
The excitement was too sudden. The owner of the Colosseum suddenly couldn’t help but breathe out a mouthful of blood. He remembered Xia Jun’s 300 million bet. One lose ten!

If the black dog loses, that is to say, the Colosseum will instantly lose 3,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.

“We have made a profit, big brother, we have made a profit this time, a full 3,000,000,000 Spirit Stone!” Xia Jun excitedly rushed to the Colosseum and picked up Dragon Tortoise on the spot. Kissed.

Dragon Tortoise threw up on the spot, it’s a male.

Ye Fei also smiled slightly and moved towards Black Dog and walked over. Opened his hand and said: “It seems that I won, you should cash your bet?”

“A tortoise of martial arts, my black dog has fought a beast for a lifetime, and it is also unheard-of. I lose. If you lose, you are convinced, but you have to be careful, the Colosseum will not allow you to get this Spirit Stone easily!” Hei Dog’s face was gray and gave his space belt to Ye Fei, and then whispered sound transmission. , And then turned and left.

He didn’t stay in the Colosseum, but rather desperately and seriously injured Three Headed Hound, he left Beast King City. Ye Fei also silently looked at the black dog’s back.

He feels that although the black dog character is a bit extreme, but this person can afford it, and put it down, it can be regarded as a powerhouse, and it should be respected.

“Black dog, many thanks!” Ye Fei waved to the black dog. Then, he turned his head and stared at the owner of the Colosseum with baleful qi on his face.

That is a high grade Spirit Stone of 3,000,000,000. If the Colosseum dares to renege on a debt, he must tear it down.

Chapter 921st Golden Beast

Chapter 921st Golden Beast

“Owner, what should we do, then But 3,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone!” Seeing Ye Fei’s victory, all the stewards of the Colosseum were panicked. If such a large amount of Spirit Stone were to be paid out, the Colosseum would surely be crippled.

The owner has already regretted it very much. He put Ye Fei into the Colosseum, knowing that he was a tortoise with martial arts, let alone the black dog, listen. Never heard of it.

The martial artist watching the battle in the Colosseum is already in an uproar, and there are countless people shouting.

“This kid is too insidious. He actually raised a tortoise who knows martial arts, but he still pretends to be weak.”

“We were all deceived by him. I knew that this tortoise is so powerful, I just put all my wealth on this tortoise!”

“haha, the Colosseum has lost miserably, a full 3,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone, look at them How to pay.”

Some people are shocked, and some people are taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

People looked towards the owner of the Colosseum, waiting for his decision.

At this time, Ye Fei also left the Colosseum and walked directly to the owner’s side, and asked very suspiciously: “Dare to ask the owner, I won this battle. Then we bet In terms of the Colosseum, do you pay for it or not?”

“Impudent, how do you talk to the owner!”

“Boy, you know who is behind the Colosseum Is it?”

The stewards of the Colosseum are very angry. If they had known that this turtle was so powerful, they would never accept a huge bet of 300 million.

Obviously, Ye Fei came to the Colosseum to play the autumn breeze. Spirit Stone has always been a martial artist in the Colosseum, and there has never been a martial artist who dares to make a big profit in the Colosseum. Ye Fei’s actions have made many managers extremely angry.

“Come here, hit the kid who made trouble in the Colosseum, with a stick!” A steward of the Colosseum stood up and shouted.

“You have made it clear that you want to renege on a debt!” Ye Fei squinted, anger was already burning in his heart, “The Colosseum opened the door to do business, and I won the money. My ability! Could it be that all the Spirit Stones in your Colosseum are only allowed to enter and cannot exit. We only allow us to lose money, and we are not allowed to win!”

“Yes, yes, fighting beasts The field is really too much!” Many of the martial artists onlookers are also nodded. They come to the Colosseum to fight the beasts, first for fun, and secondly, they hope to use the beasts to win some Spirit Stone for cultivation.

If someone else wins the money, the Colosseum will find excuses to deny it. Then who will dare to come to the Colosseum?

The words in charge immediately aroused public anger. The middle-aged player, who was still hesitating, gave Ye Fei a fiercely fiercely. Coldly said: “hmph, I can’t afford to lose at the Colosseum! We can give you 3,000,000,000, but we have a condition!”

“What conditions?” Ye Fei asked.

“It’s very simple, you enter the golden rank and fight another game! Do you dare?” The middle-aged player saw Ye Fei’s young and deliberately said aggressively.

“Fight! Fight! Brother, we support you!”

“This time I have bankrupted my family, and I have to press on this turtle!”

Fight The Bronze and Silver ranks of the animal farm are open every day, and the golden ranks are only open occasionally, but every time the golden rank is opened, it means that this is an ominous beast Peak duel, which will definitely attract the attention of countless people.

Of course, the audience will not miss such a wonderful show; I don’t know who is booing in the crowd, and then the whole audience of hundreds of thousands cheered loudly.

“Big brother, this Colosseum is a bit dark, so I used public opinion to force us.” Xia Jun embraced Dragon Tortoise and walked over with righteous indignation.

“There is no way in the dark. We won 3,000,000,000 in one go. If the Colosseum doesn’t have a temper, then it’s really dangerous.”

It’s like the Colosseum, Another round of open competition is still a relatively mild treatment, replaced by some extreme. Maybe he just got out of the Colosseum, and there is a powerhouse to murder to seize the treasures.

Xia Jun’s nodded, also recognized Ye Fei’s judgment, but he was still a little worried: “The Colosseum took the initiative to challenge. The ominous beast sent out must be sure of victory, Dragon Tortoise I may not be able to fight.”

“Idiot, why do we want to fight, first agree, take 3,000,000,000 Spirit Stone, and then directly admit defeat, anyway, the loss is only 10,000,000 appearance fees.” Ye Fei said with a smile.

In the Colosseum gold tier match, the Spirit Stone cost for a battle is only 10,000,000. Anyway, they have already earned 3,000,000,000. Given 10,000,000, they still made a profit.

Xia Jun recalled Ye Fei’s words, and immediately admired the prostrate oneself in admiration. It turned out that Ye Fei was the darkest one. He clearly won the opponent 3,000,000,000, and you only lost 10,000,000.

“No wonder he is a big brother, I can only be a little brother, this is the gap.”

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