” Big brother, you have to be careful, Baili really invited a young king to deal with you!” After Xia Jun finished speaking, he hurriedly climbed onto the dragon turtle’s back and healed his injuries.

“Come on, brother!” Little Fatty saw Ye Fei appear, and as soon as he relaxed, the demon body could no longer sustain.

Ye Fei knows that with Little Fatty’s current strength, he can’t control it within the body Monster Race bloodline freely. It was just a coincidence that he was just able to transform.

But it’s such a coincidence, but it also bought Ye Fei extremely precious time, “Fortunately, I came a step earlier, otherwise, Xia Jun and Little Fatty, maybe they have been caught by Baili Zhen. “

Thinking of this, Ye Fei looked towards Baili Zhen’s gaze, suddenly becoming indifferent. He stared at Bai Lizhen, and a thick murderous intention appeared on his body.

Bai Li really stared at Ye Fei, with a huge wave of anger and resentment on his face, “She really is on you, if I had known that I was in Xie Xiuhai, I should You are broken into pieces!”

He took out a white jade pendant. Since Xiaocao did not sleep this time, the jade pendant could clearly sense the breath of Xiaocao from Ye Fei’s body.

Hearing that Bailizhen was still unwilling to give up to Xiaocao, Ye Fei’s eyes became completely cold, “Bailizhen, you deceive Xiaocao first, then you deceive me brother, you really When I am a soft persimmon, without Liu Ming intervening, I will kill you today!”

“hahaha, kill me, Ye Fei, do you think I am the same I was before? Last time you defeated me , That’s your dogshit luck, this time is different, I will let you know that ordinary martial artist like you, just work ten times, one hundred times, is not the opponent of special bloodline, today I must kill You!”

Bai Lizhen’s eyes were sharp, with a hint of resentment.


When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous, especially Ye Fei once almost killed him in front of countless people. This is also the extraordinary shame and humiliation of Baili.

“I am a special bloodline. My achievement is an existence that you ordinary martial artists can’t surpass ten times, a hundred times harder, Ye Fei, today I will let you recognize this!”

Baili True Demon flame is like an abyss, and turned into a huge black pillar of fire, which melts the void of one third.

“Ye Fei, you still remember Lao Tzu!” There was another mad voice, rushing out from behind Bai Lizhen, he was carrying a ghost knife, a sharp blade, Illuminated the entire sky.

For this blade glow, Ye Fei didn’t even look at it, and shook his head disdainfully, “defeated, how brave you are! You are the king of hexagrams, I have no complaints, no hatred with you, why , Are you going to help Baili really deal with me?”

Ye Fei finally turned his eyes to the king of yellow robe.

The king of Gua smiled proudly, looking at Xia Jun from the corner of his eye, coldly said: “I am the subordinate of Nan Qiang King! Nan Qiang King is like Bailizhen, and will join Shenwu Saint Court in the future and become Saint Court. Elite, and you, how dare you be disrespectful to Saint Court of Shenwu and anger Teacher Liu Ming. If you don’t want to die, you will kneel down, break your arms, and then kneel down and go to the Southern Gun Emperor to plead!”

” Self-breaking arms? What a Southern Spear King, what a Liu Ming, but I refused Liu Ming, he actually wanted to kill me, Ye Fei swears, Baili really wants to kill, Southern Spear King, me too I want to kill!” Ye Fei was angry and disgusted Shenwu Saint Court completely.

He must also Shenwu Saint Court and Liu Ming, and pay enough!

“Ye Fei, don’t speak big words, you have offended us so much, death is approaching, do you think you still have a chance for revenge?”

Baili League , Seeing the three kings of Bailizhen, they shot Ye Fei at the same time, and two figures were resentful, rushing to the sky from the crowd.

“Chen ten thousand li, Lin Ying, it turned out to be you two clown, just by you, you think you can kill me? Who else wants to kill me, stand up, today I’m Ye Fei all Next! Da Hei, kill me, don’t let anyone in the Baili League let go!”

Since you are forcing me, then no wonder I kill!


Hearing Ye Fei’s command, Dragon Tortoise’s huge body couldn’t help becoming even bigger. It is like a huge mountain range, moving towards An ordinary martial artist of Baili League.

The huge dragon flame, with the billowing monster qi, was like a volcanic eruption, and two consecutive flames burned dozens of powerful energies nearby to ashes.

“Kill, kill, kill! It’s finally time for us to fight back!”

Xia Jun Blade Qi billowed and turned into a violent wind, standing on the back of Dragon Tortoise, he Being hunted down with Little Fatty was too cruel, and accumulated endless anger.

At this time, there is a chance for revenge. Of course, Xia Jun and Little Fatty will not let it go. Little Fatty lifted a tens of thousands of kilograms of boulder with bare hands, and moved towards the crowd and smashed it. .

The terrifying power made Pang Feng, Pang Hu, and Pang Long who were hiding in the crowd, the three great masters of the palace, all the courage to be frightened. For the first time, they had a feeling that they needed to look up when they faced the sixth brother of a fool who had looked down upon before.

“Sixth brother, be merciful, we quit Bailimeng, we are all your brother! Biological brother!” Pang Feng shouted in horror, and quickly tore off the Bailimeng logo on his body.

Little Fatty hesitated for a while, and only then did he aim the stone in the direction he passed the Pang Feng trio. This was the case, and the Pang Feng trio also felt like they had gone through the gates of hell.

They did not dare to stay, and immediately ran away from the camp of Baili League. Not only them, but in the crowd, Jiang Cheng, Ning Zhongchen, Jiang Xiaomo, although they were all forced to join the Baili League , But they didn’t mean to kill Baili Zhen.

They also took the opportunity to escape from the Baili League, flee to a distance, continue to watch the battle, and at the same time escape, there are many martial artists from the Snow Empire.

Only the martial artists of the Black Swamp Empire brought by Ma Shisan, and some martial artists brought by the king of trigrams. They don’t know how powerful Ye Fei is. When they see Ye Fei, they have been taken by the three kings. Siege, they roared at the same time, moved towards Dragon Tortoise and killed the past, hoping to solve this strange turtle first.

Of course, when Dragon Tortoise and the martial artist of Baili League played against each other, the battle in the sky also kicked off. With the support of the three kings, in the eyes of Chen Ten thousand li and Lin Ying Ye Fei is already dying, of course they have to take this opportunity to retaliate against Ye Fei fiercely.

“Ye Fei, die!”

“Ye Fei, you dare to cause us to be trampled by thousands of people, I want your life!”

Chen ten thousand li and Lin Ying touched their almost disfigured faces, their eyes flashed with a hint of resentment, but before they were killed to Ye Fei, the two brilliant sword glows had already cut through them. Neck.


Chen ten thousand li clasped his bloody neck tightly. He didn’t understand what was going on, and Lin Ying also stared in horror.

They were terrified to discover that although the Bailizhen trio surrounded Ye Fei, they did not rush to take action. They just stood by and watched the two of them be beheaded by Ye Fei.

In an instant, Chen Ten thousand li and Lin Ying’s hearts were full of deep regret and anger. They knew that they were being used as a tool by Baili, and Baili really wanted Use their deaths to create a chance to besiege Ye Fei!

Chapter 1022: A man is a murder

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