“No, there must be a monster staring at me! But this monster is so weird, I can’t see it, and I can’t hurt it!”

Ye Fei lowered his head, looking When it came to a red hair that was kicked into two pieces, he felt chilly all over his body.

“Should you not, did you really meet a ghost?”

Ye Fei looked left and right, standing still motionless, but he didn’t find any danger, only the endless darkness, completely turning him Shrouded.

In the darkness, there is a faint scarlet whirlwind, silently rolling up and down over the scarlet earth, rolling up again, and then down again.

Chapter 920th Resurrection of the Dead

Chapter 920th Resurrection of the Dead

Under the night, the blood-colored earth is on the ground.

Ye Fei is constantly running, he can clearly hear the sound of his heart beating violently, he has not experienced such an ordinary person running for a long time.

But Scarlet Earth is so weird, here, you can’t fly, and you can’t use secret techniques. The only thing a martial artist can rely on is his own physique and a little bit of luck.

Whoever is closer to the mountain range will have a better chance of survival. Like Ye Fei, if he is too far away from the mountain range, he can only run wild.

On the road, he kept hearing all kinds of screams and calls for help, but Ye Fei completely ignored him. He had been targeted by the monster.

“This monster, disappear without a trace, can repeatedly break through my perception and want to cause fatal harm to me. No wonder that when I enter the burial ground, everyone I see is moving towards mountain range Running desperately.” Ye Fei facial expression grave.

At the beginning, he thought he had offended the Saint Court mentor and asked everyone to stay away from him, so he ran away when he saw him.

Now I want to come, they run so fast, they want to rush to the nearest mountain range as soon as possible before dark. Obviously, the martial artists who enter the burial ground may all know the burial ground. The danger of the black queen is that no one reminded him.

“There are only two possibilities, either someone forgot to remind me, or someone deliberately didn’t remind me! The latter’s probability is even greater!”

In Ye Fei’s eyes, suddenly A flash of anger flashed. If someone does that, it is very likely that only two people will target him.

One is Liu Ming, the other is Fengxue Great Jiang Qianbian!

“Impossible is Liu Ming. Although I have offended him, Liu Ming hopes that Bai Lizhen will defeat me personally and regain the lost glory. If I use the danger of the burial ground to harm me, Liu Minghe Baili is really no good. Then the most likely person to hide from me should be the Great Wind and Snow Emperor Jiang Qianban!”

Ye Fei’s face gradually became cold.

“These emperors are really real. When they knew that I was useful, they held me desperately. Once they found that I was abandoned by the sky and was of no use to the Snow Empire, he kicked them away. It seems that Jiang Qianban really treats me like a dead person. In that case, let’s watch!”

With a hint of discomfort, Ye Fei continued to move towards the mountain range in the distance and ran wildly. Watching, he was getting closer and closer to the mountain range. The strange thing was that he never saw the shadow of the mountain range, no matter how fast he ran, all around, it was still dark.

Always, there is an indifferent gaze, watching him, and also making a silent ridicule, the more you run, the more it feels wrong.

“Strange, the distance of that mountain peak, at my speed, one hour should be there. Now that one hour has passed, why haven’t I seen the shadow of the mountain peak? Is it a ghost hitting the wall? “

Ye Fei thought of a rumor often heard in later generations, and suddenly his scalp began to numb. The enemy in the dark is terrifying, even more how, this enemy is still invisible, even the opponent is nothing. do not know.

“No, keep running, it will only consume the true yuan in vain, you must find a way to force the monster in the dark to show up!”

He can only figure out what his opponent is Make a corresponding battle plan.


After running for a while, Ye Fei pretended not to know, suddenly he snapped and fell to the ground. The blood-colored ground squirmed quickly when Ye Fei fell.

Countless lines Corpse Insect surging out almost frantically, the feeling is like countless red hairs growing on the corpse, making people have one’s hair stand on end.

“Red’s hair, can’t it be said…” Lie on the ground and saw the process of the scarlet earth change, faintly, Ye Fei guessed something, but he didn’t wait for him to think about it.

Silentlessly, on the blood-colored earth, he quickly stretched out countless hands, like iron tongs, clasping his hands and legs respectively, and moved towards dragging under the earth.

“What is the monster underground?”

Ye Fei expression congeals, he fell down is just an illusion, in order to induce the monster to appear, when he finds that the ground has hands and feet, Ye Fei The dazzling rays of light burst out all over the body, illuminating the entire night sky like the sun, and the prickly ground squirmed, sputtering a thick bloody mud.

In the mud, Ye Fei finally saw the monster trying to sneak attack him. It was three people, three people who had died.

They were all a dozen semi-sages who followed Zhou Jun, and they were killed by Ye Fei himself. Ye Fei didn’t expect it, the underground monster, it was them.

“They are obviously dead, how could they be resurrected? No, they are not a sneak attack my monster!” Seeing these three people, Ye Fei was startled first, and then suddenly woke up.

Sneak attacked him secretly, it was Dark Red’s bloody claws instead of three bloody palms. He was plotting against the secret monster, and the secret monster, actually also plotting against him.

Obviously, he was fooled!

“I was actually plot against by the monster!” Ye Fei both shocked and angry, finally realized the mysterious and horror of the burial land.

It’s no wonder that the Four Saint Courts will use this as a place for assessing disciples. This burial place is definitely more dangerous than any dangerous place Ye Fei has experienced.

Similarly, in such a dangerous place, anyone who can go out alive, without exception, is the elite of the elite, and it is worthy of Saint Court’s efforts to cultivate.

“sword energy is like a mountain, give me suppression!”


Understand that the monster in the dark must be extremely intelligent, Ye Fei does not hesitate, the moment of awakening On his body, the howling sword energy has condensed into a mountain, moving towards himself and all around relentlessly suppressed.

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