirits were evaporated into black mist.

In the screaming scream, nothing disappeared without a trace.

The golden light of the ancient Buddha spreads upwards, like a breeze, falling on the Soul Eater Void Mirror.

There was a crisp sound, and the Soul Devouring Void Mirror seemed to be hit hard.

There was a violent tremor, and then with a click, there was a gap in it!

Almost shattered.

There seemed to be a scream from inside.

Obviously, it is the voice of Qi Ling.

Ning Xiuyuan's treasure was damaged, and he was also seriously injured.

Wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Staring at Chen Feng, he roared in anger, "You, broke my treasure?"

"Not only did you shatter your treasure, but you also need to be shattered!"

Chen Feng laughed.

Strode towards him.

"After so many hits, now, is it my turn?"


Chen Feng disappeared from the same place.

A fist appeared in front of Ning Xiuyuan.

Shattered all his defenses!

It was stamped **** his chest.


Ning Xiuyuan let out a scream and flew out, spurting blood.

Kong Wanjun and Dai Sheng's eyes widened!

Can't believe it!

Yun Wan'er was even more surprised and covered her mouth.

Chen Feng closed his fists and looked sideways at Kong Wanjun.

"Would you like to have a discussion?"

When Chen Feng was staring at him, Kong Wanjun was like a thorn on his back.

He could see everything that happened just now better than anyone else.

Chen Feng didn't use martial arts, relying purely on physical strength.

On the physical body, he is not as good as Chen Feng!

The scene was terribly silent.

A few dozen meters away, Ning Xiuyuan fell to the ground, wailing, unable to get up for a long time.

At this moment, his heart has been filled with fear!

Chen Feng is terrible!

His body is extremely strong!

Moreover, the speed and body are equally unpredictable.

The rumors are true!

With such strength, it would be normal to beat ordinary handyman disciples!

Ning Xiuyuan was completely scared.

It was Yun Waner who broke the deadlock.

"Everyone, it's too early."

"I'll talk about it after discussing things, let's go first."

Chen Feng glanced at the others again, his expression faint.

He didn't bother to clean up these people.

But to fight, he will accompany him.

Kong Wanjun and Dai Sheng sighed in relief.

They helped Ning Xiuyuan up.

After making some adjustments, the group left the floating mountain.

Half a day later, he went out of the scope of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Go all the way north.

At this time, no one dared to be disrespectful to Chen Feng.

A few days later.

"This is Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain."

Yun Wan'er pointed to the rolling mountains ahead.

The ravines ahead are vertical and horizontal, the mountains rise, and the strange rocks are rugged.

Like a supernatural craftsmanship, the whole mountain looked like a phoenix spreading its wings and shouting.

Purple smoke surrounds the mountain.

The strange bird pulls the broken gong's voice, and the strange call is close and distant, and sometimes faint.

"The last time I came here, I waited in the depths of the purple smoke and felt the fluctuation of the heart of stars."

"But at the time, I was anxious to go back and return."

Yun Wan'er whispered to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded.

"Then go in and take a look."

The five temporarily formed a square formation and gradually penetrated into the purple smoke.

Entering the mountains shrouded in purple smoke, those strange birds chirping, disappeared strangely.

Chen Feng was on guard and increased his vigilance.

Unlike the other four, he is here for the first time.

Chen Feng knew nothing about everything inside.

While guarding against unknown dangers, he also had to guard against these people around him.

Defenses can not do without!

Amidst the tranquility, Ning Xiuyuan took out another treasure.

Purple light silver moon scoop!

This huge spoon covered with complicated and complicated textures is like a silver moon, but it is faintly reflecting the light purple brilliance.

In the dark purple smoke, it revolves in the void.

Suddenly, the spoon handle of the purple light silver moon scoop points to the southeast!


The group of people headed southeast and quickly followed.

The surrounding ancient trees gradually became thinner.

In Chen Feng's mind, there was a faint feeling that the situation was a bit wrong.

He felt that there seemed to be some strange breath, quietly surging.

He has the strongest perception.

Others are still ignorant.

He lowered his voice and asked Yun Wan'er.

"Last time, how did you discover the breath of the heart of the stars?"

Yun Wan'er said that usually they would go to various mountains to search for treasures.

Thanks to the many treasures of Ningzhang Academy.

Last time, when they were in a nearby valley, this purple silver moon scoop suddenly pointed towards Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain.

At the same time, the whole body of purple light became more and more dazzling.

As they approached, they noticed the breath of the heart of stars.

"However, there were only three of us, Ning Zhang Yuan and Dai Zhang Yuan. We are not good at close combat, so we dare not act rashly."

After listening to Yun Wan'er's explanation, Chen Feng's doubts became even greater.

Suddenly, a very dangerous premonition surged into his heart, and Chen Feng stopped.

As soon as he stopped, everyone stopped.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A piece of dark purple light suddenly lit up, turning into countless dark purple lights, crisscrossing the air.

In an instant, it turned into a big formation!

Almost the tip of Chen Feng's nose lit up!

Yun Wan'er and Chen Feng were temporarily behind because of the conversation just now.

And the first three were instantly enveloped in by a large array!

"It's a trap!"

Chen Feng looked cold and solemn, pulling Yun Wan'er back.

Within the dark purple array, a dense poisonous mist instantly diffused out.

Covered Ning Xiuyuan and three people.

They panicked instantly, not knowing what to do.

Yun Wan'er said sternly: "Take out all of your body protection!"

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