four people’s faces, with shocked expressions at the same time, can make Dongfang Yu say that, is there really anything extraordinary about Ye Fei?

Tiance Saint Court’s mentor, a light flashed in his eyes, and he first noticed the difference between Ye Fei, “Ten Primordial Spirits, this kid, unexpectedly cultivated ten Primordial Spirits at the same time, good, good, this kid, There are some opportunities to enter my Saint Court!”

“hmph, since this person can cultivation out of the top ten Primordial Spirits, it proves that his aptitude is extraordinary, and he can also enter my strongest martial arts. Saint Court will not bury him!” Hearing that Ye Fei has ten Primordial Spirits, the mentor of Shenwu Saint Court, he suddenly changed his attitude.

Top Ten Primordial Spirit?

Only the True Martial Saint Court tutor who didn’t speak, his eyes became brighter, but he didn’t wait for the beautiful tutor to snatch it. A coldly snorted, sent out from the instructor of Heavenly Dao Saint Court.

“hmph, don’t fight, don’t you find out that Ye Fei goes sword dao, since he understands Jianxin, he is the best choice for the cultivation Heavenly Dao Sword Manual! “

“Otherwise! Heavenly Dao Sword Manual, not Strongest Sword Dao, he and Bailizhen should join my Shenwu Saint Court, so as not to bury their aptitude!” The man from Shenwu Saint Court is very Domineering, as soon as he speaks, he will snatch everyone away.

Now even the beautiful tutor has an angry expression.


Let the mentors of the four Saint Court quarrel there, the wind and snow emperor Jiang Qianren was elated. After all, the more noisy the four Saint Courts, the more it shows that the Snow Wind Empire has stepped out of the martial artist out of the ordinary. This is also a way to promote the country’s prestige and deter Xiaoxiao!

Jiang Qianren hopes that the more fierce their noise, the better.


“Get up! You are all the elites of our empire. The Heaven and Earth Supreme List is the best stage for you to hone yourself. Don’t let me down. , Pass the order, open the list!”

Let the four instructors quarrel in the distance. Jiang Qianbian waved his hand, and a huge Small World light gate suddenly appeared above the Imperial Palace.

Ye Fei only then learned that this time the evaluation of the rankings was actually carried out in a Small World, and the empire of Zhong Prefecture is really great generosity.

“Brother Jiang, let’s go!”

Ye Fei and Jiang Cheng looked at each other, bringing a large number of experts from the Wind King City, and quickly rushed into Small World, other King City moves also the same.

Soon, the seventy to eighty thousand martial artists on the Imperial Palace Square disappeared cleanly, and then countless crystal walls rose from the ground, revealing the various things inside Small World Happening.

Manchu dynasty civil servants, including Jiang Qianbeng, were holding their breath, watching the assessment of the local rankings.

“You said, who can get the first place in this ranking? Is it Bailizhen or Ye Fei?”

“I think it is Ye Fei, Baili really can’t After catching Dongfang Yu’s punch, Ye Fei personally said that he can catch a punch, so Ye Fei should be better than Baili!”

“Joke, he can do it, let’s see Has he acted yet? Maybe he just uttered wild words. Dongfang Yu gave the emperor’s face, it is not easy to expose him, just casually praise him! The one to emerge victorious, is not yet known!”

Fei has never played against Dongfang Yu personally. Not only many civil and military personnel, but also doubts about the strength of Ye Fei. The mentors of the four major Saint Courts also have doubts about the strength of Ye Fei.

“hmph, if this Ye Fei can really tie with Bailizhen, let him join my Shenwu Saint Court, there is no problem!”

“Even if it’s a little bit worse, Based on his understanding of sword dao, the cultivation Heavenly Dao Sword Manual is no more suitable.”

“My Heavenly Strategy Saint Court has many secret arts that require amazing amounts of true energy. If there are ten Primordial Spirits , But you can cultivate it with your heart.”


The last beautiful mentor, with sad eyes, has no hope of attracting Bailizhen and Ye Fei. Now, True Martial Saint Court is no better than before. It is too difficult to attract super genius.

“Beautiful elder sister, don’t worry, even if the big brother doesn’t willing to join True Martial Saint Court, I, Xia Jun, will definitely join!” Rushing into Small World, Xia Jun cheered up and shouted. , The appearance of being beaten with blood, caused many martial artists to look sideways.

“Brother Xia, you…” Jiang Cheng and the others were shocked and speechless. You know, this is the emperor outside, and the instructors of the four great Saint Court have been watching.

Ye Fei’s face is so dark that he really wants to kick Xia Jun away, “If you don’t talk, no one will treat you as dumb!”

There is such a kid, What a shame!

Then Ye Fei noticed a huge arena in the distance, and understood that it was the place for the assessment of the rankings.

But to go to the ring, you have to cross a single-plank bridge.

At this time, the seven or eighty thousand young martial artists who came in were all staring at the single-plank bridge, begin to stir, but no one dared to go up first, but some people stared at Bailizhen, some People stared at Ye Fei.

Jiang Cheng explained: “Brother Ye, this is the first test of the ranking list. The magnificent army with thousands of men and horses is the single-plank bridge! If you rush over, we can enter the ring, but the single-plank bridge can only carry one If ten thousand people pass by, and over ten thousand people, it will be cut off by itself.”

“That doesn’t mean that 90% of our 70,000 martial artists will be eliminated in the first test?” Ye Both Fei and Xia Jun were surprised.

Jiang Cheng said with a smile: “It is not absolute. As Heaven’s Chosen of the Imperial Capital cream of the crop, you and the top five Heaven’s Chosen have the priority to cross the bridge! This is for super genius Respect, and you can also bring people there, as long as there are no more than ten people, everyone else can accept it!”

“Can you bring people?”

Ye Fei eyes shined After he became the Sword King, he finally understood why a large crowd of people gathered outside wanted to see him every day, and they couldn’t drive away no matter how they rushed. Perhaps it was his right to lead people across the river!

Chapter 970, Cruel Competition

Chapter 970, Cruel Competition

When Ye Fei was talking to Jiang Cheng, the first Bailizhen had already taken the lead in moving towards the single-plank bridge and walked over. Of course, ten young martial artists followed him.

These martial artists were all gifted to Bailizhen at home, and Bailizhen also made a favor to help them successfully pass the first test.


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