Peerless Pill God

Chapter 1672: Hanging (4)

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"Rumbled ~ ~ ~"

In the end, Li Zhi was one step behind. The copycat version of ‘Zhetian Zhen’ just could n’t hold up. Two of the three array flags spontaneously ignited.

"I depend, why are you so unlucky!"

Li Min's heart was bleeding, and she took back the last banner, and Junlang's face was full of distress.

Although this is only a copycat version, and it has already been damaged, it is still worthy to him as a fifth-level labor student.

"It's you all day!"

Li Yan gritted his teeth and watched Qin Sheng shout fiercely: "Qin Sheng, you humble first-class labor student, this cover of heaven is worth a hundred thunder tiger gold, you have to pay me!"

Qin Sheng heard the words, and it felt a little ridiculous. This Li Li was really interesting. He obviously arranged the heavenly array to prevent him from escaping. Now this so-called heavenly array spontaneously ignites, and even blame himself in turn?

"One hundred thunder tiger gold? Is this sky array so expensive?" Qin Sheng asked with a smile.

Seeing Qin Sheng's gleeful appearance, Li Min couldn't help cheering, Shen said, "What do you laugh at, ant-like things!"

"Don't say that the real cover of the sky is one hundred Thunder Tiger Gold, even a thousand Thunder Tiger Gold cannot be bought!"

"Boss, tell him so much, just let him lose it!"

"Not really, we can't afford this one hundred thunder tiger gold ourselves."

The dog-legs around Li Yan laughed indifferently.

"Boy, have you heard that?" Li Yan sneered, "I bought it in the sky array and it was a hundred thunder tiger gold. Now it is broken. It is a bit difficult for you to pay me a hundred thunder tiger gold. Ten Thunder Tigers. "

"Boss is really kind-hearted!"

The other dog's legs couldn't help but blow.

In fact, this cottage version of the cover of the sky, when Li Hui bought it was already second-hand, even three-handed, four-fifth-handed goods, the cracks on the array flag has been as dense as a spider web, this time sealed in The abandoned hall suspected of having terrible grudges was contaminated with a strange atmosphere, which directly caused the banner to spontaneously ignite.

In the final analysis, the real value of the second-handed 'Zhetian Zhen' is not even fifty Thunder Tiger Golds. Now he has spent so long and let Qin Sheng pay 50 Thunder Tiger Golds. And claiming to be merciful?

"Are you an idiot, or when I am an idiot?"

Qin Sheng narrowed his eyes, his eyes narrowed into a straight line, and said with a smile, his voice was not loud, but it was particularly harsh in this deadly abandoned temple.


Li Yan's face sank, and he said, "Qin Sheng, who are you idiots?"


The elemental force in Li Zhi's body erupted completely. The terror of elementary force fluctuated like a hurricane. The rubble and ash were annihilated. The abandoned temples collapsed, blowing a terrible mushroom cloud.

The other followers, the worst of which are also disciples of the third level, have a particularly strong fluctuation in their strength, reaching the level of the late Vientiane.

Today's Qin Sheng is like a flat boat in the stormy sea. The wind and sea in the storm can be wiped out by these winds at any time.

However, Qin Sheng's clean face was not timid, his eyes glowed faintly, and his eyebrows flashed with wariness.

"Want to do it?" Qin Sheng asked with a smile, "I haven't moved my muscles for a few days."

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