He stopped paying attention to people like Lin Canghai, but went straight to Martial Sovereign Secret Realm, intending to enter forcibly, but the Martial Sovereign Palace was very peculiar and immediately released an infinite resistance that blocked Baili Really stepping around, Baili Zhen also forcibly, walked a full 100 steps in Secret Realm, feeling too much pressure, and then walked out with a cold face.

This scene also scared those elder powerhouses who only dared to watch from a distance. Who does not know about the City of Wind, once the assessment begins, the Martial Sovereign Palace will enter another space and cut off contact with the outside world. No one can Approaching, and Bailizhen, in this case, actually walked a hundred steps inward.

“hmph, I can’t think of a small city of Wind King, there is also a Martial Sovereign Secret Realm, I ask you, Ye Fei, but entered inside!” Bailizhen looked at the two behind him in a deep voice. personal.

“Do you think we will tell you?” Xia Jun replied coldly. Beside Xia Jun, Ye Shanshan was still standing.

It turned out that Baili was really getting news that Ye Fei appeared in King Wind City, and he rushed over immediately. Halfway through, Bai Lizhen stumbled across Xia Jun who was heading to King Wind Mansion and recognized Xia Jun too. One of the martial artists with Ye Fei in Xie Xiuhai.

Bai Lizhen shot immediately and suppressed all the two escorted powers of the Wind Palace. Originally, Baili really planned to kill Xia Jun.

However, it was accidentally discovered that Ye Shanshan had a special bloodline and was siblings with Ye Fei. Baili really quickly changed his mind.

Boom ka!

Without any second words, the moment he quit, Bailizhe suddenly shot a blue magic hand, fiercely shot at the Martial Sovereign Palace, and took the Secret where the Martial Sovereign Palace was located. In Realm Space, a huge crack has been opened.

Then Bailizhen pointed to the crack and ordered Xia Jun: “You immediately shout inside and tell Ye Fei, I will give him ten breaths and let him come out to see me immediately.”

“haha, Bailizhen, my Xia Jun is not a fool, I will not shout.” Xia Jun said with spine.

“Then I will kill you!” Bailizhen said indifferently.

“cough cough, I’m kidding, I’m yelling, I’ll yell now!” Xia Jun immediately changed his attitude when he heard it, really invigorating his true essence, and yelled in the direction of the crack.

“Big brother, we are too bad luck. We ran into Bailizhen on the road. He also arrested me and Shanshan younger sister. He wanted to force you out, so don’t come out…


Before Xia Jun’s words were finished, Baili really looked cold, and planned to kill Xia Jun who disobeyed his orders on the spot.

Ye Shanshan hurriedly yelled: “Bai Lizhen, if you dare to kill the big brother Xia, I will bite my tongue and kill myself now!”

“You, well, look at your face Come on, I won’t kill him!” Bailizhen finally let go of his anger, and it is not easy to find a martial artist with a special bloodline.

If you can take Ye Shanshan back while catching Ye Fei, that would be a great contribution, and Bai Lizhen barely held back his anger.

“Ye Fei, I know you are inside. Now your younger sister and follower are in my hands. If you know her, it’s best to hand her over. I can still consider not killing you!” Seeing Xia Jun’s refusal to give in, Baili really looked indifferent, so he simply shouted inside.


At the same time that Bailizhen was shouting.

In the Martial Sovereign palace, Lin Ying has completely released a trace of the Martial Saint blade of the Golden Battle Blade. The terrifying blade light made the entire Martial Sovereign palace sky full of cobweb-like cracks.

Jiang Cheng’s face suddenly became extremely solemn, and a huge wooden shield suddenly appeared in his hand. While protecting himself, he retreated to Ye Fei’s side and said, “Brother Ye, go quickly.” , You take the treasure, and give it to my grandfather!”

“Hey, Brother Jiang, it’s too late, there is simply no treasure in it, me or you, both are The chess piece that Jiang Min laid!” Ye Fei sighed. Jiang Cheng is a good person, but unfortunately he and Jiang Family are now enemies and not friends.

“Jiang Cheng, you reminded me to get rid of Martial Saint’s pursuit. Today, I will help you defeat this Lin Ying, which is also our friendship, and draw an end!”

Slightly facing Jiang Cheng’s nodded, Ye Fei stepped towards Lin Ying. Jiang Cheng was stunned. He didn’t know what Ye Fei meant, but it was faint. I also understand what Ye Fei is talking about.

“haha, beat me? Ye Fei, you are nothing but mud legs from the sea. I don’t think you know how high the sky is in Zhong Prefecture, the earth is how deep! die for me! “

Lin Ying saw that in front of Martial Saint’s swordsman, Ye Fei dared to take the initiative to come out. Lin Ying’s eyes suddenly flashed with a strong fierce light, following the Golden Battle Blade in his hand. Pointing, Martial Saint’s sword light, with howling, has already mercilessly cut down on Ye Fei’s body.

“Brother Ye, be careful!” Jiang Cheng only froze for a few seconds before he reacted, “No matter what happens here, Brother Ye and I are still friends. Since we are friends, I can’t Stand aside and do nothing!”

Chapter 809: Broken Martial Saint Knife Mang

Chapter 809: Broken Martial Saint Knife Mang

Jiang Cheng suddenly burst into Primordial Spirit, ready to rush forward, and joined Ye Fei to resist the blade glow. But a few silhouettes stopped Jiang Cheng’s way in an instant.

“Jiang Cheng, we don’t want to be your enemy, please don’t act blindly without thinking!”

“This is the battle between Lin Ying and Ye Fei, or let them Two, decide the outcome by yourself.”

The young powerhouses who blocked the way seemed kind, but they all exploded with all their strength and tried to stop Jiang Cheng from joining the battle.

“You guys! Those who stand against me will die!” Jiang Cheng finally got angry. He didn’t expect someone to stand on Lin Ying’s side. Even with Jiang Cheng’s strength, he quickly took these All the people blocking the road were seriously injured.

But at this point in time, the Martial Saint Blademan released by Lin Ying has been ruthlessly slashed on Ye Fei’s body, “haha, Ye Fei, how are you with high talent? Today is not dead. In my hands!”


Ye Fei slightly smiled, facing this Martial Saint sword light, without looking at him, suddenly appeared on his body Put out the bright Purple Gold Tai Chi and stand in front of me.

“hmph, in front of Martial Saint, is your trick still useful?” Lin Ying face revealed disdain. Martial Saint’s sword mang also easily split Purple Gold Tai Chi into two.

In the end, this is Martial Saint’s attack. Even if Purple Gold Tai Chi is not invaded, if there is more power than it can bear, Purple Gold Tai Chi may still collapse.

This is the 10th meeting of single force subduing!

A clear comprehension flashed across Ye Fei’s face, and the breaking of Purple Gold Tai Chi, not at all frustrated Ye Fei, and the golden body of the war demon had already exuded dazzling rays of light.


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