Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5120: Is the Xingchen Yuanshi vein occupied?

Obviously, this is specially prepared for her!

Chen Feng sighed Yu Jingwan's unique conditions, but he also understood in his heart.

The imitation of the Ding Wufang Tiandi Pagoda in front of him was made by the master of Xuanyin Immortal Gate, specially for Jing Waner.

The Star Soul inside had already planned.

That's Jing Waner's luck!

"Hurry up and hold it."

Jing Wan'er in front of him said, and gave away the tower in his hand.

However, Chen Feng shook his head.

"I can't take this."


Obviously, seeing Chen Feng's refusal, Jing Waner's big eyes were full of doubts and puzzles.

"Aren't you here just to make a breakthrough?"

Chen Feng squatted down and stared at Jing Waner.

There was a slight smile on his face.

"You are right, I am here indeed for a breakthrough."

"But, this is your thing, your father specially prepared for you."

"If you take it, you won't have it in the future."

Jing Waner interrupted him.

"No, I don't have any, I can ask my father if I want it."

Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er almost staggered and were speechless at the same time.

However, he patiently explained to this innocent little girl.

"A man who is based in the world must know what to do and not to do."

"Your father must have spent a lot of effort in refining this magic weapon for you. He prepared it for you."

"If I take it, I'm bullying you while you are young, and I don't know how precious it is."

Speaking of this, Chen Feng still pondered for a moment.

"In the future, if you encounter those who want these magic weapons in your hands, you must be vigilant."

"Only people with unhealthy minds will covet these magic weapons in your hands."

Jing Waner looked at Chen Feng with a silly face, as if he had some understanding, but still didn't seem to understand.

However, she still withdrew the imitation of the Wufang Tiandi Tower.

"Well, although I don't understand it very well, I think you should all be good people."

at the same time.

In a secret realm far away.

Two people stood in front of a huge light mirror, looking at what Chen Feng said to Jing Wan'er in the light mirror.

The two looked at each other and nodded to each other, showing an expression of appreciation.

"Okay, we're leaving now."

Chen Feng stood up, ready to continue with Yun Wan'er and go to the stellar mineral vein not far away.

However, the corner of his clothes was held by Jing Waner.

"Where are you going?"

Yun Wan'er next to her smiled and pointed at Chen Feng.

"He wants to make a breakthrough, we are going to a Star Yuanshi mineral vein now."

Jing Waner jumped up immediately, very excited: "Is it fun? Can I go together? You see, I am very strong."

Looking at the dazzling brilliance of Jing Waner, Chen Feng and Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

But he could not say anything against it.

"That's okay, otherwise, leaving you alone on the battlefield outside this territories is really not so relieved."

Jing Wan'er smiled brightly when they heard Chen Feng and the two agree to go with her.

As a result, the three followed the original direction and walked all the way.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng and the others to finally arrive at the position mentioned on the leaves of Bedoro leaves.

However, when they saw the star from a distance, they found that there were already countless auras on it, constantly rising.

There is something else!

Moreover, there are more than one or two.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became cold, and when he looked from a distance, he found that it was a bunch of demon!

The three of Chen Feng stopped far away in the void.

At this moment, there are thousands of heavenly demons moving and mining around that star elemental stone vein.

Looking closely, these gods are mostly five meters tall, and there is not much difference in body shape from humans.

The only difference is that their skin is covered with scales, their heads have horns, and their faces are more like a mixture of dragons, tigers, deer, horses and other monsters.

In addition, Chen Feng could also feel the black magic energy surging from them.

Jing Waner, who was held by Yun Wan'er next to him, suddenly spoke.

"I have seen this kind of demon."

She gestured with her fingers over the dark slab of the stars ahead.

"They are a tribe of Thunder Slaying Kuangzhan, a kind of demons."

"Lei Sha mad war tribe?"

Chen Feng and Yun Wan'er heard this name for the first time.

Jing Wan'er looked up and looked at them.

"Look, there are still many benefits to bringing me."

"This tribe is very powerful."

As she said, she pointed to a certain demon below.

"You are late, this is already the scale of a tribe."

"That is their leader, and the seventy or eighty over there are overseers under the leader."

"In addition to these, the other ones who are mining and transporting the stars are all unimportant coolies."

Chen Feng's gaze turned to the leader.

Among the thousands of Lei Sha Kuangzhan Demon, only this one is fifty meters high.

Its eyes are as big as a copper bell, with anger from time to time.

A powerful breath is released from its body.

The strength of the early stage of the Eighth Floor in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Comparable with Chen Feng's current level.

However, Chen Feng currently has a hole card besides his own strength...

At this moment, Yun Wan'er next to her looked at those demon, her face was already very ugly.

However, no matter how ugly, she still can't help it.

The strength of that leader is still too strong after all!

In desperation, she turned her head and looked at Chen Feng next to her.

"Chen Feng, otherwise we'd better think of another way. This stellar primordial stone vein seems to be destined to miss us."

However, when Chen Feng heard these words, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Who said that this star elemental stone vein is destined to miss us?"

Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, Yun Wan'er was stunned.

She looked at the leader Heavenly Demon on the star ahead in disbelief, then looked at Chen Feng.

"Are you... sure?"

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at Yun Wan'er and Jing Wan'er.

"The next thing, you'd better do as I said..."

Before long, Yun Wan'er and Jing Wan'er had disappeared beside Chen Feng.

He looked at the stars in front of him, his lips snapped.

In the next second, he was like a shooting star, heading straight towards the vicinity of the star's mineral veins, approaching extremely fast!


Accompanied by a loud and deafening noise, all the demons of the entire Lei Sha Kuangzhan tribe shook their hearts together.

"what happened?"

In the distance, thick smoke billows, and nothing can be seen clearly.

At this moment, the head of Lei Sha Kuang fighting the Demon, his face suddenly changed.

"Not good! Enemy attack!"

At the moment it shouted, the place where the smoke was originally billowed, a flash of lightning appeared again!

The goal is pointed, the leader of the demon!

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