He felt a little lost in his heart.

“Shanshan, have you really decided?”

“Well, brother, I have decided! I follow you like this, it will only drag you down, so I am going to the Sixth Holy Sect cultivation, I want to become stronger. I hope that one day, I can stand in the front to protect the big brother instead of being protected by the big brother!”

Ye Shanshan’s expression is full of determination.

“Yes, there must be such an imposing manner. As long as you are willing to join our six Holy Sects, my uncle promises that within ten years, you will surpass Ye Xiaozi, but you can beat him! “The stone puppet continued to bewitched. Still stepping on Ye Fei to confuse Ye Shanshan.

Ye Fei swears again in his heart that if he knew who made this puppet, he would definitely kill that person 10,000 times.

However, the younger sister’s decision still made Ye Fei feel happy. After all, he really doesn’t have much power to protect Ye Shanshan. Let the younger sister continue to follow her, which will only delay her cultivation.

On the contrary, it is the six sacred palaces. No matter which one Ye Shanshan joins, the future is unlimited. Ye Fei could only gritted his teeth and threatened the stone puppet: “Uncle, please listen to me. If my younger sister can’t surpass me in ten years, I will demolish your stone when I go back!”

“hahaha, Ye Xiaozi, don’t worry, you only see the tip of the iceberg with the power of our six sacred palaces. If you have time, you should think more about it. The road to despair. Once you merge for the second time, you will never again. I can’t look back, hey!”

Said the stone puppet, a strange array suddenly appeared under his feet, and at the same time, this Formation was connected to the vast starry sky.

“Shanshan, come with uncle, uncle will take you to see the true colors of our six Holy Sects!”

“Brother, you must take care!”

Ye Shanshan shed tears, waved his hands, and stepped into the formation with the stone puppets, and rushed into the northern sky together. Vaguely, Ye Fei actually saw the land of heaven and earth, and saw the land of heaven and earth, which covered it. The six glorious holy palaces are blooming bright radiance at the same time.

At the center of rays of light, an old man stared at Ye Fei indifferently, his eyes were helpless, sighing, but with deep encouragement!

Ye Fei understands that the old man of Six Holy Sect must also know about his simultaneous cultivation of the power of war and strength of Asura.

But this old man not at all stopped him. On the contrary, after learning of his choice, although he sighed, he still encouraged him!

Ye Fei’s desperate heart, suddenly a glimmer of hope, he bent down, deeply moved towards the old man, moved towards the stone puppet, and moved towards the magnificent six Holy Sect, bowed deeply .

“Senior, uncle, my younger sister, please! The road of despair, as long as I don’t die, I will stick to it!”

It may not be impossible to get through!

I will definitely become the strongest Martial God!


Ye Fei stared in the direction of Beihai, until he could see nothing, he withdrew his gaze, looked at the heart of the monster dragon at random, and shook his head.

“Although this thing is useless to me, it is the heart of the uncle and the senior. Although I don’t know how to use it, I can sell it to Senluodian in exchange for a large amount of Spirit Stone and Holy Bone. , So that I at least break through Martial Saint and don’t have to worry about the Spirit Stone and the Holy Bone.”

In the end, this is the heart of the quasi-emperor-level demon dragon, which is extremely valuable. Ye Fei can’t rest assured. Put this treasure in the space belt.

After thinking about it, the animal print space is the safest.

So he moved the Heart of the Demon Dragon towards the Beast Seal Space, and found that Xiaocao was still sleeping; Dragon Tortoise also lay down as a pillow.

Ye Fei smiled relieved, followed Xia Jun’s breath and hurried over.

It’s just that Ye Fei didn’t know. Shortly after he threw the heart of the demon dragon into the space of the beast seal, Dragon Tortoise, who was still lying on his stomach as a pillow, suddenly stretched out his head and looked left and right. Finding that the grass is still sleeping sweetly, Ye Fei also took back the divine sense.

Dragon Tortoise’s eyes suddenly became as huge as a lantern, looking at the heart of the demon dragon that Ye Fei threw in with shock.

“The heart of the monster dragon, that is the heart of the monster dragon!” Dragon Tortoise almost roared in excitement. Dragon Tortoise is fierce, feeding on Flood Dragon, and within the body also contains dragon’s. blood, of course it can feel the horrible spirit of the monster dragon contained in the heart of the monster dragon at a glance.

The spirit of the demon dragon, but Dragon Tortoise dreams of wanting to possess. So while Ye Fei Xiaocao did not pay attention, Dragon Tortoise’s entire side suddenly shrank, unexpectedly swish, retracted from the hard shell, and then strove to the demon dragon in the posture of a tortoise paddling. The heart drew over.

Chapter ninety-hundredth greedy Dragon Tortoise

Chapter ninety-hundredth chapter greedy Dragon Tortoise

clear sky ten thousand li, bright sun and a gentle breeze.

Farewell to the younger sister and the stone puppet, Ye Fei and Xia Jun flew towards the small city found in the distance. This is a very ordinary town, but even in a small town, there are many powerful martial artists hidden in it.

At the same time, their gazes kept moving towards the martial artist who entered the city.

At the location of the city gate, there are three portraits posted, namely Ye Fei, Ye Shanshan, and Xia Jun. Ye Fei feels a headache.

“This Baili is really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed, so soon, I was issued an arrest warrant!” At this time, Ye Fei was suddenly thankful that the stone puppet had taken the younger sister away. Up.

With Bailijia’s attitude of not catching herself and never giving up, it would be very dangerous if the younger sister continued to follow him.

Xia Jun frowns, looking at the arrest warrant on the city wall, suggested: “Or we should change our way. After encountering Bailizhen, we may not necessarily run away.”

“No, there are only three roads to go to Imperial Capital. As long as Baili is not stupid, he will definitely arrange experts to ambush us on all three roads. Now we can only try one’s luck, hope we will encounter this road It’s not Bailizhen!”

Ye Fei sighed. Now he is far behind a special genius like Bailizhen, but such a gap is not irreparable.

“As long as I can merge the strength of Asura and the power of war demon for the second time, I may not be inferior to a special genius like Bailizhen!”

Bailizhen wanted him everywhere, Ye Fei still dared to enter the city, except for the Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth secret technique that Hu Yanchao gave him before he left.

The most important thing is that Ye Fei still wants to sell the Demon Dragon Heart in his hand quickly. As long as he sells the Demon Dragon Heart, he will have enough cultivation resources.

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