Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5080: What I ask for is this moment!

No surprises!

However, Chen Fengming knew this, but still insisted on squeezing the devil's heart into the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon.

There is only one reason!

Not to completely control the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon.

From the beginning, Chen Feng did not expect to control him!

That is Zono!

There is only one thing he has pictured-a shadow is planted in the heart of the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon!

That is the hint that Moxin is constantly releasing at this moment.

Chen Feng just wanted to pass this hint to the unconscious, chaotic brain projection of the King Kong King Kong Demon.

Duanmuxi is instigating all this!


Finally, at a certain moment, the projection of the King Kong Demon of Great Compassion and Joy suddenly became angry.

One of his heads slowly turned to Duan Muxi not far away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng suddenly drew out the mental power that was constantly pouring into the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon.


A mouthful of blood came out.

Chen Feng raised his head and fell down, bleeding from Qiqiao!

By now, his mental power has been completely exhausted.

Not only he even vomits blood, but even the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Even reached the point of decline!

Not far away, Zhong Li Yuntian had a feeling quietly in his heart.

He could clearly notice that there seemed to be some kind of restraint in his spiritual world, and suddenly disappeared.

Zhong Li Yuntian realized something immediately and turned to look in the direction of Chen Feng's hiding.

Sure enough, seeing Chen Feng's tragic situation, Zhong Li Yuntian had realized something in his heart.

Chen Feng is now completely exhausted.

The demon heart implanted in Zhongli Yuntian's spiritual world has no effect!

Chen Feng could no longer control him.



The projection of the Da Bei Xi King Kong Demon walked towards Duan Muxi step by step.

Zhong Li Yuntian was silent for a moment, then suddenly came towards the direction where Chen Feng and his party were hiding.

Weak Chen Feng raised his eyes and met Zhong Li Yuntian's complicated eyes.

At this moment, they all saw a lot of things in each other's eyes.

Beside, the Tiancun Beast slave seemed to realize something.

He subconsciously protected Chen Feng.

Although he is not Zhong Li Yuntian's opponent at all.

However, Chen Feng is his eldest brother!

Even if you die yourself, if you want to kill your eldest brother, you can only step on his body!

"Thank you, let go."

Chen Feng was weak and spoke slowly.

"Big Brother!"


As Chen Feng said, he actually chuckled.

He looked at Zhong Li Yuntian again, with a confident and kind smile on his face.

"You won't kill me."

Although the tone of these words is weak, it is not difficult to reveal firmness and determination.

Zhong Li Yuntian looked at Chen Feng's eyes, from the beginning of complexity, to now, there is only calmness.

"If you put it at the beginning, I will kill you."

"But now, I'll take you."

It is not only that Chen Feng can quickly come up with one wonderful plan after another in a very short time.

Even at the beginning, Zhong Li Yuntian was convinced by the technique used to implant his devil heart.

What's more, following Chen Feng during this period of time can be said to have been rewarding.

Zhong Li Yuntian not only successfully eliminated his two opponents, but also completed the task assigned by the Lord of Heaven.

No more worries.

Actually Chen Feng treated him well.

After getting acquainted, Chen Feng never regarded him as a battle puppet without emotion.

Even, almost on par with his brother.

Even now, Chen Feng will do his best to give him freedom at all.

It is also a kind of trust!

Zhong Li Yuntian hadn't experienced this kind of trust for a long time.

"What shall we do next?"

He looked at Chen Feng with the same tone as usual.

Chen Feng's gaze also shifted from his face to the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon in the distance.

"In fact, we have already completed this task."


After Chen Feng said those words, not only Zhong Liyuntian was stunned, but also the Tianchou beast slave and Feng Bingyun beside him were also stunned.

"How is it done?"

"Do you think that a mere Duan Muxi can deal with the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon?"

Feng Bingyun became excited again.

Chen Feng slowly raised her hand to stop her words.

He looked forward, and although his face was weak, the familiar smile appeared again.

Zhong Li Yuntian hesitated for a moment, came to Chen Feng's side, and put his hand on his shoulder.

Soon, a warm current slowly poured into Chen Feng's body.

"Thank you."

Chen Feng was overjoyed.

Up to now, he and Zhong Li Yuntian finally completed the change of identity.

From a short-term relationship of interest, completely transformed into a friend, even a brother!

The four concealed their figures and looked forward.

Duan Muxi was puzzled.

Why did Da Bei Xi King Kong King Demon's projection approach him step by step.


The projection of the chaotic Great Compassionate King Kong Demon roared, and a huge head stared at Duan Muxi.

"Great compassion and joy, senior King Kong Demon! I am the son of the Duanmu family! We are not enemies!"

Duan Muxi didn't dare to easily shoot at the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon in front of him.

Others may not know who the Baizhang figure that suddenly appeared before him is.

However, as the son of the Duanmu family, he is naturally clear.

Da Beixi King Kong Demon is the devil believed by the Great Demon God Yanjiao!

For a long time, the Duanmu family has a close relationship with the Great Demon God Yanjiao.

Therefore, although Duanmuxi's heart is clear now, the projection of the great sadness and joy in front of the King Kong Demon.

There must be something wrong at this moment, but he still didn't dare to do it directly.

"Great Sorrow and Joy, Senior King Kong Demon, we are not enemies..."

He hissed.

Throw rat bogey!

Before he finished his words, he saw the projection of the King Kong Demon of Great Compassion and Joy suddenly shot!

This attack came too suddenly!

Moreover, no hands were left at all!

Even Duan Muxi, who has just awakened the blood of the gods and devil, is definitely not the opponent of the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon in the state of running away!

Four heads and sixteen arms all out!

The magic sound was rolling, and the magic energy rushed to the sky, spreading in all directions.

It directly caused the world to change color!

Duan Muxi is too close to the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon!

Even if he reacted immediately, it was still too late!


The axe, moon-shaped knife, halberd, skeleton rod, diamond cable, diamond hook, living human head and other magical instruments held in the sixteen arms burst out with dazzling light!

The inky black light, at its limit, is also dazzling!

In an instant, in the eyes of a powerful man within a radius of a hundred miles, day seemed like night!

All light seems to be suddenly absorbed!

And Duan Muxi, who is the most recent projection of the King Kong Demon in Da Beixi, felt that his eyes seemed to be suddenly blind!

This panic!

Although extremely short, it is quite deadly!

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