often used gestures to communicate with Xiaocao , Ye Fei instantly understood what Little Fatty looked like, “He told me not to go there, is there any danger on the ground?”

Ye Fei began to look towards On the ground, Dragon Tortoise roared, tentatively taking a step forward, which is this step, causing the ground to suddenly split. A statue of a tiger head unexpectedly rushed out from the ground, roaring and attacking Dragon Tortoise. .

“so that’s how it is, these statues in the beast hall are all monster puppets guarding the beast hall! Little Fatty won’t let me pass, just knowing that there is a monster under this place. It seems that this person has a good heart.” Ye Fei started to be a little curious about this Little Fatty. Wearing a python robe, he was probably a descendant of the Beast King.

It’s a bit strange to be tied here again.

Take advantage of the gap between Dragon Tortoise and the monster puppet, Ye Fei walked to Little Fatty’s side and broke the chain on his body: “Little Fatty, who did you offend? Are you tied here and watch you with a monster?”

Little Fatty struggled desperately, waved his hand to Ye Fei who was approaching, and said, “Don’t come close to me, I’m the bearer of bad luck in the palace. , If anyone approaches me, whoever will have bad luck like me!”

“bearer of bad luck? I don’t believe it!”

Ye Fei shook his head, he is heaven He didn’t believe in the abandoned person, and there were others who were more bad luck than himself. Ye Fei walked over immediately and broke all the remaining iron chains on Little Fatty.

Little Fatty suddenly looked pale, and said with a crying voice: “Brother, you can’t come close to me. Before no one finds it, you can go quickly, or let other brothers see you let me go, they I will bully you together. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to be a bearer of bad luck.”

“Why, your brothers tied you here? Why did you offend them?” Ye Fei Some said curiously.

At the same time, it can be seen that 80% of this Little Fatty’s brain is not good, he is obviously not from the palace, and Little Fatty actually regards him as a child of the palace.

Little Fatty seemed to know what Ye Fei was thinking, and suddenly said angrily: “Brother, although Pompeii has a bad brain, what I said is true. Brothers have said that, who dares to follow? I’m good, they’ll fight once when they see you. Hurry up and tie me back, or let them know that if you let me go, they will fight with you.”

“Fuck, see you once After one fight, it seems that the internal fighting in the Beastmaster’s Mansion is quite fierce.” Ye Fei shook his head and didn’t want to care about these things. He turned around and left with Dragon Tortoise.

As for the tiger head statue, it has long been smashed by Dragon Tortoise. At the same time, an ancient ominous beast inner core rolled to the feet of Dragon Tortoise and was swallowed by Dragon Tortoise.

Ye Fei also immediately felt that after swallowing the inner core, the breath of Dragon Tortoise has become much stronger. He was a little surprised and said to himself: “It seems that these should be Monster Race refining medicine pill. It is no wonder that the children of the palace will continue to smash these statues for the purpose of obtaining such inner core.”

I glanced at the 7th floor and found that there were no statues left. Ye Fei was about to walk into the 8th floor space of the Beast Hall. At this moment, Little Fatty suddenly ran over in anxious manner, pulling Ye Fei hard and said: “Brother , You can’t enter the 8th floor. There are a lot of bad guys inside. If they know that you let me go, they will definitely hit you.”

Ye Fei was speechless at once, I can see it, Little Fatty A nice person, but it’s a pity that the brains are really not very bright, no wonder they will be bullied by other princes.

The nine hundredth thirty two chapter demon soul

The nine hundredth thirty two chapter demon soul

“Don’t worry, as long as I don’t say it, they won’t know I let you go.” Ye Fei could only comfort Little Fatty like this, and then wanted to push him away.

I pushed it, but it didn’t.

Little Fatty is very stubborn, holding Ye Fei’s hands tightly with both hands and insisting: “Brother, you should tie me up quickly. I really don’t want to hurt you… They all say I am The bearer of bad luck in the palace, my existence is to lose the face of the palace, wū wū wū wū!”

Maybe it’s been too long since I met Ye Fei who was kind to him, Little Fatty said Suddenly he cried bitterly while holding Ye Fei, tears and nose splashing together.

