Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5069: Old Demon Peng Shi!

"Do you have a token?"

It seemed a sparse and ordinary question, but Tantai Xuyao ​​felt a faint feeling in their hearts.

Just now, the old man's eyes slid across him at will, as if he could see through everything!

Tantai Xuyao ​​immediately looked towards Duanmu Sixin.

I saw Duanmu Sixin flipped his hand and pulled out a simple and strange black token, and showed it respectfully.

"Well, come with me."

The Ruizhen Magic Envoy saw the inky black token and immediately retracted his gaze.

He put away the fishing rod, turned around and held his hand, and walked towards the huge and strange temple behind him.

Tantai and Xuyao ​​let out a sigh of relief!


The two immediately caught up with Duanmu Sixin, followed the old man, and walked towards the temple together.

The Great Demon Lin Temple in front of him was filled with strange auras everywhere.

After the Ruizhen Demon Envoy passed through the special barrier, Sensen's devilish energy rushed toward his face!

All the buildings here are completely dark!

Upon closer inspection, Tantai and Xuyao ​​couldn't help being shocked.

To build this Great Demon Lin Temple, I don’t know what kind of materials are used, but it contains endless magic energy!

I saw a huge plaque hanging high in front.

The four scarlet characters in the letter-Da Mo Lin Temple!

At a glance, Tantai Xuyao ​​was almost lost!

I don't know whose blood is used in these four characters, they are so powerful!

He looked back again and again, not daring to look at it easily.

Sweeping around, there were demon servants wearing scarlet robes and pointed top hats everywhere.

The scarlet robes were embroidered with strange patterns.

All of these demon servants were pale as paper, without the slightest expression, and there was no light in their eyes.

Their whole bodies also constantly gushing out of devilish energy, like puppets, each has its own instructions.

For the four people who entered the Great Demon Lin Temple, none of the demon servants responded!

Everyone did not squint, as if they had never seen it.

Ruizhen magic envoy led Duanmu Sixin three people, all the way into the Great Molin Temple.

Soon, they came to a very majestic hall.

At the same time, the three of Chen Feng had followed all the way and came to the sea of ​​clouds.

With the devil's heart rooted in the spiritual world of Duanmu Sixin by Chen Feng, everything that Tantai Xuyao ​​and others have seen, Chen Feng has a clear view.

"We just wait outside, don't have to go in."

Chen Feng's face was serious and cautious.

He turned his head and looked at the sea of ​​clouds where he had just fished the dragon, and he was also jealous.

This great demon **** Yanjiao is stronger than he thought!

Just the Ruizhen Demon Envoy who dared to catch the dragon and swallow the dragon should not be underestimated!

The three are hidden in the sea of ​​clouds.

With Zhong Li Yuntian and Tianchou Beast Slave guarding beside him, Chen Feng continued to mobilize the devil's heart and continued to watch.

At this moment, the Ruizhen Demon Envoy and his party had already arrived outside a small hall.

This Ruizhen Demon Envoy obviously knew Duanmu Sixin.

In the long narrow corridor that entered the small hall, he chatted without a word.

"You are a little late today."

Tantai Xuyao, who was next to him, was stunned.

Duanmu Sixin arrived late, naturally because of them and the previous Zhongli Yuntian.

His eyes hidden in the gray cloak quietly looked at Duanmu Sixin.

Duanmu Sixin smiled cautiously.

He turned his head and looked at the two of Tantai.

"There was indeed a delay today."

Ruizhen Magic Envoy followed his gaze and glanced at Tantai Xuyao ​​again.

There was a little majesty in the deep and thick voice.

"If something goes wrong, just say it. After all, this is the Great Demon Lin Temple."

Hearing this, Tantai Ruochu secretly looked at Tantai Xuyao ​​on his side.

The hearts of the two were tense.

However, Tantai Xuyao ​​remained calm, and seemed to have some kind of hole card as a guarantee.

Sure enough, Duanmu Sixin smiled and arched his hands.

"That's natural. As the steward of City Lord's Mansion, Patriarch Duanmu's confidant will not be afraid."

Hearing Duanmu Sixin's words, Ruizhen Magic Envoy said nothing.

The two Tantais behind him also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the Ruizhen Magic Envoy looked forward.

"It's here, Old Demon Peng Shi is inside."

"The people have been brought here, so there will be nothing for me. Take one step ahead."

The three Duanmu Sixin bowed to him respectfully.

Watching Ruizhen Demon Envoy take a step, his figure disappears quietly.

Duanmu Sixin looked at the cloaked man on both sides behind him.

"Let's go in."

After that, he turned around and stretched out his hand to push open the Momen in the small hall.

Although it is only a small hall here, it is only relatively speaking.

The huge and magnificent hall is instantly greeted!

A devilish energy full of blood, at the moment Momen was pushed open, hit his face.

After the devilish energy dissipated, Tantai Xuyao ​​quietly looked forward.

I saw a middle-aged man in a blood-colored robe standing above the empty hall!

This is Old Demon Peng Shi!

Tantai Xuyao ​​has always had extremely keen senses.

He noticed at a glance that the blood-colored robe on Old Demon Peng Shi also had strange embroidery patterns.

However, it was different from the patterns on the previous Demon Servant.

It's the outline of a certain character!

Without waiting for him to think about it, he saw Old Demon Peng Shi with his back facing them, slowly turning around.

There was a billowing demon on his face, it was difficult to see the true face!

Tantai Xuyao ​​was shocked!

The middle stage of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Is this the foundation of the Great Demon God Yanjiao? Any strong man in the Great Demon Lin Temple has such strength!

"I have seen Old Demon Peng Shi."

Duanmu Sixin bent over and arched his hands respectfully.

However, the unrecognizable old demon Peng Shi did not look at him.

His sharp gaze penetrated the devilish energy, staring at the two cloaked people behind Duanmu Sixin like nails.

"Come to my Great Demon Lin Temple and still cover up like this, is it a blind eye?"

Old Demon Peng Shi's voice was hoarse, but implied supreme coercion.

Almost instantaneously, Tantai Xuyao ​​and two of them were on their backs, cold and sweaty.

Duanmu Sixin was also sweating, and turned around quickly, lowering his voice and pretending to be a reprimand.

"Don't hurry up and face Old Demon Peng Shi with his true colors!"

Tantai Xuyao ​​silently glanced at Duanmu Sixin, with various emotions in his eyes.

Immediately, he raised his hand and lifted the gray cloak hat covering his figure.

On the other side of Tantai Ruochu, seeing him like this, he quickly followed suit.

Old Demon Peng Shi snorted coldly, still not looking at Duanmu Sixin, but directly at Tantai Xuyao.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"We would like to ask you to erase the seals on these three invitation letters."

Tantai Xuyao ​​said, turning his wrist quickly.

Look again, three blank invitations appeared in the palm of his hand.

Old Demon Peng Shi coldly looked at the three blank invitations, and raised his eyes again to look at Tantai Xuyao, which was already full of banter.

"These three invitation letters shouldn't be what you should have."

In an instant, inside the empty hall!

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