It is the secret technique of the Eye of Thunder Punishment, which aroused Ye Fei’s keen interest.

Xia Jun is still in secluded bitter cultivation, breakthrough semi-sage, just don’t expect it for a short time, Ye Fei simply returns to house, and begins to study the newly acquired Eye of Thunder Punishment.

One hour passed.

Two hours passed.

This is how the day passed.


The difficulty of comprehending the Eye of Thunder’s Punishment is beyond Ye Fei’s imagination. In the end, he had to use the Immortal Sword Soul to improve his perception. , Finally realized all the eyes of thunder punishment.

“My God, this Eye of Thunder Punishment is actually Huangdi Absolute Art! Could it be said that Lin Family of the Northern Territory is actually the descendants of Huangdi, otherwise, how could they keep such martial? arts!”

Ye Fei took a breath.

Ye Fei, the fully comprehended Eye of Thunder Punishment, knew that this is not a secret technique at all, but a complete emperor’s jerk.

In the Northern Territory, the most famous is Wangqing the Great. His cultivation Supreme Indifference Dao has created the glory of the Northern Territory. But before Wangqing the Great, there was an even more ancient Martial Emperor in the Northern Territory. This person was named Huangdi, the Thunder Dao of the legendary cultivation of Huangdi.

There is also a pair of thunderbolt eyes, which can destroy myriad things and see through all the falsehoods in the world. But the Huangdi is too far away now, and many Ancient families far away to the Northern Territory have forgotten the legend of the Huangdi. Ye Fei also accidentally read an ancient book before he knew the existence of Emperor Huang.

At the same time, the eye of thunderbolt is the basis of the eye of cultivation thunderbolt. According to Ye Fei’s understanding, as long as he learns the secret technique of thunderbolt, he can continuously improve thunder through thunderbolt tempering The formidable power of the eye of punishment until the eye of thunder is transformed into the real eye of thunderbolt.

Then he will have the same mysterious power as Huangdi, seeing through all the illusions in the world!

“What a book of Thunder Punishment, what a wild emperor, no wonder Ninth Prince wants to get it at all costs, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, you can give me a great gift!” Ye Fei full With a wry face.

According to the value of this eye of thunder, let alone give Lin Heaven’s Chosen half of the high grade Spirit Stone and demon soul, just take out all the Spirit Stone and demon soul from Ye Fei. It’s not as good as 1% of the value of Eye of Thunder Punishment.

In Heavenly Martial Continent, the martial arts of the great emperor are widely circulated, but the emperor’s unique knowledge is basically not spread, because the martial arts essence that represents the great emperor’s life.

The Four Saint Court and the Aristocratic Family, why are they admired by countless people in Zhong Prefecture? That is, every Saint Court retains at least one Martial Emperor Absolute Art!

If you master this kind of genius, even if you cannot break through the Martial Emperor, but under the Martial Emperor, the genius of the Martial Emperor, to a certain extent, represents invincibility!

“Hey, I wanted to help Lin Heaven’s Chosen secretly, but I also specially gave Spirit Stone more, didn’t expect, so that Lin Heaven’s Chosen suffered a huge loss. It seems. I can only find opportunities later to compensate Brother Lin.” Ye Fei was a little depressed and sighed, and then began to cultivation Eye of Thunder.


In the cheapest Inn of Imperial Capital, Lin Heaven’s Chosen was also staring dumbfounded at what was poured out of the space belt.

“Five, 500 million high grade Spirit Stone? Three thousand demon souls? Originally I thought that giving the Eye of Thunder Punishment to Ye Fei would be regarded as paying back his favor. Now it seems that he owes him People’s favor is getting bigger and bigger.”

Lin Heaven’s Chosen is very stressed. Although he knows Ye Fei value emotion, value friendship, but seeing such a great wealth in front of him at a glance, Lin Heaven’s Chosen still I feel that Ye Fei’s help to him is too great and too profound.

“In addition to returning this life to him, how can I pay for such kindness?” Lin Heaven’s Chosen smiled bitterly and shook his head, as proud as him, and for the first time began to struggle, “Do you want to In order to repay this great kindness, follow Ye Fei?”

Chapter 966 Imperial Palace

Chapter 966 Imperial Palace

Bailizhen entered Imperial Capital, not at all immediately troubled Ye Fei, but moved into the most luxurious Inn of Imperial Capital, and suddenly announced her retreat.

This makes many martial artists looking forward to watching Bailizhen fight Ye Fei, and they are disappointed.

Ye Fei of course also received the news that Bailizhen had entered Imperial Capital. He also didn’t understand what Bailizhen was playing.

“Does he take into account that this is the Imperial Capital, it is not good to shoot me directly, in this case, I can be quiet for a while.”

The cultivation of Eye of Thunder, It is more difficult than Ye Fei imagined. In the end, it is this Huangdi Absolute Art that Lin Heaven’s Chosen can train, and it should be related to his within the body who has a thin Huangdi bloodline.

Ye Fei does not have the Huangdi bloodline. All he can do is to take a stern look, and slowly cultivation this secret technique according to the requirements of the eye of thunder. At this time, he doesn’t have the time to talk to Baili. Really fighting.

“hmph, let Bailizhen live for a while!”

Ye Fei thought coldly, closed his eyes and started cultivation again.

In the most luxurious Inn of Imperial Capital, Bailizhen also issued a coldly snorted: “Ye Fei, you brat lucky, I happen to meet my breakthrough moment, let you live for a while!”



As the Heaven and Earth Supreme List approached, the lively Imperial Capital suddenly became quiet, but this was just the calm of the rainstorm.

Once the top list begins, Imperial Capital is destined to set off a violent storm. For this moment, all martial artists began to retreat, conserve strength and store up energy, only for the Heaven Ranking battle.

Even the most impoverished group of imperial young masters in Imperial Capital, walking cautiously at this time, for fear of not opening their eyes, they provoke the super expert who came to Imperial Capital.

The days have never been calmer, and Ye Fei is not particularly satisfied with the cultivation speed of the Eye of Thunder Punishment: “Thunder Punishment Thunder Punishment, this unique school must be in thunder and lightning to complete the cultivation. Now I, at best, can only barely condense!”

One month later, Ye Fei stopped cultivation. Although he has not fully cultivation success Eye of Thunder, he can start using this door. The secret technique.

He thoughts move, and on his forehead, a vertical eye of lightning suddenly appeared, looking towards all around, all around objects became visible.

He saw a mosquito flying by, fanning dust in the air, and he saw an ant running and leaving footprints on the ground.

He even saw various tiny holes in the smooth paint surface of the table and chair.

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