“Ten days? The Blood Spirit Fruit, which can activate the special bloodline, still has fairy crystals? No wonder West Sword Emperor sends so many experts to deal with Zhao Yu…”

, Ye Fei looking thoughtful, and then quietly exited the small forest. Since the three of Ximenzun took action, there are still ten days. Of course, Ye Fei will not waste this time. He opened the Xumi space of Little Fatty. Also got in.

Chapter 1030 Deduction Boxing Method

Chapter 1030 Deduction Boxing Method

In Xumi Space. The king of Gua has awakened a long time ago. Seeing Ye Fei coming in, the king of Gua suddenly showed an expression of resentment: “Ye Fei, you have turned your back, you said, I will help you calculate the Gua, and then you will let me go!”

“I speak for words! I have let you go, but my two brothers, they refuse to let you go, what can I do?”

Ye Fei spread out his hands innocently, Xia Jun sneered very hehe very henchman. Little Fatty followed with a simple smile.

The performance of the three made King Gua want to vomit blood. Now he has stopped Ye Fei’s idea of ​​letting him go. He just hopes that Nan Qianghuang can come and rescue him as soon as possible.

In the end, the King of Gua’s divination is very powerful. Whether it is using him to find someone or seek luck and avoid calamity, it is very good. Such talents, even if they can’t for me to use, Ye Fei can’t Will easily let go of King Gua.

At least, Ye Fei would not let the King of Gua leave easily until he found Lin Heaven’s Chosen.

Xia Jun took Little Fatty and has continued to squeeze the King of Gua. Even if King of Gua is sealed, his ability to deduced Heavenly Dao is still there.

“Gua King, you see that Xia Jun is also handsome and handsome, why I don’t have any beauties I like? This is a bit wrong, please help me calculate, when will I be lucky, and There are a few of my future daughter-in-laws. Actually, I’m not greedy, seventy-eighty, so I’m very satisfied.”

Xia Jun chattered around the king of Gua, making Little Fatty feels ashamed to have such a brother.


Ye Fei also feels a deep headache, simply disinclined to pay attention to, just seize the time, use these ten days, and work hard for cultivation.

He wants to adjust his state to the best, and then he can deal with the crisis ten days later.

“My realm, there is no way to improve it for the time being. The War God Dao and Demon Sovereign are not so good for cultivation, but it is a fight of life and death, and it has great potential to be tapped.”

The more you use this fist, the more Ye Fei feels the strength of the ancient Life and Death Palace. It is probably a powerful sect that does not lose to the six Holy Sects. Therefore, for the life and death fight, Ye Fei cultivation Also very attentive.

“Although the Martial Emperor is immortal, he has passed all the secrets of life and death fight to me, so that I can play 100% of the formidable power as soon as I get started, but the truly powerful martial arts sometimes Not only can it play double the formidable power, it can also play double, triple, and other special formidable power at special times.”

This formidable power is somewhat similar to a crit.

For example, Bailizhen, when he burns a special bloodline, he can do it, let Demon God kill, produce an infinite crit effect, and fully increase the formidable power to eighteen times The degree of horror.

But Ye Fei does not have a special bloodline. He is impossible to achieve a crit like Bailizhen. All he can do is start from other levels.

“I use life and death fighting fist, relying on not Death Power, but not Death Power treatment, lacking an offensive. However, my power of war demon and strength of Asura, offensive are very strong. , If I can use the strength of Asura, even the power of despair, to stimulate the life and death fight, I don’t know if the formidable power of the life and death fight will be improved?”

Ye Fei kept thinking .

Facing the three strongest kings at the same time, he finally felt a trace of pressure, and the strongest king is not the strongest in the burial ground. Above them, there are six Sovereigns.

Those people are Ye Fei’s real rivals!

“Wait, I will catch up to them!”

It is the age of full of vigor, always lagging behind those young Sovereign, Ye Fei’s heart, in fact, Holding a sigh of breath, let alone arresting King Gua, he had actually offended Nan Qiang King.

Ten days later, he might even attack the three of Ximenzun and offend the West Sword Emperor in a disguised form. Of course, Ye Fei has to deal with it in advance.

He first tried to use the power of the war demon to stimulate the life and death fight, but failed. “Yes, the power of the war demon, which is biased towards defense, then try the strength of Asura!”


The power to disperse the flesh and blood, Ye Fei used the Asura power contained in the Primordial Spirit again, and he spurred a life-and-death fist to fight forward.

As a result, the boxing technique is not at all too large formidable power. It can’t even compare to his power without Death Power. Ye Fei was completely confused.

Strength of Asura, is it not as strong as the offensive of Death Power? This is obviously impossible!

So, finally try the power of despair!

Ye Fei is not a person who is willing to lose. His in the bones has a stubbornness, so he is cruel, and simply combines the strength of Asura and the power of war demon to form a force of despair. Stimulate life and death fist again.

But the result still fails.

Although the power of despair fills Ye Fei’s body, it always gives Ye Fei an obscure feeling when urging life and death fights.

The effect is even better than that. On the strength of Asura and the power of war demon.

“Could it be said that Life and Death Fight is a boxing method tailored specifically for Death Power. Except for Death Power, other powers cannot be activated?”

Ye Fei fell into After a long thought, martial arts can be divided into general and special. General martial arts can be used for any real element.

But Heavenly Martial Continent is more common, special martial arts, these martial arts, only special true yuan, can play the formidable power of martial arts.

If Life and Death Fight is a martial arts developed specifically for the Undead Emperor Sutra, then Ye Fei cannot use other true elements to stimulate except for Death Power.

It’s just that Ye Fei has repeatedly pondered the Undead Emperor Sutra in his mind, not at all, and discovered that Life and Death Fight is the exclusive martial arts of the Undead Emperor Sutra.

“Since it is not exclusive, then fight with life and death, it is very possible to use other real yuan to stimulate, but I have not found the key!”

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