Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5252: The Shura Demon wakes up!

The small castle in front of it is a post at the junction of a lava volcanic peak and a giant plain.

The figure in the black burqa withdrew his gaze and floated silently into the castle in front of him.

This was a sneak attack and a unilateral massacre.

There are no powerful demon generals or even demons sitting here, only dozens of demon soldiers guard.

In front of the figure in the black burqa, these Shura Demon Soldiers were completely vulnerable.

When the last corpse fell on the smooth and clean castle floor.

The body of the figure in the black burqa completely turned into a real entity.

In the empty main hall, he breathed out slowly.

A deep voice echoed slowly within this empty castle.

"Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains this time, but it complements my Nether Shadow clone."

His footsteps finally sounded.

Papa, papa, came to the back of the castle.

He looked up, his eyes were long and deep, as if to penetrate the void and see a certain figure.

After a long time, this person whispered to himself: "Now, it's time to clean up you."

Three days later.

The four people on Chen Feng's side had completely recovered from their injuries and began to descend.

Continue to hunt down powerful Asura demons and various monsters in the Asura world.

I don't know if Jiang Yunxi is born with a physique that attracts the world's treasures.

Within these three days, she could always find some rare heaven and earth spirit treasures.

Of course, some strange treasures are guarded by Shura demon soldiers and demon generals.

However, with Chen Feng this time, the four people worked hand in hand, and the cooperation was extremely tacit.

After just three days, their harvest is extremely rich.

What's even more commendable is that none of the four of the demon soldiers, beasts, and other treasures that have been harvested have hidden their own privates, and they are generous in getting what they need.

In this way, they went all the way and came to a valley.

After beheading a Demon General of Shura whose strength was in the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Chen Feng and the four were just about to leave.

Suddenly, the face of Chen Feng, who was walking in the front, changed slightly.


He reminded him immediately and stretched out his arm to cover the three people behind him.

At the same time he discovered that the breath was different nearby.

The five figures, as if appearing out of thin air, quickly surrounded the four of them.

"Hahahaha, Chen Feng."

"Unexpectedly, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it will take no effort at all."

The speakers, Chen Feng are very familiar with them!

It is Kong Penghui of Qinghong Immortal Gate!

Before entering the Shura realm, Yuan Changfeng took out five Six-Rank God Pills in exchange for Chen Feng's life.

It was Kong Penghui who took over the deal.

At this moment, Kong Penghui's face was red.

Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, he didn't take him seriously.

In his eyes, Chen Feng was not a threat.

More like a prey in front of him.

Just prey!

As long as the prey is solved, he can accept the five sixth-grade Shendan with peace of mind.

In addition, you can also make friends with outstanding people like Yuan Changfeng.

Thinking of this, Kong Penghui was even more proud:

"Since the four of you are here, that would be great."

"It saves us finding out one by one."

The four of Chen Feng looked blankly at the five Qinghong immortal disciples who were blocking them.

Between each other, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

Just as they confronted each other.

Far away, in that huge magic city.

Suddenly, a violent jet black breath came out!

In the middle of this huge magic city, there was a huge existence who was cultivating, and suddenly opened his eyes.

This is a great Asura!

Its whole body is wrapped in black magic energy, making people unable to see the specific appearance.

However, within a radius of hundreds of miles, there was no life in an inch of grass, and no one was seen!

The eyes like a pool of blood are only black, without white eyes.

It seemed to feel everything far away through the spitting magic energy.

Then, a low and terrifying sneer rippled from the center of this quiet and unmanned city.

"You guys, come to give me fresh blood again, right?"

If anyone is here at this moment, after witnessing all this, they will be pale.

I saw the Great Demon Asura stretched out his hand in the dark demon energy.

In front of him, a **** light curtain suddenly appeared.

On this **** light curtain, there are green dots.

These small green dots are distributed in various places in the Little Asura Wukong Mountains, constantly moving around.

Suddenly, this huge Shura Golem felt something.

The blood pool-like eyes quickly deflected to one direction, accurately sensing that someone was spying.

I saw it stretched out his hand and waved.

The endless black magic energy rushed out toward the blood-colored light curtain.

The tyrannical force quickly swept the whole blood-red light curtain!

The surrounding space began to vibrate continuously.

Under the continuous force of washing, that force passed through the blood-colored light curtain, and I don't know how far it was transmitted.

It's just that the people in the thousand worlds in Xuanhuang.

At this moment, above the floating fairy mountain, under the huge light curtain.

All the onlookers in the stands focused on Chen Feng's light curtain.

Someone seriously analyzed Chen Feng's current strength and Kong Penghui's strength.

The scene was full of voices and noisy.

If it was before, encountered this kind of confrontation scene.

It is estimated that most people firmly believe that Chen Feng and others have no power to confront Kong Penghui and others.

However, after seeing Chen Feng relying on his own power to beat Gao Mufeng of Cangyu Immortal Sect and a group of disciples to the ground quite easily.

Many people's views have changed.

The current Chen Feng has undoubtedly been recognized by the majority of people present.

Because of this, when the two teams were facing each other, the scene was extremely noisy.

Some people think that Kong Penghui has many people here!

Among them, there are five Six-Rank Shen Dan.

On Chen Feng's side, the Que Yuanzhou brothers were mediocre, and could only deal with two ordinary Star Soul Martial God Realm Eighth Floor disciples.

Even if Jiang Yunxi could deal with two, the remaining Kong Penghui and another disciple joined forces to attack Chen Feng, even Chen Feng was choking.

You know, Kong Penghui's current strength is also quite strong, and he already has the strength of Xiaocheng, the ninth building of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Don't forget, he still has the Sixth Grade God Pill in his hand!

However, some people have been frightened by Chen Feng's successive face-slaps operations.

They believe that even if there is a sixth-grade **** pill, Chen Feng did not explode all his hole cards last time.

It means that he hasn't used all his strengths yet, so it's hard to say what the result will be.

However, just as the discussion was in full swing, the light curtain suddenly began to oscillate inexplicably.

The broken voice kept ringing, causing everyone on the high mountains below to stop the discussion.

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