Dragon Horse’s power is too strong, maybe a few breaths, maybe in a shorter time, he may lose this power, and then be divided by Dragon Horse!

Vaguely, in Ye Fei’s mind that was about to faint in pain, Xiaocao’s eager voice unexpectedly came, and Ye Fei’s desperate eyes suddenly became crazy.

“I, can’t admit defeat! My hand is in charge of Xiaocao’s life! I am not fighting alone, there is Xiaocao beside me, and my body, and Sword Soul! No! Destroy Sword Soul, help me!”

Life and death are in sight, Ye Fei has no idea whether this will expose the immortal Sword Soul. He gave up the suppression of Dantian.

In the dantian, a devastating aura suddenly awakened from within the body of Ye Fei, and then Ye Fei felt that in Heavenly Tribulation, the Immortal Sword Soul was even radiating Excited and excited mood swings.


Sword Soul vibrates, long whale sucks water!

Ye Fei was shocked to discover that the immortal Sword Soul was actually absorbing the Heavenly Tribulation energy entwined with him, and countless destroyed Heavenly Tribulation, so it was absorbed by the immortal Sword Soul, and then a drop of purple was formed. The lightning fluid is transported to Ye Fei’s within the body.

These thunder fluids are filled with the power of Heavenly Tribulation, but this power is no longer destroyed, but reborn. Yes, Ye Fei’s scorched body, after absorbing the power of Heavenly Tribulation, Rejuvenated.

the spring comes upon a withered tree!

Is it destruction and rebirth?

In the past, Heavenly Tribulation represents destruction, death, but at this time, Ye Fei felt the inexplicable vitality contained in Heavenly Tribulation through the immortal Sword Soul.

What the hell is going on?

Vaguely, Ye Fei felt that he had grasped something, but he didn’t wait for him to think clearly.


Ye Fei feels that his whole body is about to tear. It is the five Dragon Horses that are starting to exert strength. If he doesn’t want to die, he must fight!


Ye Fei pupil light is firm and has the immortal Sword Soul. He absorbs the power of Heavenly Tribulation to repair his body. Ye Fei suddenly feels that his within the body is full of infinite power.

Rather than waiting for Dragon Horse to pull his body away, Ye Fei used his right arm and pulled hard enough to pull the lightning Dragon Horse down. Ye Fei was madly dragged by the lightning. Pulled over.

Ye Fei at this time, just like a crazy war demon, he exploded with infinite brute force, and also dragged the lightning Dragon Horse with amazing brute force back head to head.

That kind of scene, incomparably terrifying, is as if Ye Fei pulled back, not five Dragon Horses, but five terrifying mountains, pulled back by Ye Fei with brute force, and then battled strength destruction.


Ye Fei’s thoughts moved, and suddenly he urged the undead emperor’s sutra to cast a birth death fight fist. In one breath, Ye Fei hit five brilliant fists in succession.

It’s just different from the previous immortality. The fight between life and death at this time gives Ye Fei the feeling that it is not only death, but also full of majestic vitality!

Maybe, this is the real fight of life and death!

Death is not the end of life, destruction can also be the beginning of life!

The world of the living and the dead!


Ye Fei’s fist was shaking. When he inadvertently realized this truth, Ye Fei’s undead fist suddenly changed inexplicably. It has become a very peculiar energy, integrated into the fist of life and death.


Ye Fei punched out, full of vitality, but on the spot a Dragon Horse, all split up and in pieces.


Ye Fei, with murderous intention on his face, suddenly exuded a thick lifeless spirit, and quickly flashed the electric light from the other Dragon Horse and turned it into fly ash.


The third Dragon Horse died of Ye Fei’s fist.


The fourth Dragon Horse is also inevitable to die.


The fifth Dragon Horse uttered the final scream, and was also killed by Ye Fei’s life-and-death fist. Finally, a huge fist, full of vitality, and tragic death, hit the sky .


Heavenly Tribulation can’t resist the life-death transition of the fight between life and death. Life and death can be seized. It is completely within Ye Fei’s thought. He wants Heavenly Tribulation to be destroyed, Heavenly Tribulation, and he can’t. Do not destroy.

What’s more terrifying is that the destructive energy of Heavenly Tribulation not at all disappears, but is absorbed by the immortal Sword Soul, turned into strands of purple thunder, and integrated into Ye Fei’s body.

Soon, Ye Fei recovered quickly from the injuries he suffered in Heavenly Tribulation. The charred body became white as jade again. Every piece of blood and every cell in the body was full of explosive power. .

At the same time, the ten Primordial Spirits of Ye Fei, under the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, are also condensed into eight. Although the number is reduced, the true essence contained in them is more than ten Primordial Spirits. terror.

“The world of the living and the dead, the Profound Truth of life and death! You are very good, not only did you exceed the deity’s expectation, by the strength of oneself, after five thunders and corpses, you can actually live and die. , To absorb the energy of Heavenly Tribulation, to comprehend the Profound Truth of life and death, you have not even awakened bloodline, how did you do it?”

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