Seeing Dragon Tortoise speeding up, Simone sneeered, suddenly Transform Body into Sword, always biting tightly behind Dragon Tortoise’s tail.

“A Thousand Miles of Breeze!”

Prince Qingfeng was also fierce. He transformed himself into the wind, forming a rolling gust of wind, not only speeding up himself, but also speeding up with the blood killer. Also bite tightly behind Simon Zun’s sword light.

“These three people are so desperately chasing me, what is the role of this golden leaf?”

Ye Fei held the golden leaf in his hand, and suddenly felt in his heart He was very interested, but before he could study it carefully, there was a bang, and a very terrifying beam of colorful light suddenly burst out from the horizon.

The beam of light rushed straight into the sky, all around hundreds of thousands of meters, bright as day. Numerous beast roars came from all directions, seeming to be afraid of this pillar of light, but at the same time they were full of deep desire.

Even the rays of light emitted by this beam of light pierced the space. Even Xia Jun and the others who were hiding in the cultivation in a different space were immediately awakened.

“What’s the matter, isn’t the big brother fighting outside again, right?” Xia Jun asked in surprise.

“Second brother, let’s go out and help!” Little Fatty be eager to have a try.

“This is not the rays of light of battle, this is the rays of light of rare treasure. Not far in front, there must be a shocking rare treasure born before such rays of light will erupt!”

The king of Gua has a wide range of knowledge, he deduced a little, and his face was exhilarating. He didn’t expect that he was so lucky that he actually encountered the rare treasure that is rarely seen in the burial land, but he thought of his present Became a prisoner of Ye Fei, a lifetime cultivation base, all sealed with the seal of life and death, and the king of trigrams is full of depression.

“rare treasure?”

The eyes of Xia Jun and Little Fatty became bright at the same time.

“rare treasure, don’t you think I’ve been running around, and finally got lucky?” Ye Fei also looked at the colorful beam of light in the distance with surprise.

Then the whole person is excited. This rare treasure beam of light is so strong that the martial artists in hundreds of thousands are clearly visible. In other words, there will definitely be a lot of martial artists rushing there at this time.

Ye Fei is not very interested in fighting for rare treasure. He is interested in martial artists who are fighting for rare treasure. Ye Fei has already thought of a good way to get rid of the pursuit, that is, the fastest Rushed into the pile of people at the speed of her, and then used the rare treasure mask to change her appearance.

In this way, he can easily get rid of the chasing soldiers behind him, and then get away smoothly.

Chapter 1041 Emperor Artifact Element Embryo

Chapter 1041 Emperor Artifact Element Embryo

“Where there is a colorful beam of light, there must be a rare treasure born. Ah, only one month after the god burial ground was opened, we encountered rare treasure!”

“If such a treasure is obtained, it will definitely enhance our strength!”

” Let’s go and take a look. Must precede the young Sovereign and the strongest king to find such a treasure!”

The rays of light in the rare treasure are too dazzling, within the hundreds of thousands of experienced martial The artists were all disturbed, and then turned into streamers, rushing to the place where the rare treasure appeared at the fastest speed.

It turned out to be a dark forest. All the trees are black. When you walk into it, the sight of the martial artist will become very blurred, making it extremely dangerous. But this Still can’t resist people’s enthusiasm for treasure hunting.

Not only the ordinary martial artist was shocked, but the Western Sword Emperor who just stepped into this range also noticed the colorful beam of light. A surprise flashed across his face, “Interesting, this This treasure can have a summon feeling for me, this treasure is related to me, I must get it!”

Said, the West Sword Emperor suddenly changed his route and moved towards rare treasure appeared The place rushed, it was the first time that the Western Sword Emperor entered the burial ground and felt the summon of treasure. He didn’t want to miss it in vain.

Of course, the Western Sword Emperor didn’t know that he was not alone in feeling summon, Ximen Zun, Qingfeng Prince, Blood Killer, anyone above the strongest king can clearly feel it Rare treasure to their summon.

In the beast print space, Xiaocao has jumped anxiously, and constantly urges Ye Fei to hurry over. This is the first time Ye Fei sees Xiaocao in such anxious state. Needless to say, the treasure inside must be very precious.

Moreover, faintly, he actually felt like being summoned by treasure, which also made Ye Fei even more interested in that rare treasure.

“It seems that this time, I have to go over and take a look.” Turning to see that the three of Ximenzun hadn’t caught up for a while, Ye Fei suddenly put away the Dragon Tortoise, and then activated it for a moment. Start moving quickly.

100 li, 200 li, 300 li, seven hundred li!

Moved a full distance of seven hundred miles, and almost consumed seven Primordial Spirit’s true essence, Ye Fei finally approached the lacquer Black Forest where rare treasure was born.

In this scene, the three Ximenzun who also watched were stunned. They thought that Ye Fei ran so fast and it was entirely the tortoise’s credit. Who knows, Ye Fei is the same as Dragon Tortoise, and the speed is the same. terrifying.

“Catch up, wherever he flees, must kill him and take back the golden leaves!”

“hmph, I am more concerned about what appears here than chasing him. rare treasure!” The Blood Killer violated the order and started arguing with Simon Zun.

Their argument was delayed for some time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Fei had already rushed into the Qi Black Forest.

In the forest, several bright torches also appeared immediately, surrounding him in groups.

“Stop and get out! This is the site of the Southern Gun King. No one is allowed to enter!”

Many martial artists who rushed into the forest discovered that the entire paint The Black Forest was all booked by the subordinates of the Southern Gun King. Several ordinary semi-sages wanted to break through, but they were immediately beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, and they were thrown out like garbage.

“Whoever dares to come close, kill it!” These people’s attitude is very arrogant, and it is clear that they want to monopolize the rare treasure inside, which makes many martial artists eagerly rushing to sigh.

Ye Fei’s eyes could not help but a flash of anger, he went up and said: “The burial ground is not yours, why can’t we go in?”

“Yes, Nan Qianghuang again Well, you are too domineering!” Ye Fei’s words can be said to speak out everyone’s aspirations, and he was immediately hated by Nan Qiang Emperor’s men.

“Boy, you dare to lead people to make trouble and fight against our imperial city. Very good, interrupt his hands and feet and let him crawl out!” The headed Scarfaced youth, coldly Point to Ye Fei.

“A group of rice buckets! In addition to taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, what else do you guys have!” Ye Fei suddenly became hot. This is his only chance to get rid of Ximen Zun and even the West Sword Emperor. , He has no time, wasting time with a group of henchman.

Life and death fight!

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