Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5100: Is he someone from Chu Pingsheng?

"It's him!"

On his side, Zhong Li Yuntian's exclamation was also heard.

Before Chen Feng could speak, Zhong Liyuntian introduced himself.

"This person's name is Jiang Yongnian, and he is an immortal in the sky!"

"One of the four heavenly immortals who entered this time is him."

Fairy in the sky!

For Chen Feng these trial immortals, the sky immortals are also terrifying existence.

I just don't know why Duan Muxi suddenly attacked him?

At the moment the riot broke out, many people including Chen Feng hid behind the curtain on the side of the front hall.

He watched the unexpected battle coldly.

Although Jiang Yongnian was targeted and besieged, he did not show any fear.

Even when he looked at Duan Muxi's eyes, there was no trace of awe.

Some just disdain.

The master of the clan who besieged him was constantly broken amidst his roar.

This discussion meeting was completely disrupted.

The prepared banquet dishes turned into a mess, and the surroundings became empty in the blink of an eye.

Occasionally there are people who are a step late, and Dang Even is involved in this fierce battle between master and master.

The end is bleak!

Jiang Yongnian is worthy of being an immortal in the sky, and there are many ways to kill Duanmuxi.

Even in an instant, he slapped Duan Muxi with a palm.

Suddenly, the crowds who were onlookers like Chen Feng could not help being amazed.

Such a close battle can be regarded as wonderful.

Above the front hall, seeing Jiang Yongnian about to fight back, a group of strong people appeared around him!

They went forward and succeeded, and went for Jiang Yongnian to besiege!

Guards within the clan continue to die, but new guards continue to rush over.

For a time, this war actually reached a deadlock.

"Duan Muxi, do you only have this ability!"

Jiang Yongnian was disdainful, flipped his hand to take out a long spear, and swept several guards in the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Finally, a **** road was made abruptly and went straight to Duanmuxi!

At this moment, his disdainful face was suddenly shocked.

Duan Muxi in the distance finally sneered.

"As you wish, I'm Duanmuxi, but I have more than that."

Jiang Yongnian's face instantly turned pale as paper, and he opened his mouth and vomited black blood.

He woke up suddenly.

"There was a problem with the wine just now!"

Jiang Yongnian was shocked and angry.

Just now, he apparently drank a cup after watching others drink it.

Unexpectedly, he still followed Duan Muxi's way!

This sound also shocked the entire front hall!

The crowd onlookers in the distance were equally surprised, and they scrambled to check their bodies.

However, the weird thing is that no one was poisoned except Jiang Yongnian.

Jiang Yongnian quickly realized this.

As a result, his face is even more ugly.

He was the only one poisoned in the audience!

This means that Duan Muxi only targeted him alone.

Thinking of this, he stared at Duan Muxi ahead, furious.

"Why are you targeting me like this? You want to kill me!"

When these words came out, Duan Muxi's sneer was attracted.

"What are you pretending to be! I know everything!"

Speaking of this, Duan Muxi gritted his teeth.

"Just when you wanted to take my blood, you should have thought of everything now."

"Today, I will smash you into pieces!"

far away.

Chen Feng stared at Jiang Yongnian's eyes, also faintly flickering.

"Jiang Yongnian."

He muttered the name in a low voice, sneered in his heart.

Beside, the Tiancun Beast Slave noticed Chen Feng's abnormality and asked in a low voice.

"Brother, is there any problem?"

Chen Feng puffed out his lips.

"This is the person Chu Pingsheng commissioned to kill me."

He said this calmly, but the amount of information contained was too alarming.

The Tiancun Beast Slave was taken aback, then panicked.

"It was he who mixed into our team that made this trial task difficult?"


Chen Feng looked at Jiang Yongnian who was vomiting blood from a distance.

It is impossible for Chu Ping to entrust him to kill Chen Feng forcibly for a strong man like him.

Jiang Yongnian himself wanted to enter this world of trials, killing Chen Feng, but just doing it easily.

At least, Jiang Yongnian himself thought so.

Coming to this Xuanwu Zhongqian World, his real purpose is Duanmuxi's bloodline of gods and demons, and the invitation of the gods and demons conference!

It turned out that the blood of Duanmuxi's awakening gods and demons is extremely rare!

It is the blood of the ancient gods and demon swallowing whales!

There are six inferior products!

And if this bloodline is refined to the extreme, it can be transformed into the bloodline of the giant kun in the North Sea!

When the time comes, you can swallow the sun, moon and stars!

Not to mention that the same level is invincible, it is a cross-level challenge, and it can also have terrifying strength!

Last night, before Cui Jiuxi told Chen Feng all this, Chen Feng had a vague plan in mind.

After learning of all this, his plan became clearer.

In Jiang Yongnian's view, killing Chen Feng is nothing short of a piece of cake.

Being able to use Chu Pingsheng's hands to enter this world of trials, to deal with Duan Muxi, and to seize his blood is the most important thing!

Because of this, he has been preparing for this since entering the Xuanwu Zhongqian World.

Anyway, in his opinion, if Chen Feng didn't grab the invitation letter, why he did it himself, the Lord of Heaven would obliterate Chen Feng.

And if Chen Feng is lucky and really grabs the invitation letter, then he will definitely come here for the appointment.

When the time comes, kill it easily.

This calculation is really a good calculation!

But I didn't expect that this seemingly perfect preparation would still have an accident!

Duanmuxi actually knew his purpose!

Not only that, but also poisoned him specifically!


Another group of guards came up.

This time, Jiang Yongnian was no longer in a spirited state.

In that glass of wine, not only was his vitality uncontrollable, his strength was greatly reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye!

But the guards who rushed up had a higher cultivation base!

Duan Muxi had premeditated!

He had already prepared poisoned alcohol, calculated the time, and arranged people!

The few waves of guards in the clan who had just arranged to appear on the field had no intention of causing him much substantial damage.

It's just to delay time and consume some strength.

Right now, those few who besieged Xiang Jiang Yongnian were all masters at the peak of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

In an instant, they stopped Jiang Yongnian from all directions.

Not only blocked his way out, but also turned over and took out a mysterious magic weapon that was exactly the same shape!

As the terrifying power in their bodies gushes out, those mysterious magical instruments burst out with dazzling light!

Echoing each other, in the end a weird killing array was formed!

The faint light flashes in the array continuously, and the target is directed at Jiang Yongnian who is besieged in the middle!

With the random burst of light, Jiang Yongnian was injured in an instant!

He vomited blood out of his mouth and was languid!

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