Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5073: Why come? Sad and happy King Kong Jing!

In just a few years, he quickly stepped into the pinnacle of the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Even closer to the ninth building than the purple-robed man before!

Not only that, this person is ruthless and good at planning.

Chen Feng felt this.

In other words, if they don't follow, even if they fight Feng Bingyun desperately, there is no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

When he got the fourth blank invitation letter, he even thought about how to use the extra blank invitation letter to complete his remaining tasks.

Unexpectedly, an accident occurred temporarily.

Just when Chen Feng had a decision in his heart, he suddenly saw Feng Bingyun glance at the Da Mo Lin Temple behind them.

Immediately, she looked down at them faintly, and glanced arrogantly.

"I'll go in and pack up some people and give you half an hour."

"When you come out, if you don't give the invitation letter with both hands, don't blame me for doing it myself."

With that said, she actually got up with a hint of urgency and rushed into the Great Demon Lin Temple full of devilish energy!

With this sudden change, the three of Chen Feng turned around and looked at her disappearing back, but they didn't react.

What kind of weird development is this?

The purpose of Feng Bingyun's coming here doesn't seem to be mainly for the blank invitation letter.

Looking at her posture, it was so urgent, it was more like something in the Great Demon Lin Temple.

Chen Feng looked at each other.

From each other's eyes, they all saw shock.

Chen Feng knew what happened inside.

He knew exactly how powerful and weird Old Demon Peng Shi was.

Looking at what Feng Bingyun meant, it seemed that he was planning to kill Old Demon Peng Shi!

"This Feng Bingyun is indeed a character!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but slap his tongue.

As for Feng Bingyun's threat to them, he didn't take it seriously.

In half an hour, he was confident to escape to safety.

"Brother, shall we go?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave had obviously thought of this too.

Who would stand outside obediently and respectfully hand over the blank invitation letter that was so hard to get?

However, Zhong Li Yuntian was very worried.

"This Feng Bingyun followed Tantai and Xuyao ​​all the way, and we didn't find it from beginning to end."

"It's hard to get rid of this tracking method."

He looked at Chen Feng: "It's better to give her one."

Chen Feng is not in a hurry.

He took out three invitation letters again.

"Anyway, let's brand it first."

This time, the three successfully branded their respective breaths on the blank invitation letter.

After putting away the invitation letters, Chen Feng looked up at the Great Molin Temple.

He always felt that there was some secret in it.

Especially after Feng Bingyun rushed in, this feeling became even stronger.

"Wait, let me see what's going on inside."

Chen Feng immediately controlled Duanmu Sixin and saw what was happening in the Great Molin Temple at this time.

Unexpectedly, at this moment Duanmu Sixin unexpectedly appeared in another hall along with Old Demon Peng Shi.


The breath of terror engulfed the entire hall in an instant.

Before Chen Feng even had time to see the surrounding environment, Duanmu Sixin was overthrown by this too powerful wave of air!

However, he still learned a little bit from Duanmu Sixin's spiritual knowledge.

They are now in the main hall!

Feng Bingyun rushed directly in front of Old Demon Peng Shi with an invincible posture.

"Hand over the King Kong Sutra of Sadness and Joy!"

He shouted sharply, simply and tough.

Feng Bingyun held a silver-rimmed snow wave long sword in each hand, and the sword pointed at the old demon Peng Shi who was hit by her!

"who are you?"

At this moment, the old demon Peng Shi was frightened and frightened.

The Sad and Happy King Kong King Scripture is top-secret news that ordinary people would never know!

The woman who appeared suddenly had a special aura, somewhat similar to the two children who had escaped from him earlier.

It should be from the same place.

For a time, Old Demon Peng Shi thought of a lot.

"You don't need to know who I am. Don't talk nonsense, hand over the King Kong Sutra of Sadness and Joy, and save your life!"

Feng Bingyun gave him no room at all.

Her beautiful eyes flickered, her eyes full of fierce determination.

The overwhelming supreme coercion came out!

For Feng Bingyun, she had spent a huge price this time to enter this Xuanwu Middle Thousand World.

The real purpose is for this!

Unlike other people who participated in the trial mission, she had already surpassed the general category of influence.

Similar to the person in the purple robe, whether he has completed the task of the invitation letter issued by the Lord of Heaven is second.

With her means, even if she didn't get the blank invitation letter, she completed the task.

The Lord of Heaven can't kill her like that!

Because of this, Feng Bingyun is even more eager for the sorrow and joy in front of the King Kong King Scripture!

This time, she will definitely get this sad and joyful Diamond King Sutra!

But the old demon Peng Shi in front of him, how humiliated so much!

As far as he was concerned, this time he was played by the two boys before, and now he was killed by someone!

A wave of air rushed toward him, blowing away the billowing magic energy on his face, revealing half of his skull face.

"Want the King Kong Sutra of Sadness and Joy? It depends on your ability to get it!"

In an instant, Old Demon Peng Shi turned his hand and took out a great Demon Cheng Tianzhu!


The endless devilish energy shot at Feng Bingyun in the long silver skirt like a flood.

At the same time, Old Demon Peng Shi looked up to the sky and roared.

"Where is the demon servant!"

This violent roar actually contains the sound of rolling magic!

The magic sounds scattered, shaking the entire huge Damolin Temple!

Even the three of Chen Feng, who were far away, heard these four words clearly.

The earth began to shake instantly!

All the demon servants who walked on their respective paths step by step turned around.

They really seemed to be summoned, and collectively rushed to the main hall in the middle of the Great Molin Temple!

In no time, countless demon servants appeared in all directions.


The loud roar was so neat that it seemed to come from a person's throat!

These demon servants, although everyone's cultivation is mostly around the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, the number is really too huge!

Even Feng Bingyun, who has the pinnacle of the eighth building, is no easy task to exterminate all the demon servants who rushed over!

For a moment, Feng Bingyun was actually entangled by these demons!

Outside the main hall, the demon servants in blood-colored robes and high-toed hats continued to rush in.

In this chaos, Old Demon Peng Shi sat in the center of the hall!

Chen Feng was controlling Duanmu Sixin and was always paying attention to his movements. Seeing him suddenly do this, his heart was tight.

Looking closely, he was immediately shocked.

as predicted!

This main hall has a lot of articles!

On the ground of the main hall, there are also mysterious and strange patterns!

Although countless demon servants obstructed his vision, Chen Feng noticed it for the first time.

This strange pattern is exactly the same as the pattern on the blood-colored robe of Old Demon Peng Shi!

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