
Hearing Ye Fei’s angry shout , Baili was really shocked, and then suddenly became furious, he no longer sound transmission, but a thunderous roar Said: “Ye Fei, what are you talking about, what thing are you, you are a mortal, I am willing to talk to you, persuade you, it is up to you!”

“What are you? Who do you think you are, and on what basis do you decide the life and death of others! It’s okay if you don’t tell me, one day, I will hold your head and go to Baili’s house to ask about this in person!” Ye Fei’s body, murderous Aura, like a hurricane, quickly enveloped Baili.

I understand that Ye Fei has eaten the weight of the weight and has to concentrate on protecting the grass. Baili really does not understand. Ye Fei is aloof and remote, so why bother to control the life and death of the ants?

But Ye Fei’s words undoubtedly angered Bailizhen completely, and the last persuasion also failed. Bailizhen’s eyes also showed a terrifying murderous intention, coldly looking at Ye Fei said with a sneer: “You are a mortal, and you think you can kill me. It’s a big joke. You can go to heaven if Dongfang Yu praises you. Today, I will let you know that between you and me. Huge gap!”

The 970th Chapter Six Peak Battle

The 970th Chapter Six Peak Battle


The flames of Baili True Demon were soaring, and the terrifying Demon God illusory shadow appeared again behind him. Then Demon God opened his eyes and looked down at Ye Fei indifferently and mercilessly.

“You will regret it, since you refuse to hand her over, then you will die with her and die under my hands! Demon God’s wrath!”

The whole Small World trembles suddenly. This is Baili’s terrifying, in the sky. Suddenly, a huge magic hand appeared, covering half of the sky into a piece of magic earth.

Many young martial artists who are still fighting in the Small World ring, all feel the tremor of space that is about to collapse at any time.

They were shocked.

“What happened, how do I feel that Small World seems to be destroyed?”

“It’s not a small world annihilation, but a super genius, fighting a war, The assessment must be ended as soon as possible, and then they will be prevented from continuing to destroy!” The semi-holy generals responsible for assessing the five Heaven’s Chosen all became flustered. If it is a small world annihilation, except for those super genius, the semi-holy will die.

“Good opportunity! This is my last chance to pass the level, kill!”

But some people caught the weak spot when the generals were panicked and exposed. Blood, the young man who didn’t know how many bones were broken, fierce and unafraid of death, rushed to the general who tested him again.

The general obviously didn’t expect. This person was seriously injured by him and still refused to give up. He actually caught the weak spot when he was in a trance, and knocked him out of the ring.


Small World’s anomaly, of course, can’t escape the attention of Emperor Fengxue, who knows that Ye Fei and Bailizhen have enmity against each other, but Jiang Qianbian didn’t. ‘t expect, the hatred between the two is so huge, and a full-scale conflict broke out during the assessment.

“Not good, stop them! With their battle strength, maybe Small World may be broken by them!” Jiang Qianren wanted to shoot immediately.

Worrying about the destruction of Small World is one aspect. The most important thing is that Ye Fei and Bailizhen are both the proud hopes of the Snowstorm Empire. Jiang Qianren will not care about the grievances between them. He Never allow the two to clash before the Heaven Ranking Battle begins, thus weakening the strength of the Snow Wind Empire.


A huge Azure Dragon rushed out of Jiang Qianbn’s within the body, head up to the sky, sharp claws, and quickly fought into the Small World Both sides fell.

He wants to stop this fight between rivals!


The instructor of Shenwu Saint Court suddenly stood indifferently in front of Azure Dragon, waving a big hand, everywhere all is ice and snow, unexpectedly took the Azure Dragon of Feng Xue Great, Frozen instantly.

“Liu Ming, what do you mean?” Fengxue Great and the other three Saint Court mentors were all taken aback.

“Let them fight! There can only be one genius, whoever wins this time will be eligible to join my Shenwu Saint Court, the Great Wind and Snow, please don’t interfere!” Liu Ming is indifferent Staring at the silhouette of the two sides fighting in Small World.

“But what about the little world annihilation?” Jiang Qianbian’s face was a little ugly.

“Don’t worry, our four major Saint Courts are here. This Small World cannot be destroyed! My heavenly strategy Saint Court has a secret technique that can strengthen Small World so that they cannot be damaged!”

Tiance Saint Court’s mentor, the reserved stereotype woman stood up and said. The heavy sword man of Heavenly Dao Saint Court, hearing this is also nodded, and agrees.

Of course the three major Saint Courts made the decision, not at all to consult True Martial Saint Court, and completely excluded the young female tutor. The female tutor was not angry, but just looked at Small World curiously. Silhouette of fighting.

hong long long!

In Small World, Ye Fei and Bailizhen have already played Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and neither has any meaning of show mercy.

As soon as the fight, Ye Fei used his full strength, “Bai Lizhen, no matter what your purpose is, whoever hurts the grass, I will kill him!”

sword The energy is like light, tearing apart the heaven and earth, and at the same time tearing apart the magic soil covered by the big hand. The sky suddenly becomes bright, and ten sun-like brilliance are released from Ye Fei’s body.

“Void Sword Fire!” Ye Fei has no reservations, he completely burst out ten Primordial Spirits, such as ten black holes, Devouring All Living Things, destroying everything.

The sword fire is endless, igniting the sky, and even suppressing the magic flame on Bailizhen’s body. For the first time, Bailizhen’s face showed a shocked look.

“How is it possible that he is a mortal, but in two years, he can become so strong, he can actually suppress a special genius like me?”

Bai Li I really couldn’t believe it. He still remembered that when the two sides met for the first time in Xie Xiuhai two years ago, Ye Fei was so weak that Bai Lizhen didn’t even have any interest in making a shot.

He still remembers that in King of the Wind City, Ye Fei was chased by him and had no way to go to the sky and no way to the ground. If it weren’t for someone to play a prank, he would scare Bailizhen away for Martial Sovereign Soul Evocation, Ye Fei was early It’s just a dead person.

“He doesn’t have a special bloodline, how can he grow so fast?” Baili really couldn’t understand, and he didn’t need to understand, “No matter what weird you are, I am Bailizhen. In front of the martial artist, Baili is really a god. Whoever I want to die can’t die! Ye Fei, give me death!”

Hundreds of demons taboo!


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