zi zi!

The sucking sound has become more intense. Ye Fei has only seen Zhou Jun’s hair stand on end. It’s not only Zhou Jun’s flesh and blood, but also a dozen half-sacred bones on the ground that were beheaded by him. Disappeared quickly.

It was like another invisible hand underground, shredding and devouring the corpse, leaving only a pool of dark blood, proving that there was a corpse here.

“What’s the matter, the earth will bleed, and there seems to be strange things in the ground?” The scene was too weird, Ye Fei didn’t dare to keep his hands anymore, he carried the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, with the most At a fast speed, he rushed to Zhou Jun, trying to kill this person.

Seeing the abnormality on the ground, Zhou Jun finally woke up from the panic. He pointed to Ye Fei with a frightened and resentful expression: “Ye Fei, I will not let you go! Take your head, I want you to die without a burial site!”

Speaking, Zhou Jun took out another flag from his hand, moved towards Ye Fei violently, and then turned around Just run.

“Where to go!”

The sword light is bright, like a meteor chasing the moon, cutting to Zhou Jun’s back, but the flag thrown by Zhou Jin suddenly explodes, and in the sky emerges Numerous mysterious symbols appeared and fell on the surrounding ground.

hong long long!

The ground shook violently, and a peculiar space vortex instantly surrounded Ye Fei. Even Ye Fei’s Purple Gold sword light can’t completely break this strange space trap. When the sword light is halfway released, it becomes dim.

“Damn, I thought this was a good opportunity for me to join Shenwu Saint Court. Didn’t expect to lose so badly. Not to mention the head of Ye Fei, but also lost my biggest life-saving card. !”

That’s right, that flag is Zhou Jun’s last killing move. Once used, it can stimulate the space to generate vortex, form a space trap, and trap the enemy.

It’s just that space traps are very rare. Zhou Jun also obtained one from the great emperor of his empire after he became the young king. He originally kept it in the face of the burial god to protect his life. Yes, the result was wasted on Ye Fei.

Zhou Junqi’s face turned completely purple, but when he saw the gradually dimming sky and the blood-reeking qi that gradually emerged on the blood-colored ground, Zhou Jun suddenly gave a cold silence, as if Something on the ground is looking at him, staring coldly at his thigh that is missing a piece of meat.

“Ye Fei, let you experience the fear of the burial ground in the endless darkness.” With bitterness and panic, Zhou Jun can no longer take care of Ye Fei.

Seeing the darkness, all the martial artists who still stayed in the bloody earth desperately rushed to the closest mountain.

bang! bang! bang!

On the scarlet earth, sword light flashes, roaring constantly.

Ye Fei tried his best to spur the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, one after another terrifying sword light, even the void was shattered, but it was impossible to destroy this strange space vortex in a short time.

The space trap is still besieging him.

If you want to catch Zhou Jun and ask more inside stories about Liu Ming and Bailizhen dealing with him, he must break free from this trap and then catch up with Zhou Jun.

“I don’t believe it, even Bailizhen I can overcome, I can’t deal with a small space trap! Heaven sword art, cut it for me!”

hong long long!

Several consecutive sword lights are not broken, Ye Fei simply Transform Body into Sword, the continuous sword light, such as meteors, such as hurricanes, continuously chopped forward distorted space vortex.

One sword, two swords, ten swords, twenty swords, thirty swords!

Ye Fei Human and Sword Unity, it took thirty swords to completely smash this distorted space vortex and reappear on the scarlet land.

His eyes can’t help but show horror: “The genius of Zhong Prefecture is really not to be underestimated. If every young king has such a life-saving method, how should I kill it?”

The time for thirty breaths is short, but it is enough for Zhou Jun to run without a shadow. But…

“The monk who ran away can’t run to the temple! I don’t want to sleep on this bloody land in dark, Zhou Jun has only one place to go! The mountain in the distance!”

Ye Fei stared at the gradually dark mountain peak in the distance, with a vague cold glow in his eyes. Since Zhou Jun dared to design to deal with him, Ye Fei would definitely not let him go.

At the same time, Ye Fei is still a little worried. Since Liu Ming and Bailizhen shot against him, it is inevitable that they would not attack Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Little Fatty.

In the end, Liu Ming is the Saint Court instructor. When he speaks, there will definitely be many martial artists who hope to join Shenwu Saint Court, like Zhou Jun, who will come to deal with him continuously.

“We must find Xia Jun and the others as soon as possible!” Ye Fei’s face became a little solemn.

At this time, it is dark. I can’t see my fingers when I reach out, faintly, Ye Fei always feels something is wrong with the blood-colored ground under his feet, but he can’t tell what’s wrong.

Then, he saw a few more martial artists who were alone, moving towards the mountain range in the distance with a horrified expression, dashing: “Help, it’s dark, it’s going to be dark. Help!”

Chapter 191st weird red hair

Chapter 919th weird red hair

The voices of life-saving one after another.

Because the domain portal of the burial ground is transmitted randomly, some are close to the mountain range and some are far away from the mountain range. With fear of darkness, these martial artists are desperately moved towards Yes They ran at the vaguely contoured mountain range, and it seemed that they would be safe as long as they rushed into the mountain range.

After careful observation, Ye Fei was shocked to find that these martial artists who asked for help did not seem to be directed at him. The panic and the screams of many people were from the heart. fear.

“What happened, why are you calling for help at night?” Ye Fei rushed over and stopped a martial artist who was running wildly towards the mountain range.

The martial artist’s eyes turned red when he was caught by someone. He yelled at Ye Fei in a panic: “Let go of me, the burial ground is dark, and there will be catastrophe. , I haven’t joined Saint Court yet, I don’t want to…”


There is still something in the mouth. Suddenly, the martial artist looked towards his chest subconsciously. Ye Fei also had one’s hair stand on end and looked at the bloody chest of the martial artist. He obviously didn’t do anything. This person’s chest was actually broken. The big hole was bloody, and it was stained with red hair. It was so dazzling when it was soaked in blood.


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