Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5169: Scramble

At this moment, the more arrogant they are, the more miserable the ending will be.

However, before they were finished.

Junior Brother Na Yuanqing's eyes suddenly reflected bleeding red light.

The next moment, the swallowing python demon **** beside him seemed to have received his instructions!

It rushed towards the people who spoke like lightning.


When most people didn't even react, they saw that the fifty-meter-long Sky-swallowing python demon opened its mouth wide.

He even swallowed those people in one bite!

The blood gas immediately diffused in this space.

This scene shocked and silenced everyone.

Even Chen Feng turned sideways, looking at the demon **** of swallowing python, thoughtfully.

The powerhouse of the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, kills as soon as you say, looks relaxed, this kind of picture is really shocking.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the two insidious snakes before him.

Seeing the gaze he turned around, Fu Haocang curled his lips indifferently, and his eyes became even more ostentatious.

"How do you think your strength compares to them?"

"Now, I give you one last chance. Leave everything on you."

"I also hope you can know that I can keep your kind of stuff forever, how much face this gives you the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

This time, it was even more arrogant!

In this regard, Chen Feng only sneered slightly, and the look in Fu Haocang's eyes became more and more indifferent.

For some reason, Fu Haocang saw Chen Feng's unexpected reaction, and his heart responded.

Obviously he wanted to humiliate the other party, but looking at the other party's reaction, he had a posture of being despised.

This made him feel obscure.

However, just when he was about to do it directly, Junior Brother Yuan Qing, who was standing beside him, took the initiative to ask for credit.

"Brother, even if it is a disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect, those who have such a cultivation level should give enough face."

"If you bear it any longer, others think our God Beast Sect is jealous of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

He stared at Chen Feng's eyes like a poisonous snake, a red light glowed slightly, and the murderous intent on his face became more obvious.

"Brother, when dealing with this kind of person, why do you need to do it?"

With that, the fifty-meter-long wild python demon **** who swallowed several powerful men like lightning.

The huge snake head seemed to have received some kind of call.

Consciously turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, and also spit out the scarlet letter.

Chen Feng was able to feel it immediately.

His body seemed to be locked at this moment.

He tried to use dark energy to break free, and found that it was not too easy.

It's no wonder that the previous strong people in the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm were swallowed up without even being able to struggle a few times.

It's just a surprise win.

Just when he was about to push the boat along the river, waiting for the moment when the Sky Swallowing Boa Demon God approached, he killed him in one fell swoop.

In the direction where the two disciples of the Beast God Sect walked, a shrill male voice and a rough male voice sounded again.

"Xiang Yuanqing, you run fast."

"How can I be spared from the beautiful job of tidying up people who are obstructive for the brother?"

In the dim shadow, two men slowly approached everyone.

Obviously, these two are also disciples of the Beast God Sect, and they seem to be Fu Haocang's junior.

One is tall and thin, and the other is short and fat.

An Xieyue Infinite Spider crawled on one arm, and a life-defying red elephant followed behind one.

The two men wore the same clothes as Xiang Yuanqing in their mouths.

Chen Feng could tell at a glance that the cultivation levels of these three people were actually about the same.

Around Xiaocheng, the seventh floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, even if one person could have the strength of two or three people in the same realm, it would be no problem to kill them.

Fu Haocang twisted his waist, turned around like a snake, and looked at the two younger brothers who arrived.

But when Xiang Yuanqing saw the appearance of these two fellow students, his face showed disgust.

The eyes he looked at these two fellow students even surpassed the eyes he looked at Chen Feng before.

"Yuan Qishen, Ning Gaomin, every time you two fight for credit with me!"

With that said, Xiang Yuanqing looked at his senior brother Fu Haocang urgently.

"Brother, let me clean up this kid who doesn't know good or bad for you."

As soon as these words came out, the other two also held their fists to Fu Haocang, bent over, and asked in unison.

"Brother Fu, as far as we know, there are not hundreds of disciples from other sects that Senior Brother Yuanqing came to hunt today, but dozens."

"The competition of the Beast God Sect is so cruel and fierce. It's because of us that we can saddle you up and down for your seniors. Let us both do it first to kill this ignorant thing."

Hearing this, Xiang Yuanqing's complexion turned red, furious, and his mouth became sharper.

"Yuan Qishen! What are you pretending to be pitiful here? Are there still fewer bodies of other disciples lying in your storage ring?"

"And you, Ning Gaomin, you just followed the rules of our Beast God Sect!"

As he said, he clasped his fists with both hands, but he bent his knees and knelt in front of Fu Haocang.

"Senior brother, please leave it to me to clean up that kind of obscure goods."

From the beginning to the end, in the fierce battle between the three of them, Chen Feng was like a piece of cargo, constantly being snatched from their mouths.

Where are they competing for the limelight.

Chen Feng had already seen the doorway.

Presumably, this beast **** sect had cruel and fierce competition, and at the same time encouraged disciples to go out and hunt disciples of other sects.

This gave them such a cruel and murderous habit, and when they came up, they took his life as a great grace.

If he expected it well, the Beast God Sect should have a rule:

Whoever killed the disciples of other sects, then this "trophies" belonged to whom.

Moreover, it can be judged from their conversation that if the bodies of the other disciples they hunted were brought back, they seemed to be rewarded more.

What a vicious martial art!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chen Feng could hardly believe that such a distorted and extreme martial art could actually develop in full swing.

Even better than the Galaxy Sword Sect he belongs to!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but sneered.

He looked at the three people and said in a passing way.

"I think you don't have to fight anymore, let's go together."

Chen Feng's words stirred up waves with one stone.

The three children of the Beast God Sect standing in front of him, Xiang Yuanqing, Ning Gaomin, and Yuan Qishen, stopped the fight and turned to look at him.

Each of them made no secret of their contempt and ridicule.

"Just you? Anyone of us can crush you with one finger."

"Still together, huh... are you with me!"

Even Fu Haocang behind them looked at Chen Feng darkly and laughed coldly.

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