“Okay, third brother, fifth brother, don’t quarrel, let’s think about how to deal with the aftermath, the sixth man’s brain is not good, but he’s not really stupid. If he treats us Let’s say what happened to him, Royal Father will definitely not spare us.” Pang Long was very worried.

Pang Feng and Pang Hu looked at each other, and their expressions became extremely gloomy. In the end, Pang Feng spoke and made up his mind: “hmph, the sixth child is useless, knowing that we are going to kill him, as long as we scare him Next, he must not dare to talk about it, the key is that Ye Fei……”

“Three brothers are right, this time it is the bearer of bad luck good luck, we are now What needs to be done is to kill the Ye Fei first, and then find a way to deal with the bearer of bad luck. “Pang Hu nodded, and agreed with Pang Feng’s proposal.

Pang Long originally supported Pang Feng, and he had a part in framed Little Fatty. At this time, naturally he would not oppose Pang Feng and Pang Hu’s plan.

The three kings of the palace have just discussed it.


Dragon Tortoise took Ye Fei and Little Fatty all the way from the 10th floor to the Eleventh Layer, but there was no monster in the 11 layers, and they were all taken by the palace. Jie cleaned up.

When seeing Ye Fei and Little Fatty coming in, the faces of Pang Feng and the others became extremely ugly. Pang Long took the lead and blocked the passage between the tenth and 11th layers.

Pang Feng and Pang Hu pointed at Ye Fei shouted furiously at the same time: “Ye Fei, you are so courageous to break into the beast hall without permission, but even dared to kidnap our sixth brother. You hurry up and give your sixth brother to us, and we can still give you a way to survive.”

“Leave it to you? Ask Little Fatty yourself if he is willing to follow you.” Ye Fei coldly said, Let Pang Long block the entrance.

Anyway, treasure is limited, even if these three people don’t deal with him, he won’t easily let go of the three masters of the palace.

Pang Hu was hearing this, thinking that Ye Fei was stunned. He coldly smiled and beckoned to Little Fatty: “Sixth brother, come over to us. We were just kidding you. “

“No, I won’t go over, you are not my brother, you all want to kill me, brother, you have to help me!” Little Fatty instinctively was very afraid of the three kings of the palace, and quickly hid in Ye Behind Fei.

The complexion of the three Pang Feng suddenly changed. What they were worried about happened, and Little Fatty even told Ye Fei about it.

“Sixth brother. You misunderstood, we don’t want to harm you, we are only worried about you, so we let you stay on the 7th floor temporarily. When we find the demon soul, we will naturally pick you up.” Pang Feng still refuses to give up, trying to trick Little Fatty over, so that they can deal with Ye Fei without any scruples.

Pang Long and Panghu helped each other, and they said together: “Sixth brother, you are a weak|intellectual, and it is inevitable that you will be deceived by an adulterer…”

They said nothing. After speaking, Little Fatty yelled directly: “You all shut up! My Pompeii’s brain is not good, but I am not weak. After I get out, I must tell the Royal Father about you bullying me!” /p>

“What, tell Royal Father?”

Pang Hu and Pang Long were startled, they suddenly felt that the current Little Fatty is a little different from the previous Little Fatty.

This scumbag, not only is not afraid of them, but also dared to move towards them roaring?

“Three brothers?” Pang Hu’s eyes were the first to show fierce light. Among the three brothers, he also looked down on Little Fatty the most. Because Little Fatty’s brains were not good enough, when others mentioned the three masters of the palace, Always mention Little Fatty incidentally, which makes Pang Hu very angry.

Pang Feng understood what Pang Hu meant. The hesitation in his heart finally became firm after seeing Little Fatty’s transformation. Nodded hard, a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

“Hey, sixth brother, ah sixth brother, you said that you are honestly a wasteful, we can still give you a way to survive, since you no longer listen to us, then it is impossible, we can only let you follow this The kid has returned to the West together.” Pang Long left a tear in hypocritically.

Little Fatty was terrified. He looked at Ye Fei with a sad face and said, “Brother, I just said that I am a bearer of bad luck, so you don’t want to be with me. Now it’s broken, they will not only kill I, even you have to kill!”

“Then they must have the ability to do it, but unfortunately, the Beastmaster is considered Dragons Among Humans. The three sons born are three unfamiliar. Dog! It’s so sad!” Ye Fei sighed long.

Although he knew that the three masters of the palace were not good things, he still sighed when he saw their attitude towards Little Fatty.

Of course, Ye Fei’s sigh fell in the ears of the three masters of the palace, that is, a deep humiliation and anger.

The 935th chapter defeats the three masters in seconds

The 935th chapter defeats the three masters in seconds

“What did you say, you are one Minions, dare to call us dogs, just by your words, today, I want to call you die without a whole corpse!” Pang Long said furiously.

Pang Feng also shook his head gloomily: “Fourth brother, fifth brother, listen carefully, this Ye Fei was frantic, not only broke into the beast hall without authorization, but also hijacked the sixth brother, and finally killed the sixth brother. , As the elder brother, do you think we want to avenge the sixth brother?”

Pang Hu knows that Little Fatty is no longer the previous useless, threats are useless, his body is suddenly exposed With a thick murderous intention, he roared loudly: “Sixth brother, you died so miserably, I will avenge you for my brother!”

“Brother, am I dead? I am not dead. , Why did they say that I was dead?” Little Fatty was already stunned, his mind didn’t turn a bit.

Ye Fei was also extremely speechless, and finally learned the shamelessness of the three masters of the palace.

“Dragon Tortoise, protect Little Fatty! As for these three beasts, leave it to me!” Ye Fei asked Dragon Tortoise to protect Little Fatty and step aside.

I walked towards the three masters of the palace alone.

“Brother, no, they will kill you!” Little Fatty’s face turned pale, and then he realized something was wrong, he immediately pushed Dragon Tortoise away, wanting to move towards Ye Fei ran here and saw the huge Dragon Tortoise, which was almost overturned by Little Fatty to the ground.

Dragon Tortoise was taken aback on the spot, his eyes looking towards Little Fatty couldn’t help showing a shocked expression. At the same time, the faces of the three masters of the palace showed murderous intention.

“Boy, you have a kind. Facing the three masters of our palace, you dare to go forward alone, the fifth, you go up and kill him!” Pang Feng coldly snorted, he holds his own identity, of course Disdain to take a shot at Ye Fei, who is so thoroughly weak.

Pang Hu had no such scruples. His character was a bit violent, and he was scolded as a beast by Ye Fei. This undoubtedly inspired Pang Hu’s infinite murderous intention.


The first shot was not Pang Hu, but Pang Long, who was secretly standing behind Ye Fei. With a smirk on his face, Ye Fei turned his attention to Pang Hu.


The sword is collapsing like mountains and rivers, sweeping turbulently towards Ye Fei. Pang Long is confident that his sword will definitely make Ye Fei immortal and seriously injured. He Panglong is also a genius of Half Saint Level. He wants to kill an ordinary martial artist with seven layers, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.


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