Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4981: Wield a knife! Heartbreaker!

It can only see what kind of relationship exists between people, but it cannot see in detail whether this person has a deeper relationship with the person involved.

Nevertheless, it is still very difficult to solve the "Yan Qingyu" in front of him.

Chen Feng almost squandered his physical energy.

Until the last moment, I can't bear it anymore.

This dream should also wake up.

With tears in his eyes, Chen Feng struggled to reach out.

The black and white long knife condensed out of thin air was instantly held in his hand.

He looked at "Yan Qingyu" ahead, and after struggling several times, he finally waved his arms high.

All the cards are out!

Accompanied by the "Yan Qingyu" in front of him disappeared suddenly.

Chen Feng knelt on one knee, feeling unable to recover for a long time.

At this moment, he almost forgot, "Yan Qingyu" was defeated.

But the succubus still exists!

Seeing Chen Feng's loss of power, the succubus became ecstatic.

The strange and cold laughter echoed under the sky again.

As "Yan Qingyu" dissipated, the succubus finally found Chen Feng's line of defense in an instant, and it loosened in an instant.

It only took a moment, her fingers quickly tapped in the air.

Countless hidden lines invisible to the naked eye can break through Chen Feng's spiritual defense.

The previous phantom characters are not difficult for the succubus.

Similarly, for Chen Feng, he can clearly realize that these are illusions.

Once you break through the spiritual defense, the opponent's real weakness will be exposed!

Use shallow-level phantom characters to stimulate the opponent, thereby breaking through the opponent's mental defense line, thereby giving a killer blow.

The succubus clan can even cross several realms to kill each other by relying on this conventional combat mode!

Tried and tested!

Chen Feng's spiritual defense only loosened for a short while.

This made the succubus in front of him secretly surprised.

Even the powerhouse of the seventh and eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm does not necessarily have the powerful mental power of Chen Feng.

However, this surprise only lasted for a moment.

In the next second, the Succubus gave a triumphant smile.

Through Chen Feng's spiritual defense line, it hurriedly saw a tall figure!

It's him!


The earthquake trembled and the dust scattered.

Chen Feng was awkward and focused, raising his head and looking forward.

The original "Yan Qingyu" is gone, replaced by a young man!

Dagon wears a crown and a crown of heaven.

The youth had a solemn expression and extraordinary bearing.

As long as he stood there, he felt a kind of domineering and majestic.

As if this person was born an emperor!

At this moment, the young man and Chen Feng looked at each other, his eyes were neither happy nor sad, indifferent and solemn.

The most important thing is that this person and Chen Feng are six to seven points alike!

Everyone thinks at a glance that they are close relatives.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's face changed drastically the moment he saw this young man.

In the heart of the bewitching succubus, there was already a smile in his hands.

It can affirm that this majestic youth is definitely Chen Feng's close relative.

Still stuck in the spiritual defense.

It shows that Chen Feng has strong emotions for him!

Before facing the master, Chen Feng had tossed himself to the present level.

Change to this dearest relative, absolutely can't do it!

"Since you don't do it, let me send you on the road."

The succubus smiled in his heart and continued to approach Chen Feng as a majestic youth.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Chen Feng, who was still exhausted, suddenly burst into a particularly intense hatred.

Crazy roar: "You! Give me! Die!"

Murderous bursts, almost erupting the sound of real metal impact.

The light flashed by.

In the eyes of the succubus, only black and white was seen.

Huaguang receded, and the body of the succubus stopped in place.

what happened?

Everything happened so fast!

Its eyes widened, and it didn't even react.

"how come……"

At this moment, all the illusions have all faded away.

The Succubus finally revealed its true colors.

Its face is getting paler and stiffer.

It's like wearing a mask.

When the time is up, the mask should fall off.

Chen Feng's heart moved at will, reaching out to catch the falling "mask".

This mask was as thin as a cicada's wings, and under the blue-gray starry sky, it was glowing quietly.

Extraordinary product!


The succubus who lost the mask revealed an extremely ugly body.

Devil figure, devil face.

The head slowly fell to the ground, in the dust.

Until the end, it's eyes widened, and it couldn't look down!

It doesn't understand what went wrong.

Obviously, Chen Feng had a great reaction to that young man!

But why is this hatred again!

Is this world so cruel to him?

So deep in the spiritual defense line, there is still a big enemy hidden?

It's just that it is impossible to know all this.

Chen Feng hasn't recovered from the emotion just now.

The only certainty is that in the impression, he has never seen that young man.

But it happened that when I saw this face, my heart got angry.

As if it were his natural enemy!

This hatred swept Chen Feng's limbs instantly.

Almost instantly, his strength skyrocketed.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to take action and directly beheaded it.

Chen Feng took two deep breaths and gradually calmed down.

He looked at the mask in his hand.

Divine consciousness detection is not unusual.

This mask has no remaining divine consciousness, or some other backhand restrictions.

Rather, a treasure that can be used!

Chen Feng directly put it on his face.

Soon, there was a great surprise in his heart!

The reason why the succubus can transform into the image of others is precisely because of this mask!

Once you put it on, you can become like other people according to your mind!

Body shape, facial features, temperament, etc., all changes!

There are almost no flaws!

This thing will be of great use in the future!

Chen Feng put away the mask and absorbed the power of the stars of the succubus.

This absorption took longer than any previous time.

In the end, Chen Feng had thirty-seven Star Pills in his hand!

He showed a smile of joy and absorbed it all on the spot.

After an hour, all thirty-seven star pills were absorbed!

His realm is still at the peak of the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

But in the star chart, there are three more stars, shining with dazzling light.

Chen Feng looked at himself for a while, and then let out a foul breath.

At this time, he once again recalled what had happened just now.

Why did the succubus become that person?

who's that person?

Why am I full of hatred?

Chen Feng vaguely guessed something, and his face sank again.

If it is really like he guessed, then he still has a long way to go.

However, these things are still far away from him.

The most urgent task is to continue to kill the demons, condense the star pill, and light up the star map!

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