Chapter 809 Sword Array Three Classics

Self-destruction of a Martial Saint, how terrifying. Moreover, due to the isolation of the Martial Sovereign palace, Jiang Min did not know who destroyed his Remnant Soul.

But Jiang Min only knows that only Martial Saint can destroy his Remnant Soul. In addition to Jiang Min, Lin Canghai is the only Martial Saint.

Crazy Jiang Min, naturally blamed Lin Canghai for his destruction. He finally made up his mind before dying, and he will drag Lin Canghai back together.


How terrifying is the Self-destruction of a Martial Saint? With the explosion of Jiang Min’s Primordial Spirit, Lin Feiying and other Lin Family’s semi-sages, powerful experts, and I didn’t understand what was going on. He was blown up to pieces, and he didn’t even react to what was going on.


Lin Canghai was also hit hard, and Lin Canghai’s screams of anger and horror could be clearly seen in the blood-colored mushroom cloud rising up.

At the same time, under the impact of Martial Saint Self-destruction, all objects were destroyed within a radius of five hundred miles. Fortunately, Jiang Min’s Self-destruction only targeted Lin Canghai and Lin. Family.

The older martial artists of other families, as well as most of the young martial artists of Fengwang City, as early as the sudden collapse of Fengwang Mountain, they continued to retreat beyond a thousand li, which was considered a fluke.

In spite of this, at the moment of Martial Saint Self-destruction, there were still many weak martial artists who were dizzy on the spot by the horrible Self-destruction sound. I don’t know how many people fell because of it. Under the sky.

More people looked at the blood-colored mushroom cloud rising in front of them in horror. No one didn’t expect, a good Martial Saint, saying that Self-destruction is Self-destruction, and finally dragged everyone in the Lin Family to be buried together.

“Unexpectedly, Jiang Min would suddenly come on such a hand, and use his own Self-destruction, dragging everyone in the Lin Family to die together!”

“Why did Jiang Min want Self- destruction, he is alive, it is more beneficial to Jiang Family, he is dead but nothing! Is he crazy?”

“It doesn’t matter if Jiang Min is crazy or not! Now Martial Saint of Jiang Family is dead! Now, Lin Family is all over. That’s our chance!”

For Jiang Min’s death, some people are happy and some are sad, but happy people still account for the majority. Now Jiang Family does not have Martial Saint , As long as the Lin Family is wiped out in the entire army, the master of the Wind King City will be their turn.

“I really hope that Lin Canghai’s Old Guy will be blown to death!” Many elder powerhouses in the family have their eyes fixed on the mushroom cloud that is gradually dissipating. They resist the surprise and expectation. Finally, I saw in fear, in the middle of the explosion.

One silhouette, standing in the sky so sullenly, this silhouette is not someone else, it is actually Lin Canghai.

“It is Lin Canghai, this Old Guy is not dead yet!”

“What Old Guy, this is Martial Saint, if he hears it, we must be finished!”

“That’s not necessarily. Lin Canghai’s current situation is not very good. Jiang Min’s Martial Saint Self-destruction has given him strength and great injury!”

The bloody smoke finally cleared Go, everyone took a closer look at Lin Canghai, and then there was a chilling voice. Martial Saint’s Self-destruction was very terrifying, and Jiang Min was suddenly crazy again, let alone Lin Family, even Lin Canghai, Martial Saint, There is no response.

In the end, although Lin Canghai succeeded in saving his life, one of his arms was blown to pieces. The most unacceptable thing for Lin Canghai was that Jiang Min’s Self-destruction was actually blown to death. All the powerhouses of Lin Family!

The skeleton doesn’t exist including Lin Feiying, the semi-holy who was bombed.


The smoke dissipated, Lin Canghai looked at the broken corpses all over the floor, even if it was Martial Saint, he burst out a mouthful of blood several times.

“Jiang Min old fogey, you are so vicious, you killed my son not enough, you also killed all my Lin Family experts!”

Lin Canghai The old man was angry with tears. Even if he is Martial Saint, Lin Family has lost all the elites and will inevitably decline in the future.

It can be said that Jiang Min’s Self-destruction has ruined Lin Canghai’s hundreds of years of training efforts. More importantly, Lin Canghai himself was also in the Self-destruction, and was deeply affected. Its a serious injury.

This is simply a tragic victory for both sides suffer!

Martial Sovereign palace.

Ye Fei didn’t know that his move to kill Jiang Min’s Remnant Soul would have such a serious impact on the situation in the Wind King City, and even accidentally killed a Martial Saint.

Regaining the Indestructible Sword Soul within the body, Ye Fei rushed to the ruins of the Earth Palace. First, he checked whether Jiang Min’s Remnant Soul was dead or not, and second, he also took a look, this Earth In the Palace, what treasure is there that has not been destroyed by the immortal Sword Soul.

The result also surprised Ye Fei. Under the Destruction Strength of the Immortal Sword Soul, Jiang Min’s Remnant Soul died early and even the scum could not be found.

Even the body of the Sanjue Martial Sovereign was completely destroyed, no trace can be found, not to mention the three martial arts classics preserved by Jiang Min, as well as the three martial Sovereign emperors. Bone.

“Hey, I can’t think of the terrifying of the formidable power of Indestructible Sword Soul, then I’m not doing it in vain…but it’s not bad that I can pick up a life under Martial Saint’s plot against , Other things can’t be too extravagant.”

Ye Fei adjusted his mentality. Then respectfully, he bowed deeply to the location of the body of the Sanjue Martial Sovereign: “Sanjue Martial Sovereign, I’m sorry, Junior only wanted to survive, but didn’t expect accidentally ruined your body.” /p>

After bowing three times in a row, the destroyed Earth Palace actually sighed again, almost making Ye Fei think that Jiang Min, Martial Saint was not dead yet.

Fortunately, it was not Jiang Min who appeared this time, but a tall, majestic figure from the back.

“Martial Sovereign!” Ye Fei saw that figure from behind, with surprise on his face.

“Yes, I am the Martial Sovereign! But I am already dead, but I can’t let the classics be lost! The younger generation of King of the Wind, you are very good. You can pass the hell difficulty to prove your talent , Can hold back greed and not take the three classics, which proves your character! So, I decided to let you inherit my three unique skills!”

After hearing the words of Martial Sovereign, Ye Fei’s whole person was refreshed, and only then did he realize that Martial Sovereign still had a back hand.

It turns out that the three treasure chests on the Earth Palace are the final test of the Martial Sovereign. If you find the classics, those who cannot help being greedy will be framed by the Martial Sovereign and be trapped here forever. .

Instead of taking a classic, or just taking a classic, you will be recognized by the Martial Sovereign, and you can get all the martial arts.

“That ridiculous Jiang Min, a clever life, was confused for a while, but because of a little greed, he not only ruined himself, but also ruined Jiang Family! I will not make mistakes like Jiang Min in the future!”< br>

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