Peerless Pill God

Chapter 58: Belang

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The flames of the flames crushed, seemingly very slow, but under the breath of the powerful heavenly power, the cold tutor's elemental power solidified, the reaction ability fell, and any defense was crushed before it was too late ... ...

Leng Jun's limbs were facing down, and he was crushed into a dog-eating pose. He was blackened by the scorching flame of the flames, his hair was black, and he curled up on a burst of floor. He coughed up blood.

He looked up in horror and looked at Dean Yunlan, who had a blue face in the sky. He couldn't believe that Yunlan would beat himself for a disciple because of his sudden emotional loss of control.

In the final analysis, he has been a long time at Liuyun College, and has made a lot of contributions to Liuyun College and brought many outstanding students.

"Cough ~~"

Leng Jun's spit out a little black blood at the end. In addition to anger and chill in his eyes, there was more horror.

Although he is only a warrior in psychic realm, he has been in psychic realm for ten years, and he is considered a strong player in the veteran. Moreover, he is not without consulting with the masters of psychic realm. Dean Yun Lan's strength is definitely beyond Ordinary Masters of Heaven.

Qin Sheng was also shocked to see Yun Lan standing in the sky, although he knew that the warriors who could reach the heavens could rely on his own strength and fly to the sky. However, what I saw on the spot was even more frightened.

"Is this the strength of the Master of the Heaven Realm?" Qin Sheng murmured, "It's just a big realm, but it feels that as long as the Master of the Heaven Realm is willing, pinching a Warrior of a Soul Realm is no different than killing an Ant . "

There are people outside, there is heaven outside!

Qin Sheng thought that he had the memory of the Emperor of the King of Calamity, that he had practiced the demon and even practiced a prisoner's dragon hand, and the clone of the yin corpse worm. These cards were far more than ordinary ordinary pulse warriors. Leng Jun's old-fashioned master of soul-hunting, he still has the bottom of his heart, and feels that he can escape even if he can't beat it.

However, what if the masters who upset the heavens?

In Qin Sheng's mind, he continued to repeat the ‘playback’ of the flame in the sky.

If Qin Sheng faced the flame palm, even if he had any hole cards, he would only be crushed into powder ...

Thinking of this, Qin Sheng could not help but feel a bitter chill, and then he was afraid.

In the past two days, he has refined the memory of the Emperor Dandan, and he has come all the way, acting high-profile, being overbearing, and going crazy and challenging.

In fact, once he met a real opponent, Qin Sheng had no more options.

Therefore, the flames of the flames that President Yun Lan had just put out, although extremely hot, but poured down like a large bucket of cold water, let Qin Sheng wake up completely.

"Wary development, don't wave!"

If it is too long, you can easily pinch him if you annoy a master of Tongtianjing casually.

Of course, even if you look at the entire Dacheng city, the master of the heavens is very rare, and you can count it with one hand.

However, Qin Sheng secretly made a decision, and in the future, he must keep a low profile and not be complacent, so that he will suffer blood loss sooner or later.

The grim instructor not far away is a living, **** example.

Qin Sheng looked up at Leng Jun's mentor, his body was blackened, his hair was messy, and he looked overly frightened.

"Master Dean, I was just out of control for a while, Yuanli was out of control." Leng Jun looked up at Dean Yun Lan and seemed to realize that he was still in rage, and immediately regained his gaze.

"Emotionally out of control, Yuanli is out of control?"

Dean Yun Lan in the sky couldn't help smirking.

How could the warriors in the later period of the mighty psychic state be out of control because of their emotions? This is simply a shame for Yun Lan's IQ.

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