Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5621: Go out!

"Senior, please open the entrance to the grotto and let those people in."

As soon as he said this, Taoist Wuya laughed.

"You can call people."

But, speaking, he still waved his hand.

The sleeves are windless and automatic.

The mysterious runes on the streets and on the broken walls suddenly burst into glory.

Huaguang spread for dozens of miles in an instant, directly outside the grotto.

At the same time, Chen Feng was already flashing.

Holding the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword in his hand, he looked at the entrance of the ancient forbidden area, with a smile on his mouth.

Gong Li was established behind him, and he was ready to take action at any time.

In the abyss, He Haicheng and other dozens of people are now wandering outside the grotto.

All of them were full of anger.

"Xia Xuanfeng's breath disappeared here!"

He Haicheng's complexion was extremely gloomy, his voice was slow, with infinite coldness.

"The foreign treasure must be in it."

"The group of ants who calculated us before should be inside..."

The monks of Yunlong Pavilion and Yuannan Daozong exuded waves of killing intent.

I thought it would be easy to catch, but was calculated by an ant who didn't even reach the fairyland.

This makes them hate and annoy.

But how exactly will the formation on the grotto be triggered?

No one knows.

He Haicheng raised his hand and stroked the mysterious rune on the mountain wall.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

I saw a gleam of light that didn't know where it came from, and suddenly spread along the mysterious rune.

A wide avenue emerged in the grotto.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly overjoyed.

"This channel seems to be switched on and off regularly."

With that, everyone rushed in quickly.

He Haicheng suddenly raised his hand, looked at the crowd and shouted.

"Everyone, please be ready."

"Those opportunistic ants should be in there too."

"Don't fall into his plan again!"

Hearing this, everyone showed off various weapons in their hands.

Sneers and snorts of resentment continued to be heard.

Everyone cheered up and filed in.

However, as soon as they entered it, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

The radiance emitted by the mysterious rune is like a big mouth, swallow it.

When Hua Guang retreated, the power of the stars radiating from them was quickly and severely suppressed.

One by one had not stood firm in the void, and fell to the ground head-on.

Puffs sounded one after another.

He Haicheng's eyes were full of surprise.

Suddenly he felt it and looked up to the front.

"You finally came in."

Hearing this, everyone watched in unison.

I saw Chen Feng who had calculated them, holding the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword at this time, standing not far away!

There are still a few people behind.

Xia Xuanfeng just disappeared.

Isn't he here?

Without waiting for He Haicheng to think too much, Chen Feng smiled coldly, and the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword pointed directly at several people.

"Since it's here, go and die!"

Upon hearing this, He Haicheng and others were taken aback for a moment, and then they laughed.

It seemed to hear a joke.

They looked at Chen Feng, their eyes full of contempt.

He Haicheng took a step forward, sneering incomparably.

"Although there are cultivation bases suppressed here, with you few, you also want to kill me and wait?"

"Just looking for death!"

As he said, he was angry.

Muscles all over his body bulged, and he shot at Chen Feng immediately.

It's too late to say, then soon!

On Chen Feng, the golden Taoist rhyme like mist surging out.

Condensed into a space instantly.

Dao domain!

The next moment, he grinned, showing his white teeth.

Then, the figure disappeared instantly!

"what happened!"

He Haicheng's pupils shrank suddenly.

By the time he reacted, when something went wrong, it was too late.

Chen Feng appeared in front of him instantly.

Hand up and down!

The immense power suddenly burst out.

At this time, it is too late to retreat!

He Haicheng instinctively flipped his hands and took out a blood red shield.

The shield rose against the storm, and instantly protected He Haicheng in it.



The blood red shield suddenly fell apart and turned into powder!

He Haicheng cracked an incredibly hideous wound on his chest, he was covered in blood, and he immediately retreated several miles!

When everyone saw this, they were shocked.

"what happened!"

Looking at Chen Feng just now, it clearly didn't mean any cultivation base was suppressed.

No wonder he has the confidence to fight this!

The complexions of the people of Yunlong Pavilion and Yuannan Daozong changed drastically.

If they were also suppressed, they would naturally have the confidence to kill Chen Feng.

But at this moment, they will die if they meet Chen Feng!

"Run away!"

"Get out!"

Without saying anything, everyone turned around and wanted to leave the cave.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw the opened grotto passage suddenly disappeared again!

There is no way to escape!

Everyone looked at each other, and the fear filled their hearts instantly.

At this time, He Haicheng coughed up blood in the distance.

But still stood up.

"Since there is no way back, then fight with him!"

Although the cultivation base was suppressed a lot by the ancient forbidden land, it was not suppressed to nothing.

After all, everyone is strong, and the physical strength is also extraordinary.

Someone immediately responded.

They turned around and fixed their eyes on Chen Feng.

Then, a breath of palpitations was exuded all over his body.

"Kill these reptiles!"

With a roar, everyone joined forces and rushed forward.

In the faint, the momentum even condenses into a majestic mountain!

Fell to Chen Feng!

However, Chen Feng still had a smile.

He turned and swung his knife.

"Elder Gong, take the battle for me!"

The moment the voice fell, the figure shot out, and the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword was swung in his hand.

The golden Dao realm suddenly enlarged, covering all the cultivators of the Western Wilderness who rushed into it!

Blood lasing!

The entire ancient forbidden area filled with a strong **** atmosphere.

At this time, those monks finally realized.

It turned out that the talented Chen Feng even had some reservations!

Right now is his real strength!

In despair, someone finally roared.

"How about Xia Xuanfeng!"

He Haicheng was full of resentment and looked around, but he couldn't see Xia Xuanfeng!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"That is the breath of Xia Xuanfeng!"

Many people follow the reputation.

I saw a large pool of blood not far away, dazzling!

But at this moment, Chen Feng sneered in front of him.

"I let you down."

"The person you count on has some abilities and fled."

Hearing this, even He Haicheng's complexion changed drastically!

Their biggest trump card is Xia Xuanfeng.

But now, Xia Xuanfeng also shed so much blood, it can almost be described as a tail dock escape!

Everyone fell into despair!

Just as Chen Feng held up the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword, ready to send them on the road.

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded from another direction.

"Chen Feng!"

It's He Haicheng!

At this time, He Haicheng was covered in blood, and there were hideous knife marks on his chest.

He was embarrassed, but his face was extremely firm.

Chen Feng quickly noticed that there was a jade symbol in his hand.

Before he took any defensive action, He Haicheng smashed the jade talisman neatly.

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