Ye Fei suddenly felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood. He quickly used all his strength to push this clingy Little Fatty away. At the same time, he was full of shock. This Little Fatty is obviously not Martial King’s top ten. The realm, but his strength is surprisingly great.

With his fleshy body, he can’t hold Little Fatty’s strength a little bit. Even if Little Fatty’s brain is not bright, he won’t be so miserable in the palace.

Ye Fei became interested in Little Fatty and asked: “Little Fatty, why do you say that you are a bearer of bad luck? Your brothers bully you like this, don’t you care about the Beastmaster?”


“I don’t know how I am a bearer of bad luck, but those brothers, in front of my dad, take great care of me. As long as dad passes away, they call me a bearer of bad luck, and they often beat me. , Brother, did I do something wrong, why did they must beat me?” Little Fatty’s face was full of grievance.

Ye Fei doesn’t know how to comfort Little Fatty. What happened to Pompeii reminds Ye Fei that his dantian was completely destroyed. During the painful days in Blackstone City, he was in a different situation from Pompeii, but the experience was surprisingly similar.

I can’t help but have some sympathy for Little Fatty. Ye Fei said to Little Fatty very seriously: “If you want not to be bullied, then work hard for cultivation. Only when you become stronger can you protect yourself. Can protect the one you love!”

Little Fatty still cried and cried: “Brother, I want to become stronger, but there is no way. My brain is too stupid. Dad said that unless I enter the animal hall, Get the legendary demon soul, otherwise I will never be able to break through the realm and become a powerhouse.”


Ye Fei then remembered that Martial King Realm can use resources to go Heap, but Martial Saint 12-layer needs to condense Primordial Spirit.

Pompeii’s brain is obviously not working well. It is indeed a bit difficult for him to comprehend the holy way and condense the Primordial Spirit. Little Fatty didn’t care whether Ye Fei understood it or not, and continued to talk to himself endlessly.

“Father said that the demon soul can allow me to condense the Primordial Spirit, and it can also allow me to have the Martial Dao power without comprehension, so he at all costs, he found the Beast Palace, just hope I can find the demon soul when I go in, which makes me smart. But those brothers are too weird.”

Little Fatty was suddenly indignant, gritted his teeth and said: “They obviously promised in front of Dad that they would Helped me to find the demon soul, but not long after I came in, they coaxed me to help them sense the position of the demon soul, and they tied me here, saying that I was a bearer of bad luck and I was not worthy of the demon soul. Brother, I did not provoke them Ah, they usually beat me and scold me, and I haven’t resisted, why do they still treat me like this?”

As he said, Dou Da’s tears fell again, and Little Fatty said nothing. , Moved towards Ye Fei, he threw himself over again, as if to cry.

Fortunately, Ye Fei was well prepared and quickly pushed Dragon Tortoise over and stood in front of him. At the same time, he was secretly shocked by the information Little Fatty had revealed in his heart.

“The demon soul can obtain the power of Martial Dao?”

Can the demon soul comprehend the power of Martial Dao forcibly, just like the sacred bone of Martial Saint? Little Fatty is too stupid to understand.

Ye Fei is a person who has been abandoned by the sky. There is no way to understand it, but one thing is the same. They all have to rely on foreign objects in order to improve the Martial Dao.

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s mind had an amazing idea, “I don’t lack the Spirit Stone of cultivation now, but I lack the holy bones to enhance Martial Dao’s power. Kill, I have no way to buy holy bones from Chamber of Commerce and Senluo Temple. If the effect of the demon soul is the same as holy bones, this is an opportunity for me to improve my strength.”

Think of this, Ye Fei He quickly pulled up Little Fatty, who was still crying on the dragon turtle’s back: “Pompeii, stop crying, I ask you, can you really sense the position of the demon soul of the beast hall?”

“Of course you can , Brother, don’t look at me stupid. I was very smart before, but unfortunately I accidentally drank a bowl of monster blood before I became like this.”

Ye Fei sweats a bit, monster blood Dare to drink casually, this Pompeii might be a big foodie.

“Okay, as long as you can sense the position of the demon soul, your brothers won’t help you, I will help you, but after you find the demon soul, I want half!” Ye Fei made a condition Tao.

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