rune was broken, but Black and White Fiends did not move out.

“How could it be possible, but the Heavenly Tribulation caused by the great power of the earth, even if it locks us, how can it still lock this world?” The white evil face deathly pale, the voice of speech, all with tremolo.

Hei Sha’s eyes are bloody, and he is mad with anger. He found that he could not escape the range of Heavenly Tribulation. He baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed towards Ye Fei: “Boy, you I even used Heavenly Tribulation to yin us, my Black Sha will kill you now!”

“Kill me, I have the ability to survive this Heavenly Tribulation.” Ye Fei sneered, regardless of Hei Sha’s clamor He took the initiative to trigger Heavenly Tribulation. He was betting on his life. Since he is not afraid of death, Ye Fei is also afraid of the threat of Hei Sha?

Hei Sha couldn’t rush to Ye Fei’s side at all. White Sha had already hurriedly grabbed him, and shouted: “It’s not the time to start with him. He is already a dying person. It’s us. If we don’t want to die, we have to join forces to withstand this Heavenly Tribulation!”

hong long!

The sky and the earth are changing dramatically, and the purple thunderclouds appear at an extraordinary speed Hurry up, Bai Sha just finished speaking, the terrifying Heaven and Earth Might has already shocked the hearts of the three.


Under this Heaven and Earth Might, Black and White Fiends directly knelt down with a face full of horror. Under the formidable power of heaven and earth, they had no courage to raise their heads.

Ye Fei is even more bad luck. He was crushed on the ground on the spot, unable to move even a little bit, no way, here is his lowest level, without using Strength of Asura, let alone resist Heavenly Tribulation is now, and he can’t even stand up.

“This is Heavenly Tribulation? There is such a formidable power before it falls. If it falls, I won’t be killed by a Heavenly Dao Tribulation.”

Ye Fei full His face was bitter, and I finally knew how difficult this desperate road was, and immediately did not dare to neglect, Ye Fei quickly urged War God to enter Taboo Domain again. When Ye Fei got up, a terrifying vortex of thunder suddenly appeared in the sky.

That vortex is very terrifying, directly forming a deep void sea eye, and then the second, third, fourth…… There are a total of seven thunder sea vortex, appearing in the sky.

“Heavenly Tribulation of the Seven Tribulations, how could it be such a level of Heavenly Tribulation, what kind of freak is that kid!” Seeing the thunder sea vortex that constantly appeared in the sky, the black scared voice began Trembling.



Lightning and thunder.

The first thunder sea vortex suddenly divided into three, turning into three buckets of lightning beams, which fell ruthlessly down.

“Block it!”

“Must block it!”

Black and White Fiends roared at the same time, and they united together to face two terrifying lightning bolts at the same time The beam of light actually used a fist to stop the beam of lightning.

“Heaven sword art! Cut!” Ye Fei facial expression grave, the whole person is incarnation as the sword of heaven and earth. The sword is as powerful as a mountain, more like a river, surging endlessly, and will soon fall to his own beam of light Chopped to smash.

“Heavenly Tribulation, just this!”

Ye Fei thought secretly.

“Hahaha, the realm is still insufficient, boy, even if you can trigger Heavenly Tribulation, but with this formidable power, do you think you can kill us?” Heisha laughed wildly, successfully resisting Heavenly Tribulation gave Heisha a bit of confidence.

He even wanted to take the opportunity to rush over and kill Ye Fei first. Ye Fei also looked at Black Fiends as if he was facing an enemy. If so, he wouldn’t kill Black and White Fiends. He really didn’t know how to deal with it next. Isn’t he using Sword Soul of Immortality?


Without waiting for Ye Fei to figure out the countermeasures, the 2nd lightning beam came down again, and the formidable power was one after another more than before.

Hei Sha’s face finally changed. He didn’t dare to laugh at Ye Fei, but tried his best, and Bai Sha joined forces again to smash the beam of light.

On the other side, Ye Fei also used sword light to smash 2nd Heavenly Tribulation, just when he was relaxed, thinking that Heavenly Tribulation was really just this.

bang! bang!

Suddenly the third, 4th Heavenly Tribulation, was actually lowered at the same time, and the formidable power was also increased tenfold!

“It’s miserable, that’s ten times the Heavenly Tribulation. This can kill me! Heavenly sword art, block me!”

Ye Fei again incarnation For the sword, the strongest power burst towards the beam of light, 3rd Heavenly Tribulation, which was quickly smashed, but it was when Ye Fei resisted the 4th Heavenly Tribulation.

Suddenly a strong sense of numbness made Ye Fei’s movements extremely slow.


4th Heavenly Tribulation hit Ye Fei’s body so sturdily, Ye Fei’s Purple Gold Tai Chi, war demon golden body, including the 3rd-layer defense composed of mysterious scales, only insisted on one breath Time, it declared destruction.



The Black and White Fiends on the other side are not much better, Ye Fei failed to block the 4th Heavenly Tribulation, Black and White Fiends Nor can it.

4th Heavenly Tribulation, which also hit them hard.

Ye Fei was almost crying. He had known that Heavenly Dao Tribulation was terrifying, so he should make more preparations before he started to fight.

The sky suddenly became bright, and the 4th Heavenly Tribulation had just passed, and the fifth thunderbolt beam had already fallen ruthlessly.

At this time, Ye Fei didn’t even have the mood to cry. He felt the destruction aura emitted by the fifth Heavenly Tribulation. Ye Fei gritted his teeth, twelve Primordial Spirit, and the rays of light bloom at the same time, like The twelve suns rushed forward one by one, and also rushed toward the fifth Heavenly Dao Tribulation.

Unsurprisingly, Heavenly Tribulation’s terrifying, even Ye Fei self-destructed Primordial Spirit, can’t resist, twelve Primordial Spirits, and Ye Fei self-destructed ten in a row, replaced by other martial artists. , Already dead, but still can’t stop the whereabouts of Heavenly Tribulation.

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