Ye Fei continued to follow the instructions of the commanding compass, moved towards a huge canyon in the distance, but before he could actually walk in, a large group of people had already rushed over the canyon .

These are all young kings, all of them have strong auras, but they don’t at all enter the canyon, but are ordered to stop outsiders from entering the canyon.

Seeing Ye Fei coming, a dozen young kings immediately surrounded Ye Fei.

“Stop, no eyes, this is the site of our West Sword Emperor. No outsiders are allowed to enter. If you are acquainted, leave immediately!”

“What if I don’t? Ye Fei’s face sank. He didn’t expect that this place was actually occupied by the Western Sword Emperor. Could it be that the Western Sword Emperor was the one who chased Zhao Yu?

“What, boy, are you rude to the Western Sword Emperor?” A dozen young kings were furious.

But they don’t at all do it.

Those who can become kings are not simple. They can feel the danger of Ye Fei.

Chapter 1028 The Strongest King

Chapter 1028 The Strongest King

Led by a young king, he suppressed his anger and warned Ye Fei in a deep voice. : “Brother, don’t think that you can be arrogant if you have some strength. You know there are several strongest kings in the canyon. Are you sure you can be the opponent of the strongest king?”

“What, The strongest king?”

Ye Fei’s complexion can’t help changing. Of course he knows the strongest king. It is said that this is the most powerful group of young kings. They have all taken the road of Sovereign, everyone , Have defeated Heaven’s Chosen, the strongest of at least thirty empires.

Even if they fail to become Sovereign, they can also become the strongest king.

“So, the West Sword Emperor is not here, there is only the strongest king?” Ye Fei looked towards the king who reminded him curiously.

The king is more kind. Although hesitated, he still nodded and said: “Yes, it is the three strongest kings who ordered us to stay here. If you don’t want to die, you can go quickly!”

“Stop talking nonsense with him, kid, you’d better get off quickly, don’t leave, don’t blame us for being polite.” Seeing that Ye Fei didn’t seem to respect the Western Sword Emperor, they were a little unhappy .

Hearing that Zhao Yu was actually chased by the strongest king under the Western Sword Emperor, Ye Fei was also very upset: “I won’t get out! At the same time, please help me pass the message to the Western Sword Emperor. In a word, bullying a woman, what kind of ability, he came at me.”

“Woman, is he…” The king who reminded Ye Fei suddenly realized something, but didn’t wait for him Remind everyone that Ye Fei has taken the lead.

The terrifying fist, with violent death power, like a huge star, shining in the sky, and then under the control of Ye Fei, it turns into a broken meteor, bursting into all directions.

Ye Fei’s action was too sudden, and at the same time it is full of effort. These dozen young kings are the most ordinary young kings. They simply can’t stop Ye Fei’s attack, even though they also tried to join forces. , But the broken meteor formed by the fight of life and death soon drowned them all.

Only the young king who reminded Ye Fei was left. He barely resisted Ye Fei’s attack without being seriously injured and unconscious.

Ye Fei was a little surprised, but after seeing the three Primordial Spirits that emerged behind this person, he was nodded: “You turned out to be the king of Primordial Spirit. No wonder you can stop my blow. Don’t worry, I will not kill you, I just want to inquire about one thing, and then I will let you go!”

Ye Fei is very friendly moved towards this young king laughed. The young king gave a wry smile, “You turned out to be the strongest king. We are considered bad luck. However, you want to save that woman, but your strength is not good enough. The West Sword Emperor sent three strongest kings to deal with her. , And you and her add up, there are only two! You will not succeed, you will be a dead end if you go in!”

“Who knows? But I am a human being who is so hard to know. Speak it out, and then I will let you go.” Ye Fei said with a cold face, his heart moved, and then suddenly asked: “Yes, how do you say I am the strongest king, what basis?”

“You don’t even know?” The man was suddenly depressed. The strongest king, he wanted to achieve it in his dreams. As a result, Ye Fei achieved it. He didn’t even know it. He could only explain: “The power of Martial Dao represents the potential of a martial artist. For ordinary martial artists, the power of Martial Dao is only Ten percent! Young kings, as long as they become semi-sages, within three years, they can raise Martial Dao’s power to 11 percent!”

“Only Heaven’s Chosen with great potential can help Martial Dao The power is raised to 120% Peak status! This is the strongest king. If the strongest king has the ability to fight more than six levels under the premise of 120% Martial Dao power, then that person can become a youth Sovereign!”

Here, the man paused, Ye Fei also secretly nodded. He never knew where the gap between himself and the young Sovereign was. After this person’s explanation, Ye Fei realized that to become a youth Sovereign, he must be able to fight across six levels at least.

And Ye Fei’s War God Dao at this time is only 5-Layer, which means that Ye Fei can only fight across five levels. This is the biggest gap between him and the young Sovereign!

“What about Zhao Yu, why did the West Sword Emperor send someone to chase her?” Ye Fei continued to ask.

“I don’t know about this! But it is said that she took away a treasure that the West Sword Emperor valued, so the West Sword Emperor will send the three strongest kings to chase and kill her. ! That’s all I know, can you let me go now?”

“Sorry, I can’t let you go, but I won’t hurt you either!” Ye Fei nodded, shook his head again, When the former complexion changed and preparing to resist, Ye Fei’s hands burst out again with a strong fist.


At any rate, it is also the super genius of the three Primordial Spirits. The former is unwilling and bursts out with the strongest power, wanting to block Ye Fei’s attack.

It’s just that he is not the strongest king. Facing the life and death fight of 120% immortality, Ye Fei smashed this person’s resistance with just one punch, and knocked him out at the same time. On the ground.

Simply found the space belts on their bodies, Ye Fei was lightning-like, and rushed into this gorge. As soon as he entered the gorge, Ye Fei felt a heat wave of assaults the senses. His blood started to boil.

Not waiting for Ye Fei to react, a colorful Fire Python has opened its mouth, swallowing Ye Fei in an imposing manner.

“The ominous beast of Martial Saint 3rd Layer?” Ye Fei was a little surprised, but didn’t care. At the same time as being swallowed by Shekou, Ye Fei’s fists burst into infinite starlight. Martial Saint fire snake’s head hit all split up and in pieces.

“The Martial Emperor’s life-and-death fight fist is really powerful! Unfortunately, this style of fist does not seem to be perfect. According to the memory of the immortal Martial Emperor, the life and death fight fist is the Palace Lord of the Life and Death Palace. I understand the Profound Truth of life and death, created by condensing the stars. Among them, the Big Dipper is the main birth, and the Nandou is the death! But in the memory of the immortal Martial Emperor, I don’t at all have information about these two aspects!”

This is either the undead Martial Emperor has left a hand, or the undead Martial Emperor has not obtained a complete life-death fight.

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling a little depressed. Then he moved on, and the deeper he went into the canyon, the more terrifying the ominous beast he encountered.

Even at night, Ye Fei was attacked by a Martial Saint 7th Layer bat. Fortunately, he ran fast, and took advantage of Baili to escape quickly, otherwise he might die. Here it is.

The danger of the canyon also made Ye Fei even more anxious about Zhao Yu’s safety. After three consecutive days of deepening, Ye Fei finally found traces of Zhao Yu fighting with the three strongest kings.

There is a cliff that has been frozen into a huge iceberg. On the iceberg, Ye Fei also found a lot of traces of swords.

“This iceberg must be Zhao Yu’s bloodline power. At the same time, three of the three subordinates of the Western Sword Emperor, two of them use knives and swords, and the remaining one seems to be used Palm!”

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