“hahaha, Saint Court has countless beauties, but unfortunately, you two boys, I’m afraid there is no chance to get rid of it.”

Suddenly in the void ahead, there was a cold laugh. Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed, and he quickly let Dragon Tortoise land on a hilltop, in the sky, I don’t know when one black one white two figures appeared.

“It’s Baili Heisha, he also found a helper!” Xia Jun’s voice trembled unconsciously. It was not fear, but the pressure of Martial Saint released by Black and White Fiends was too strong.

“Dragon Tortoise, you and Xia Jun, retreat to a safe place, these two people, I will solve it!” Ye Fei faintly instructed. Dragon Tortoise and Xia Jun hearing this immediately retreated, Ye Fei stepped toward the sky, staring at Baili Heisha and said: “Heisha, you came just right, last time you chased and killed me, this time, I will follow You fight!”

“What, fight with me, do you deserve it?” Baili Heisha was very angry. If he didn’t carelessly, he met Dragon Tortoise last time, how could he be Dragon Tortoise was defeated and fled? “Boy, you were lucky last time. I didn’t know you still had Dragon Tortoise by your side. I will never keep your hands this time.”

“Bai Sha, you go and deal with that Dragon Tortoise And the kid over there, as for this Ye Fei, let me deal with it.” Baili Hei feared that Dragon Tortoise would make trouble again, and had already divided the labor with Bai Sha in advance.

Bai Li Baisha was nodded, and looked at Ye Fei indifferently, but ignoring Ye Fei, he was about to rush towards Dragon Tortoise.

“Stop, to deal with them, get past me first!” Ye Fei certainly won’t let Baili Baisha walk over easily. He can sense that the breath of Baisha is more than that of Blacksha. Be strong.

Hei Sha is an expert of Heavenspan 2nd layer, and White Sha is at least an expert of Heavenspan 3rd-layer, which is not something Dragon Tortoise and Xia Jun can resist.

“hmph, the person I want to kill, can you stop it?” Baili Baisha looked towards Ye Fei with disdain in his eyes.

In his opinion, Ye Fei has been able to escape the chase many times, but it’s just a bit of luck. Now they Black and White Fiends are shooting at the same time, and it is Heavenspan Great Saint, and they don’t want to escape. Put Ye Fei in his eyes, while speaking, Bai Sha intends to go over Ye Fei and directly attack the Dragon Tortoise and Xia Jun behind.

“receive my sword!”

Ye Fei touched the belt of the space and took out the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, a huge mountain of swords, rising from the ground, slashing towards the white Shame.

“Sword art, sword energy is like a mountain? You really won the martial arts of Martial Sovereign, but unfortunately, your realm is too low. No matter how strong your sword is, you can never hurt our Heavenspan Great. Saint! Hand of the Dark Demon!”

The white evil spirit walks in the sky, like a stroll in the garden, facing Ye Fei’s sword mountain, he just shoots a black giant palm at will, and then takes the sword mountain. The shot was completely shattered.

“This White Shaman is not Heavenspan 3rd-layer, but the Martial Saint of Heavenspan 4th layer!” As soon as White Shaman shot, Xia Jun and Dragon Tortoise sensed White Sha’s terrifying realm at the same time. Their faces changed.

Although Ye Fei fought against the Beastmaster, the two sides were destroyed by Little Fatty before they actually fought. At this time, can Ye Fei defeat Baili Baisha?

The answer is of course yes!

Don’t forget, Ye Fei at this time has already raised the War God Road to the 5th floor and has the ability to fight across five levels.

Faced with the white evil spirit of Heavenspan 4th layer, Ye Fei simply won’t be afraid. Besides, the current white evil spirit hasn’t paid attention to Ye Fei at all.

Ye Fei also immediately seized the opportunity of the white evil to underestimate the enemy, and while the sword mountain was crushed, suddenly ran the strength of Asura and entered the ancient genius Taboo Domain,

“Kill! The sword of the earth!”

hong long long!

sword energy whistling, such as mountains bursting and ground splitting. One sword mountain was destroyed, and another even greater sword mountain had risen from the ground. Cut to the front. Not only destroyed Bai Sha’s dark hand, but ruthlessly smashed into Bai Sha’s body.

A look of horror flashed across Bai Sha’s face: “My dark hand is destroyed. You can actually fight across five levels. Are you also a special bloodline?”

Not to mention that Bai Sha was shocked, Hei Sha who was about to shoot was also shocked.

Chapter 947: Purple Thundercloud

Chapter 947: Purple Thundercloud

The Aristocratic Family of Baili is very powerful in the Snow Empire. If it wasn’t for the Imperial Family standing behind the Beastmaster’s Mansion, even the Beastmaster’s Mansion would not be the opponent of Baili Aristocratic Family.

Baili Aristocratic Family has a thorough grasp of Ye Fei’s information. Even Ye Fei has a relationship with Chamber of Commerce. After investigating it, it is natural to know that Ye Fei has a younger sister who owns Special ice bloodline. Since the younger sister has a special bloodline, it is not surprising that Ye Fei, the older sister, has a special bloodline.

Bai Li Heisha’s face suddenly flashed a lot of anger and murderous intention: “Boy, you hide so deeply. It turns out that you also have a special bloodline. No wonder Baili really chased you down. For a long time, I will miss twice, Bai Sha, this kid, today we have to kill!”

“hmph, killing him is too cheap for him, I will personally abolish his bloodline and let him Taste the pain of being turned into waste!” Under Bai Sha’s carelessness, Ye Fei was cut into the chest with a sword, and a huge blood mouth was torn out on the spot. The white baleful qi’s face turned blue. After all, it was Martial Saint of Heavenspan 4th layer, and Bai Sha’s reaction was quite fast. At the moment of injury, he had retreated quickly, and at the same time an azure armor appeared on his body, quickly wrapping him up.

“Sovereign Item? I should have thought about it. Even Pang Feng’s group has a Sovereign Item. How can there be no such two Baili experts!”

on Heisha was beaten away by Dragon Tortoise. It is estimated that he simply didn’t want to get entangled with Dragon Tortoise, not because of lack of strength.

“Ye Fei, die to me! The fury of the dark demon!”

White evil madly angry, his hands suddenly appeared countless black magic flames, and finally turned into A huge magic flame bow, open the bowstring.

“xiu xiu!”

The bowstring vibrates, and a rain of terrifying magic flame arrows turns into a meteor, shatters the void, and shines a terrifying black fire between Heaven and Earth.

“Magic battles in all directions!”

Hei Sha saw Bai Sha’s hands, and a dark magic knife appeared in his hand, and the blade was shining with blood-like scarlet rays. of light, and then countless Blade Qi, forming a terrifying knife curtain, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, moving towards Ye Fei came.

Shuangsha teamed up to make Xia Jun and Dragon Tortoise feel the fear of death.

Faced directly with the combined attack of Shuangsha, Ye Fei’s expression also became solemn. In the end, although he can fight across five levels, he can only tie with Baisha. A black evil spirit, he will undoubtedly be at a huge disadvantage.

“It seems impossible to keep it!”

Critical moment, Ye Fei does not need to keep: “Purple Gold Tai Chi!”

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