Understanding this, Baili really has completely restored his confidence. He has become more combative than before. He lowered his head and triumphantly said to Liu Ming: “Many thanks, adults. , I understand, I don’t care about a dead person, this Ye Fei is over, but my future is bright!”

“Bai Lizhen, it’s good if you can understand this! This Ye Fei, You are not qualified to join the Shenwu Saint Court, whoever wants it, take it!” Liu Ming provocatively glanced at the unopened Tiance Saint Court and the last True Martial Saint Court.

hearing this, a rigid middle-aged woman, her expression was frozen almost on the spot, and she coldly shook her head and said: “He who is abandoned by the sky is the abandoned son of the world, let alone he has ten Primordial Spirits, Even if there are a hundred Primordial Spirits, we Tiance Saint Court can’t tolerate him. This Mourning Sect star is not qualified to step on the threshold of my Saint Court!”

After that, Tiance Saint Court’s Stereotyped women are not interested in waiting until the end of the assessment of the rankings. They turned around and left. Heavenly Dao Saint Court and Shenwu Saint Court also felt that paying attention to Ye Fei and other ants was a waste of their time. They were coldly snorted and they did not follow suit. Emperor Xue fights and turns around to leave.

I saw that the three major Saint Courts had all left. The last beautiful mentor could only sigh and turn and leave.

“Your Majesty…”

The Manchu civil and military forces of the Snow Wind Empire are also anxious. You must know that although Ye Fei is a man abandoned by the sky, the Snow Wind Empire is already Ye Fei placed a heavy bet on him and even named Ye Fei king.

Of course, they don’t want to see the super genius that has finally risen, so it was rejected by the four Saint Court at the same time.

“Your Majesty, how about we plead with the Big Four Saint Court, because of the strong Ye Fei battle strength, maybe they will change their attention!” Beastmaster Nian helped Little Fatty in Ye Fei At this time, it is inevitable to say a good thing to Ye Fei.

In fact, as long as Jiang Qianren is willing to show up, in the face of Monarch of the entire Country, as well as Ye Fei’s strength, it is really possible that the four Saint Courts will reconsider, even if If you don’t focus on training Ye Fei, you can barely accept Ye Fei and join Saint Court.

But when the Emperor Fengxue heard this, the reverse scale in his heart was offended. He coldly glanced at the Beastmaster, and then at Small World gloomily for the last time. Finally, the emperor’s mouth , Suddenly, two words unexpectedly burst out.


Chapter 982 is no ruler or courtier

Chapter 982th is no ruler or courtier


“What, rubbish?”

The words of Emperor Fengxue are startled for all civil and military personnel. You know, as an emperor, he is very cautious in his words and deeds, especially for those super genius.

Nowadays, Jiang Qianbian actually said the evaluation of “garbage” himself, which shows how disappointed Jiang Qianbian is and how angry he is!

No one knows why Jiang Qianbian is so angry. Only Jiang Qianbian knows. He is so angry and he made a decision on his own.

After discovering that Ye Fei came from the sea and he was super genius, Jiang Qianbeng had the heart to love talent in secret. In order to completely tie Ye Fei to the Snowstorm Empire, Jiang Qianbeng also made a secret One decision was to marry his favorite daughter Jiang Xiaomo to Ye Fei as his wife.

Waiting for the assessment of the local rankings, Ye Fei shines, Jiang Qianren is ready to announce this in public. How did he think that Ye Fei would be a man of heaven and suffer After the four great Saint Courts, all the mentors gave up, Jiang Qianbian was angry, and then the emperor lost his courtesy and said this evaluation.

Afterwards, Jiang Qianren also reacted. He shouldn’t be so absolute, but in front of the Manchu civil and military, the words have been exported, and Jiang Qianren will not easily take back this remark.

It is simply wrong to go wrong. Continue to get angry.

“Come, let me tell you that Ye Fei is a man abandoned by the sky, deceiving and not reporting, this is deceiving the king, from now on, deprive Ye Fei of all officials and be demoted to a commoner!”

“Bai Li is true, talented and brilliant, and can be expected. He is really the confidant of my humerus, and he has designated Bai Li to be the Shenwu warlord! Seeing that I will not kneel, hereditary will replace me!”

Two orders, one up and one down, completely disrupted the mind of the Manchu civil and military.

Ye Fei was also known as Imperial Capital a month ago and received countless attentions. Today, because of Jiang Qianren’s words, he fell to the bottom and instantly fell into the cold palace.

Bai Lizhen, who was defeated by the King of Fighters a month ago, lost his face, but at this time, he has been hereditary and has become a snow empire, another king of the opposite sex.

He was also given the title of Shenwu.

“The joy and anger of the emperor is really terrifying!”

These civil servants sighed. But no one dared to neglect, they knelt down one after another, Shan Hu Long live, touting the wise and martial arts of Emperor Feng Xue.

Only Little Fatty, who was full of dissatisfaction, asked loudly: “Father, what’s going on, don’t you say, brother defeated the Ma Shisan, protect me from the Snow Empire, but the Empire Isn’t it a hero, a hero, shouldn’t he be rewarded?”

Little Fatty’s words made Manchao Wenwu’s complexion change, and the Beastmaster’s forehead, even cold sweat, went down, so he hurriedly covered it. Holding Little Fatty’s mouth, “shameless brat, you are stupid, don’t talk nonsense, watch out for me to kill you!” Wind Snow Great also gave Little Fatty a displeased look. That’s right, Ye Fei defeated Ma Shisan and really promoted the national prestige. Otherwise, with the anger of Fengxue the Great at this time, Ye Fei would have been beaten out of the Imperial Capital and out of the Snow Empire, instead of just delegating Ye Fei to Common people.

“Beastmaster, your son is not bad, teach him well! Also, you still cancel your marriage contract with Ye Fei as soon as possible. How can he be worthy of your Beastmaster’s daughter, hmph !”

The Emperor Fengxue was still angry and waved his hand, then turned and walked away.

Seeing that Jiang Qianbian has left, no one dared to continue staying with all the civil and military dynasties. Today’s Ye Fei, not only a Mourning Sect star, but also a complete plague, he should leave quickly Better.

“Father, can’t even you tolerate your brother?” Little Fatty said hurriedly when he saw Emperor Fengxue go. The Beastmaster’s face became very tangled.

But after seeing Little Fatty’s eyes gradually becoming more agile, the Beastmaster was still sighed, shook his head and said: “You are not a king, or a courtier! Jiang Qianren, since you are not a king, then don’t Blame me, no minister! Don’t worry, son, don’t say that Ye Fei is a man who is abandoned by the sky. Even if he is a useless person, he saved you and Dad helped him!”

The Beastmaster stomped his feet. Simply carrying Little Fatty, standing alone on the Martial Practice Stage.

Small World.

Ye Fei didn’t know at this time, his identity had been exposed, and it caused an uproar, his face was ugly and his body regained his feet.

Xue Wushang and the others have weird faces. They are the five Heaven’s Chosen of Imperial Capital. Naturally, they understand what it means that Ye Fei can’t open the door of the ranking list.

“It’s a pity, this Ye Fei is actually a man abandoned by the sky. No matter how strong he is, it is useless.”

“Yes, how about defeating Baili Zhen, since it is Forsaken by the sky, his life is completely finished.”

Xue Wushang and the others whispered, their words spread, and all the young martial artists startled, “What, Ye Fei is actually a man abandoned by the sky?”

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