Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4941: Murong Zhe's murderous heart!

In an instant, the eyes were red, and the eyes were cracked!

In the water curtain, the screen quickly switched, and quickly flashed back to the end.

The water in the void suddenly fell on the ground with a slight click.

Everything returned to calm.

Murong Zhe lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

He clenched his fists, looked in the direction of Jiaziyuan, and yelled furiously.

"Chen Feng! I swear, I must kill you myself!"

but not now!

Although Murongzhe was furious, he did not lose his mind.

He knew very well that within the sect, one could not kill at will.

As a formal disciple, this is even more true.

Even if he is a true disciple and kills someone, he will definitely be locked into Xingtang Town Immortal Prison.

Or even kill directly.

The rules of the Galaxy Sword School cannot be challenged!

Murong Zhe looked at the inch of land where Huo Qingzhu fell to the ground and disappeared, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

After a long time, he left Baifeng Chaoyang Mountain and returned to Tianquan Jianzong.

"Come here."

He called someone and whispered in a low voice.

The other party nodded and said, "Don't worry! I must keep an eye on him!"


Chen Feng returned to Jiaziyuan, his courtyard.

Closing the bedroom door, he took out the eternal star heart that was red gold like the core of the sun.

Feeling the temperature in his palm, Chen Feng smiled.

Last night, he was thinking about the whereabouts of the heart of the stars.

Now, he already has the heart of an eternal star in his hand!

It's really easy to come by!

Chen Feng didn't know much about the heart of stars.

However, I heard Yun Wan'er say something before.

The heart of the eternal star is the core of the star at the level of the sun!

This is the essence of a big day!

"No wonder it will be regarded as the Thousand Year Treasure by the Great Sect of Demon Path."

At this moment, the courtyard was silent.

Everyone was temporarily dismissed by Chen Feng.

Things shouldn't be late, and late will change.

He is ready to absorb the heart of this star now.

Chen Feng clenched the heart of the star in his hand again, just about to absorb it.

Suddenly, a huge sound exploded in the room.

"Wait a minute."

Like thunder on the ground.

Chen Feng's eyes exploded in an instant, and his consciousness quickly explored all directions.

Outside the bedroom, nothing happened.

The handyman disciple passing by in the distance was unaware.

That voice only sounded in the room!

Airborne sound transmission!

And it can be controlled to such an extent!

This strength is extremely terrifying!

"It's me, come find me in the old place."

"Don't worry, no one will pay attention."

The voice came again.

Vicissitudes, vigorous.

This time, Chen Feng heard it.

The voice of King Dajialou!


The most terrifying strength of the entire Jiaziyuan is undoubtedly it.

Naturally, no one will discover what it is going to do.

Chen Feng quickly put away the heart of the eternal star, and went out.

Soon, he came to the edge of the cliff.

On the towering cliffs, King Dajialouro stands alone.

Seeing Chen Feng, his tone was calm and he spoke again.

"Everyone here is very smart."

"If you push them away, they will know you have secret things to do."

"I heard that you beat them up before?"

Chen Feng nodded.

King Dajialou also nodded slightly.

"Good job."

"But, not enough."

"You only scared them for the time being. Once you get the chance, they will still attack you."

"These people, no one is easy to come here."

King Dajialou looked at Chen Feng with deep eyes:

"You are Jiuxing Wudi, alone, what are you going to do that others can't guess?"

"When they absorb the heart of the stars, if they suddenly attack you, you will not die and you will be seriously injured."

Chen Feng was shocked instantly.

Only then did I realize that I was too urgent just now.

Suddenly, I was paralyzed and careless.

King Golden Winged Garuda continued.

"Here, I alone will not be against you."

"So, there is nothing safer than here."

"You live, I have hope."

Chen Feng nodded immediately.

"it is good."

He leaped slightly and jumped onto the cliff.

His heart was moving, and he took out the heart of the star again.

"Eternal Star Heart."

King Da Jia Lou Luo looked calm and said lightly.

Obviously, he knew more than Chen Feng in terms of the heart of stars.

What Chen Feng wanted was this response.

He immediately asked: "Eternal level, what level is it?"

"The Star Heart has four levels."

"Ordinary, star and moon, big sun, eternity."

"The lower the Wuhun level, the lower the level of Star Heart that needs to be used."

Speaking of this, King Dajialoulu said lightly.

"Your heart of the star is enough to use."

"I'm afraid you can't stand the power of the Eternal Star Heart."

It did not mean any disdain or mockery.

It just narrates a certain fact calmly.

Chen Feng was not angry either.

King Dajialoulu is telling the truth, he has seen too much in his life.

Chen Feng was not angry either.

Instead, he suddenly laughed.

He can be sure that he can definitely absorb the power of the heart of this eternal star.

Because, the nine-yin Martial Soul in the body can no longer be restrained!

The next second, Wuhun space moved slightly.

The Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candle suddenly appeared.

Zhu Nine Yin Martial Soul was obviously extremely excited.

It instantly wrapped around Chen Feng's arm, and then flew up to the neck.

I couldn't stop the whole thing, and constantly shuttled and shuttled around Chen Feng.

The intimacy and excitement are beyond words.

Although Zhu Jiu Yin was still a larva, the breath it released still shocked King Dajialou.

"The ninth rank of the celestial spirit!"

King Dajialoulu stared at Chen Feng in amazement.

"You have this level of martial arts, why are you just a handyman disciple?"

Chen Feng shrugged.

"I don't have a fairy root."

"With a Heavenly Ninth Grade Martial Spirit, what fairy roots do you want!"

King Dajialoulu looked excited.

Chen Feng coughed dryly.

He made a simple addition to the situation on the day of the assessment.

After listening, King Dajialoulu was silent for a while.

Then he said: "These idiots."

The original emotions also returned to calm again.

However, it still couldn't help looking at the candle nine yin.

Chen Feng found out that he seemed to see a slight strangeness from the face of King Dajialou Luo.

King Dagaruru seems to be frowning?

Could it be that it sees what the problem is with Jiu Yin?

Chen Feng stroked the Jiu Yin candle a few times and asked King Xiang Dajialou:

"My martial soul, is there any problem?"

King Golden Winged Garuda thought for a moment.

"It's not a problem."

"It's just that your ninth-grade celestial martial soul is not only of high grade, but...seems very special."

The action in Chen Feng's hand paused.

"Where is it special?"

"Special, I feel that it seems to have the ability to swallow infinitely."

When King Dajialoulu said this, Chen Feng was stunned.

He looked at the candle nine yin entwined in his hand again.

Chen Feng knew that Jiuyin was of the level of ancient beasts.

Even in the mid-thousand world, it can be regarded as the top.

But it was the first time he heard of where the top level was.

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