As everyone discussed, these six young people, like the dazzling sun, did not look at anyone, but stared at each other, and then stepped toward the rays of light at the burial ground at the same time.

In the sky, a voice full of Sovereign Might was also resounding: “Sovereign gathers, the gate opens! Heaven’s Chosen gather together, and the kings come out!”

The words fell.

The sky and the earth shook like a god’s door opening, a Domain Portal depicting countless formation marks, in front of everyone, slowly opened, the six Sovereigns, at the same time roared, they released infinite glory, ignoring Everyone, like Deity looking down on the world, rushed into the portal like a meteor.

There are countless roars from the mouths of the young kings. Their rays of light are not as good as the six Sovereigns, but the brilliance of hundreds or even thousands of young kings gathered together is also piercing. Many martial artists can’t open their eyes.

“God burial ground, open!”

“The chance of fish leaping over the dragon gate is right in front of you!”

“Those who block me die! Kill! Kill! Kill!”

In the burial grounds, killings cannot be restrained. On the contrary, the Four Saint Courts also encourage such killings. The attention of the Great Saint Court.

So, as soon as the burial ground was opened, the hundreds of thousands of young people who were still in harmony just now, Heaven’s Chosen, broke out in an extremely tragic melee. Many people had not rushed into the portal of the burial ground. Has been tragically killed on the spot.

The most sad reminder is Lin Ying and the three people. They are still trying to release Ye Fei’s imprisonment. The turbulent crowd, like a tide, washed them down on the ground, countless shoes. , Just so mercilessly from their faces, hong long long crushed.

When this crowd passed, the three of them had been trampled beyond recognition and almost turned into three blood men. Only through their voices can they tell who they are.

“Ye Fei, kill a thousand knives, as long as Lin Ying doesn’t die, I will be in the burial ground and find a way to kill you!”

“No, killing a thousand knives is too cheap He is, I want him to live better than to die, I want him to taste the taste of being trampled on by thousands of people, pu!”

Swearing and cursing, the three of them scolded and crawled all over their bodies. , Rushed into the burial ground in a very desolate manner.


At this point, the gate of the burial ground is completely closed. Only the corpses all over the floor were left, telling the cruelty of the Heaven Ranking Supreme War.

Chapter 988, The Strange Xia Jun

Chapter 988, The Strange Xia Jun

“hmph! As a member of my Snow Empire , But at the burial ground, attacking Robe, this Ye Fei is not only arrogant, but also really bold!” Through the crystal wall, the heavy weight of Chen ten thousand li was seen by Emperor Fengxue. Maybe it was still regarded as a joke by many emperors, Jiang Qianbian’s face was extremely ugly.

Heavenly Dao Saint Court and Tiance Saint Court’s mentors also shook their heads again and again. Originally, they were more concerned about the five Heaven’s Chosen of the Snow Empire.

But when the three of Chen’s ten thousand li were trampled by thousands of people, the two instructors felt their cheeks hurt on the spot, and they shook their heads and said: “It seems that these two people Saint Court can’t ask for it, unless They can kill Ye Fei and wash away the shame on them!”

“haha, kill Ye Fei? Just because they are too far away, it is really possible for Baili, Bailizhen, Don’t let me down!” Liu Ming hearing this sneered.

For Ye Fei, he was already fully prepared, in order to pave the way for Bailizhen to join Shenwu Saint Court. After all, being able to recruit a super genius to join Saint Court is also a great feat for their mentors.

When the three instructors talked, they all deliberately avoided True Martial Saint Court. It can be seen that True Martial Saint Court has been crowded out in the Big Four Saint Court.

But this does not prevent the beautiful tutor from worrying about Ye Fei: “Liu Ming is a narrow-minded person. Ye Fei has offended him and threatened to kill Bailizhen, whom he is optimistic, in the buried god. Ye Fei may be dangerous!”

She couldn’t stop Ye Fei from entering the burial ground.

Ye Fei’s identity as a man of the forsaken is destined to be rejected by all Saint Court. Even if True Martial Saint Court accepts Ye Fei, if Ye Fei can’t show strong strength, he still won’t Valued by Saint Court.

Only when it is outstanding in the burial place, Ye Fei can have a foothold in Saint Court.


“Unexpectedly, in the Domain Portal of this burial land, the transmission is random, so I am not completely lost contact with Xia Jun, Lin Heaven’s Chosen?”


In the burial land, Ye Fei looked towards all around scarlet earth, frowning slightly. He is not worried about himself, but about the safety of Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen.

It’s Little Fatty. As the son of the Beastmaster, and with Monster God’s favor, Ye Fei is not too worried about what will happen to Little Fatty.

“It seems that we must find a way to find Xia Jun, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, and Little Fatty as soon as possible.” Once again, he looked at the vast land around him.

Ye Fei was about to rush to the sky and quickly searched for the martial artist to inquire about the situation, but what shocked him was that he couldn’t fly in this bloody land?

“This ground has a strong suction force, which can prevent me from flying to the sky.” Ye Fei’s face is a bit ugly, he looked towards all around, no one can see it, scarlet soil everywhere , The only far end, a huge mountain can be vaguely seen.

“Maybe someone is there!” Ye Fei stared in the direction of the mountain, planning to go over there to see the situation.

This is also the way for many martial artists to enter the burial place. For example, the vast land with no end in sight, sometimes the appearance of mountain peaks is the best place to stay.

After going forward like this for about one hour, Ye Fei can finally sense the breath of some martial artists. They are walking in a hurry, just like someone is driving them behind. I run faster than the wind, just keep moving towards the distant mountain.

Ye Fei entered the burial ground for the first time, and it came from the open sea, so I don’t know the danger, but when I saw many martial artists rushing, Ye Fei still didn’t realize it. Yes, ready to speed up.

Of course, Ye Fei, who was moving forward, also attracted the attention of many martial artists. Some people also recognized Ye Fei’s identity on the spot. They were young people who were outside the burial ground and ignored Saint Court.

“hmph hum, it turned out to be him. I heard that he has offended the teacher Liu Ming of Shenwu Saint Court. Teacher Liu Ming has already spoken. Who can find his clue and report it to Bailizhen, or can Kill him, that person can join Shenwu Saint Court unconditionally!”

“What, there is such a thing? It’s a pity that it will be late. Ye Fei is not a simple person, we still rush Go to the mountain and look back on the long-term plan!” These martial artists are talking about them, gradually moving away, and they are more like a god of plague to Ye Fei. Ye Fei planned to go there several times to inquire about some information, but the other party left early. simply didn’t mean to contact him.

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