Peerless Pill God

Chapter 679: The Cangtian Field (2) (2)

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Qin Sheng also went into the temple, feeling the cold more.

Desert, is a great temperature difference between day and night, hot as an oven might noon, late at night on freezing cold biting.

"Still some residual smell of blood." Qin Sheng nose sip move, although he did not Slam, or Tengu's nose is sensitive, but as an alchemist, to smell the smell of blood that is absolutely sensitive.

In particular, Qin Sheng also has the fire of their lives, how keen spirit.

The temple has been very broken, perhaps once very large, but has now come down to one can see the end.

In addition to supporting the entire temple broken badly weathered three pillars, also placed on both sides of a few stone.

The stone with the size of ordinary people, have strong human, also has a powerful evil, and their hands are holding a brazier.

And at the end of the temple, he placed a clay figurine, it should be is away from the big dynasty worship of the gods.

Qin Sheng convergence of the atmosphere, not publicity, but did not dare arrogant, he looked at have not see the facial features of clay figurine, said: "Temple has been destroyed, even the great dynasty were destroyed from a full thousand years, it is estimated that worship the gods have fallen now. "

According to Dan emperor heritage very undesirable memories, Qin Sheng know, this world genuineness of the gods.

But, there can be no Tianyuan mainland gods, only nine-10, only the gods.

Dan also fortunate enough to have very undesirable Emperor encountered the gods, of course, but far glimpse, never having been exposed to.

Even in the nine-10, the gods also top mighty to very undesirable Dan emperor's background and strength, really difficult to meet.

The gods will Rikkyo in numerous planes and big Lu Kaizong, even by countless human Wicked faith worship!

The more believers, belief in the power of the gods will get more and more, the gods will naturally become more powerful.

It is clear from this great dynasty is also a belief in the gods, and Qin Sheng is a clay figurine in front of the gods in disguise.

Legend, the gods incarnation of hundreds of millions, committed to teach in countless large or bulk, even in the compound.

As long as the sacrifice of precious items, and even creatures, God manifests Himself, as believers problem-solving!

Wen Yan, Wei could not help look askance one pair Qin Sheng eyes, and said: "? You know the routine that God stick"

Wei has this ancestral dragon blood descendants, really nerve large section, days fearless, even insulted in front of clay figurine.

God is salvation, recruit followers, from Wei's mouth becomes a **** stick.

"You do not look at me." Longwei very arrogant, "the brother of the background deep yet, and I seen a few young when he respect the gods, they stoop to flatter me, do not you think so terrible."

"is it?"

Qin Sheng revealing hint of a smile, a bit do not believe.

"Do not believe it." The Karate stare, he said: "deity backing a great deal, I urge you to lift the spirit-followers contract, after a hundred years or else ......"

"My God, the eyes move a little clay figurines !!"

Qin Sheng shouted loudly.

"I rely on my mother ah!"

Wei ran quickly ran away and hid in the back of Qin Sheng, shivering together.

After 10 interest over a full, Slam dare stuck his head, a pair of peep askance at the clay figurines.

As meditation monk clay figurines, gloomy years, not to mention the gilded runes have been obliterated, and even facial features were weathered into a ball, how could the eye can move!

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