Mashi San screamed, the whole person was forcibly lifted from the axe unity, and then fell straight into the sky, with a snap, Ma Shi San fell on the ground, he has seen his Sovereign Item The giant axe has been crushed by the air-stretched purple golden sword. The heart and blood were connected, Ma Shi’s head was dizzy, and he fainted without a breath.

At any rate, he even swept the super genius of Nine Great Empires. As a result, Ye Fei stabbed the stone into three serious injuries with a random sword, and even shattered the Sovereign Item.

“I said earlier, you are not my opponent!” Ye Fei sighed, he is not sarcasm, but is stating a fact, but he doesn’t believe it, what can he do?

“Your Majesty, I feel unwell underneath, so goodbye!”

Ye Fei cupped the hands, Bailizhen has retired, and saw the terrifying of the young Sovereign again, and continue to stay. It doesn’t make any sense anymore.

“With this time, I might as well cultivation a few more days!” Ye Fei took Xia Jun, turned and left the Imperial Palace. From beginning to end, everyone silently looked at Ye Fei. No sound can be heard.

“Interesting! If it is him, maybe, he can really take my full punch!” Dongfang Yu looked at Ye Fei’s back, his expression was still faint, but his eyes had become serious.

This is the second time Dongfang Yu has evaluated a person so seriously since he entered Imperial Capital. Upon hearing this evaluation, the talents present suddenly woke up.

“Really strong sword, very fast sword, I didn’t even react, Ma Shisan was seriously injured and unconscious!”

“This Ye Fei can definitely compete with Baili It’s really a fight, maybe he is also a genius of special bloodline!”

“Two special bloodline geniuses, this time the Heaven Ranking Supreme battle, it seems that our Snow Empire should be proud of it!”


The martial artists of the Snowstorm Empire suddenly became excited. You should know that in the recent Heaven Ranking battles, the Snowstorm Empire has almost always been beaten down because of the special appearance of the Snowstorm Empire. There are too few geniuses and too weak.

But now it’s different. They have Bailizhen and Ye Fei!

Even Jiang Qianbian couldn’t help showing a deep joy on his face at this time. As the Monarch of the entire Country, why could he tolerate Baili’s freedom to come and go, and why did he treat Dongfang Yu, a grand reception, everything is for the Supreme Ranking of Heaven!

Due to the suppression of the four Saint Courts, the empires of Zhong Prefecture rarely broke out into full-scale battles with each other. In many cases, super genius also represented the strength of an empire.

As long as the super genius cultivated by an empire gets a good ranking in the Heaven Ranking Battle, correspondingly, that empire will follow as the tide rises, the boat floats and get infinite benefits, but it has been in the last century. The genius of the Wind and Snow Empire is declining, and it is constantly suppressed by other countries. If this continues, the Wind and Snow Empire may perish.

Jiang Qianren was even more depressed about this. It was not until the appearance of Bailizhen and Ye Fei at the same time that Jiang Qianren saw a glimmer of hope of keeping Guozuo.

In a good mood, Jiang Qianyan simply announced another order: “Come here, give me an order, Ye Fei will raise our country’s prestige, defeat Ma Shisan, I am very relieved, and give Ye Fei a special gift. For the Sword King, I don’t kneel when I see me, and the sword is walking on the palace…”

“What, Sword King, pu…”

The edict of the Great Snow is not finished yet. In the crowd, Lin Ying’s already angry chest was about to burst. He did not hesitate to provoke Ye Fei in public to ruin Ye Fei.

It’s okay now. He didn’t stop Ye Fei from saying anything. He also helped Ye Fei earn the title of Sword King. Lin Yingqi’s eyes began to turn black, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 870th chapter list assessment

Chapter 970th chapter list assessment

“What, the Great Snow Emperor named me the Sword King “Shortly after Ye Fei left the Imperial Palace, Jiang Qianbian’s reward was also sent over, Ye Fei was very depressed.

He didn’t do anything, and he actually became a courtier of the Snowstorm Empire. Coincidentally, in the Snowstorm Empire, his title is still Sword King. Even the Emperor Fengxue ordered someone to reward Ye Fei with a Sword King Mansion. Of course, Ye Fei has this treatment. Baili’s treatment is not bad.

The Heaven Ranking battle has not yet begun. The Snow Empire has two super geniuses, and they are crowned kings at the same time. This is something that has never happened to Imperial Capital. As soon as the news came out, countless martial artists were in an uproar.

Ye Fei’s fame has also reached its peak in Imperial Capital.

In the end, the King of Fighters once commented on him personally, which also gave Ye Fei an extra layer of mysterious color, but Ye Fei would rather not have the title of Sword King. He had no intention of staying in the Snow Empire.

What is helpless is that Fengxue Great’s reward has already been given. Facing a half-emperor’s reward, it is not Ye Fei who said no, he could not.

He could only take the identity token representing the Sword King handed over by Court Eunuch, and then moved into the newly established Sword King Mansion with Xia Jun.

I have to say that the Emperor Fengxue attaches great importance to Ye Fei. Not only did he vacate a superior palace as the Sword King’s house within a day, but also your servants and servants. Everything is available.

There are even ten Martial Monarch 3rd Layer guards at the door. At the gate of the palace, there are ten beautiful maids waiting for Ye Fei’s diet and living, watching Xia Jun’s saliva. All splashed three thousand feet.

“Big brother, otherwise, we wouldn’t be cultivated during this period of time. It’s okay to enjoy it.” Xia Jun suggested very seriously.

I don’t even bother to ask, Ye Fei knows what this guy’s idea is, and he kicks it and said: “Go away, Heaven and Earth Supreme List is about to start, you still have time to enjoy, by the These maids and guards will all be returned to me.”

Martial Dao Road, be careful, press forward!

The high position and great wealth in front of him is not Ye Fei’s pursuit. After saying this, he walked into the cultivation room of the Sword King House to continue his cultivation.

In the battle at the Imperial Palace, Ye Fei felt tremendous pressure from Dongfang Yu. “Now my strength, against the young king, can still fight, facing the young Sovereign, my gap is still too big, I must work harder to catch up with these real geniuses!”

Continue cultivation Eye of Thunder Punishment!


Sword King’s mansion soon returned to peace. Jiang Qianyan sent a rich and beautiful woman, but only to test Ye Fei. Seeing that Ye Fei did not accept it, Jiang Qianren did not accept it. Angrily, he turned to the Beast King nodded next to him: “This Ye Fei, it is rare to be seduced by wealth and beauty.”

“hmph. The son-in-law that this king values, how can it be bad? !” The Beastmaster triumphed, and Little Fatty stood behind the Beastmaster and kept poking his lips.

My brother did not agree to this marriage.

But the Beastmaster will not care about these details, anyway, the marriage book is still in his hand! What the Beastmaster says now, that is all reason!

Ye Fei didn’t know at this time that the Beastmaster had also come to Imperial Capital, otherwise he would not be cultivated, but would go directly to the Beastmaster, Old Guy, to settle the accounts.

At the same time as the Sword King Mansion, there is also the War King Mansion.

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