and waiting, I didn’t see Wufu Elder appearing. The boring Ye Fei suddenly remembered one thing. When Li Xiaotian died, there was still a piece of soul that was swallowed by Spirit Sword. He has not had time to watch.

“It’s boring to continue to wait. It’s better to take a look. What is it that Spirit Sword swallowed this time? If it is some kind of martial skill that is very difficult to deal with, it will be fine!”

With the improvement of his strength, Ye Fei has felt that his thirteen sword styles can no longer keep up with his realm. He needs to master a stronger Earth Grade martial skill.

Unfortunately, the Spirit Sword in your hand is actually a fake created by Demon Sovereign. Compared with the real Spirit Sword, the gap is not that big, and the memory of the opponent is completely random.

“True bad luck, this soul fragment is still not Martial Cultivation Art, but the most memorable memory before Li Xiaotian died!”

Ye Fei sensed Spirit The message from Sword shook his head in disappointment, but closed his eyes and began to look at the memory.

Then his face became extremely ugly.

This turned out to be a memory of Li Xiaotian colluding with Zhao Ji’s prince Zhao Ji and betraying Wufu! It turned out that at first, Li Xiaotian did not intend to rebel against Wufu, but betrayed the interests of Wufu in exchange for the prince to support him in controlling the Wufu, and even become the palace lord’s dream.

Until Ye Fei exposed his conspiracy in public, and in order to win Ye Fei and quell Ye Fei’s dissatisfaction with Wufu, the Old Palace Master simply took action and deprived Li Xiaotian of Elder’s position and suppressed it in public. Li Xiaotian made him make a big ugly.

Lost face and prestige!

For such a person, it was simply impossible to become the palace lord, and was accepted by other elders in the martial arts. In addition, the death of Li Xin, which stimulated Li Xiaotian, so he frantically decided to directly rebel against the martial arts.

Since he can’t control Wufu, then destroy Wufu, the same. Li Xiaotian, who was unwilling to be under house arrest for 30 years, also secretly used the sound transmission talisman that day to get in touch with Prince Zhao Ji.

Seeing this, Ye Fei was also shocked to discover how eye-catching Sword King Secret Realm is. Not only the princess Zhao Yu came here, but even the prince Zhao Ji quietly lurked near Wufu.

Only because of the grievances between the Imperial Family of Zhao Kingdom and Tianyun Wufu, Zhao Ji didn’t have the courage to openly step into Tianyun Wufu like Zhao Yu, but secretly ordered Li Xiaotian to act as an internal response to prevent Zhao Yu from responding. The absorption of the divine fire outside the sky. At the same time, they secretly dispatched the Imperial Family Ghost Guard to go to the Sword King Secret Realm first to try to snatch the inheritance inside.

“It turns out that the four mysterious persons I met before were actually from the prince sect. No wonder the strength is so strong!” Ye Fei appeared in a daze, with a faint premonition in his heart, and kept watching.

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, Ye Fei’s entire back is sweating!

When Prince Zhao Ji discovered that the Sword King inheritance, which was about to be acquired, was actually obtained by a “handyman”, Zhao Ji was furious.

Immediately instructed Li Xiaotian, no matter what method is used, must grab Ye Fei and force him to obtain all the information about Sword King Secret Realm, especially the secret of sword intent and Spirit Sword.

At the same time, Zhao Ji of Cunning also made two-handed preparations. He did not dare to enter Tianyun Wufu, but through Li Xiaotian, he was able to find out Ye Fei’s identity clearly. After learning that Ye Fei was from a small family in Blackstone City, Zhao Ji was even more disdainful and came up with a completely poisonous scheme.

That is to let Li Xiaotian be responsible for arresting Ye Fei, and Prince Zhao Ji, with his cronies, has rushed to Blackstone City, intending to arrest all the Ye Family members.

In this way, even if Li Xiaotian is unsuccessful, Prince Zhao Ji can still use Ye Family as a threat to force Ye Fei, tell the secret of sword intent and devour Spirit Sword!

“Good despicable means! Prince Zhao Ji, it turns out that all of this is your secret agent, but it doesn’t matter if you deal with me, you absolutely shouldn’t deal with Ye Family!”

Ye Seeing this, Fei had released a terrifying killing intent all over his body. The Prince’s approach really made him angry.

Ye Fei doesn’t care about the lives and deaths of other people in the Ye Family, but for Ye Jian who has taken care of him since he was a child, Ye Fei will never allow anyone to hurt him!

“No, it’s been two days since the prince’s action! I definitely can’t let Ye Family be implicated, and I can’t make Uncle Sword something!”

Hurry back to Ye Family, the sooner the better!

Ye Fei lifts the head, his face was anxious, and then, he heard several terrifying sounds, approaching quickly from a distance.

Chapter 93 Ye Family Crisis

Chapter 93 Ye Family Crisis

“Li Xiaotian, dog thief, if you dare to hurt Ye Fei, an old man Swear, must let your Li family cease to exist!”

A dozen powerful silhouettes flew over the cemetery quickly from the distant sky, without looking up, just hearing the sound Ye Fei knew that it was the Old Palace Master and a group of Wufu Elder rushed over.

This also makes Ye Fei a little touched, if people respect me one time, I respect people!

Seeing that the Elders of Wufu were all out in order to save themselves, Ye Fei really had a sense of belonging to Wufu.

“Palace Lord, I am here!” Ye Fei raised his head, full of breath.

After that, one silhouette has appeared directly in front of Ye Fei from the night sky, looking anxiously at Ye Fei, who is not the Old Palace Master?

Also until I saw Ye Fei was really fine, the Old Palace Master was really relaxed, and he couldn’t help but sighed with some self-blame: “The old man is too soft-hearted. I think Li Xiaotian’s father once fought for Wufu. For the sake of death, I can’t bear to deal with him, and I almost made a big mistake. By the way, Ye Fei, are you okay, what did Li Xiaotian do to you?”

“Palace Lord, please rest assured, I’m fine, and Li Xiaotian can no longer pose a threat to me, to Wufu!” Ye Fei smiled and replied.

“Boy, what do you mean? By the way, what about the traitor, Li Xiaotian, who brought you here, did he escape by himself?”

Old Wu looked strangely With a glance at Ye Fei, Chen Changfeng took the other Elders and checked the surroundings. Except for the traces of fierce fighting, they didn’t even find Li Xiaotian. They were also puzzled. Many people couldn’t help but look at Ye Fei suspiciously.

Of course they don’t think that Martial Master Realm’s discipline may kill Elder in Martial Sect, but they worry about whether Ye Fei was forced by Li Xiaotian to reveal any secrets, such as Sword King’s inheritance or Sword intent and so on, so Li Xiaotian will put Ye Fei once.

Old Palace Master also thought of this, and he asked in shock: “Ye Fei, don’t you…”

Ye Fei said with firm eyes: “Of course I No…Li Xiaotian, I have been killed, skeleton doesn’t exist!”


Extremely shocked!

No, it should be shocked to describe hearing this, the restless heart of the Elders, the discipline of Martial Master Realm, actually killed the Elder of Martial Sect!

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