“Brother, it’s wrong for us to do this!” Ye Shanshan was kind and couldn’t help but carefully persuade.

“The younger sister, Shanshan, go and carry him!” Xia Jun interrupted.

Ye Shanshan shut up immediately, pretending not to see the stone puppet hanging in the sky. The three people quickly left the scope of Fengwang Mountain.

This time Ye Fei did not return to the Wind King City, but left directly.


Void shifting amulet and Ten-Thousand Li Talisman are the most life-saving amulets in ancient spells. The moving distance of the former is three times that of the latter!

That is the distance of 30,000 li!

But even with such a long distance, Baili really felt very unsafe. You know, at that time, Sanjue Martial Sovereign picked off a star with bare hands.

If the star falls, it is a hundred thousand li around, it may become a ruin, and immediately Bailizhen decided to take out another Void Moving Talisman, preparing to continue to escape.

At this moment, two more silhouettes flew in the distant sky. When they saw Baili really disheveled hair, panicking and running away, they were all startled.

Bai Lizhen is the most gifted special genius of the Baili family. Even Martial Saint may not be able to kill Bailizhen. Who the hell is that can actually frighten Baili to escape. ?

Bai Li Shuang Sha was very surprised, and rushed over at the fastest speed: “Bai Li Zhen, what happened, who is chasing you?”

“It’s Baili Shuangsha! Why are you here? No, let’s run away! Martial Sovereign has cheated the corpse. He also picked a star with his bare hands and wanted to kill me!”

Bai Lizhen is really frightened this time. Although he is a special genius, he has also experienced many trials and his will is stronger than many Martial Saints.

It’s too scary to blame the stone puppets for picking the stars with bare hands. Not to mention Baili’s frightened mind. Everyone at the time, including Ye Fei, had a soul flew beyond the heaven a feeling of.

That is to say, Bailizhen escaped too fast to “survive”.

“What, Martial Sovereign has been dead for 2000 years. Even if the corpse is deceived, the corpse demon formed is at most half the emperor. The half emperor can pick stars with bare hands. Baili is really scared and confused. !” Baili Shuangsha was very surprised.

In the end, Baili is really young. The two Martial Saints of Baili Shuangsha are experienced. The most important thing is that they have both seen Martial Sovereign and communicated with Martial Sovereign.

It’s like picking stars with bare hands. Not to mention that Martial Sovereign can’t do it. It is Wu Imperial Capital impossible. Only the Martial God who exists in the emptiness can do such a thing.

“Not good, I got the trick!”

Is it a special genius. I just tried to escape and didn’t have time to think. Now after Baili Shuangsha reminded him, Baili Zhenye Finally, I realized that no matter how powerful Martial Sovereign is, it is impossible to get stars with bare hands. That is a method that Martial God has.

And Martial Sovereign, even at the peak period, is nothing more than the powerhouse of Martial Sovereign 3rd Layer. The corpse demon he turned into after his death is also impossible more than Martial Sovereign himself.

Bai Lizhen stabilized his mind, and looked back towards Fengwang Mountain with great effort, but saw the clear sky ten thousand li there, not to mention the stars, even a piece of meteorite fragment could not be seen.


A thick anger caused Baili True Qi’s hair to burn frantically. The raging flames and anger almost drove the surrounding The void melts,

“Who is it, dare to fight with me Bailizhen! I will never let you go, I will never let him go!” Under the anger, Bailizhendu Regardless of the heartache treasure, he directly smashed the second Void Moving Talisman in his hand, and instantly returned to Fengwang Mountain.

Chapter 960 Hidden Troubles

Chapter 960 Hidden Troubles

The truth about Baili also made Baili Shuangsha dumbfounded, what, they Baili The most outstanding genius in the family was actually fooled?

No matter who this person is, he must die! hmph!

Bai Sha and Hei Sha, both saw the killing intent in their eyes. They are the same as Bailizhen. For other martial artists, it is an empty moving talisman that is hard to find. , Baili Shuangsha even had it on her body, and she was so distressed to use it.

shua! shua!

Following Bailizhen, Baili Shuangsha also came to the ruins of Fengwang Mountain. When you see the completely destroyed Fengwang Mountain, They were all taken aback by the deep pit left by Martial Saint Self-destruction under the mountain.

“What the hell happened, Bailizhen, aren’t you tracking her? How come you met Martial Saint Self-destruction, even the three martial Sovereign who died for 2000 years were cheated?”

This kind of thing will happen to this person if he has bad luck. Of course, if Baili Shuangsha understands the identity of Ye Fei, they will be able to understand.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know, so they could only ask Bailizhen. Bailizhen had a black face and told the story of the pursuit of Ye Fei.

Bai Li Shuang Sha was shocked: “She actually hid on a person named Ye Fei. How could this be? That kid is crazy or stupid. He doesn’t eat such treasures. Actually still raising her and protecting her!”

“Hey, someone here has arranged ancient imaginary formation and released some powerful Soul Evocation secret technique! I know why the Martial Sovereign cheated the corpse. Now!”

Baili Shuangsha is the old rivers and lakes. They quickly found the place where the stone puppets arranged the Formation. Based on the description of Baili, they quickly figured out the whole sequence of things. events.

“Now there is someone who can still use the ancient formation? Needless to say, this person must use Formation to secretly enter the Martial Sovereign Palace, and give the Martial Sovereign Soul Evocation to the Sanjue Martial Sovereign! The illusion of a corpse!” Bai Sha coldly analyzed.

“The bare-handed star picking that Baili really saw should also be an ancient Illusion Technique, but with a trace of Martial Sovereign’s soul as an introduction, even if it is Illusion Technique, below Martial Sovereign Realm, basically It’s a good look.” Heisha said, and glanced at Bailizhen with a strange expression.

Baili True God is indifferent and does not say a word, but the magic flame on his body is already burning like a pillar of fire, “Baili Shuangsha obey orders!”

“Yes, Young Master!” Baili Shuangsha hurriedly knelt down and took his orders.

“Baili Shuangsha, no matter what method you use, you must find out the whereabouts of Ye Fei. As long as you find him, I will let him know how serious consequences will be if you play me! “

Bai Lizhen was speaking, and looking at Qingfeng Yajing, not to mention the corpse demon, Fengwang Mountain, where even the corpse demon could not find a single hair, his hair stood up angrily. Like a raging flame burning.

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