“By the way, the King of Fighters, the news you inquired about are the core secrets of Divine Martial Sect. Are you sure that what your two men inquired about is true? Don’t doubt that they are surrendering?” Xia Jun blinked. Suddenly asked a sharp question.

Ye Fei is also nodded. Indeed, anyone will cover such confidential information tightly. How can it be easily heard by the enemy?

“hahaha, I knew you would think this way, so when I asked my men to betray, by the way, I told the Eastern Sword Emperor the secret that you can be reborn from flesh and blood. With this cast name, you think, Will the Eastern Sword Emperor still doubt them?” Dongfang Yu haha ​​said with a smile.


Ye Fei didn’t expect, he actually became the nomination certificate of Dongfang Yu’s two men, but this secret is indeed enough to dispel Dongfang Yu’s suspicion.

This is called secret for secret. Dongfang Yu’s tactics were really beautiful, and then Ye Fei understood what Dongfang Yu meant.

“Brother Dongfang, you told me this, but would you like to let me go into the Martial God space with you?” Ye Fei asked directly.

“Yes, the Martial God space is very rare. The treasure inside is also ten times more precious than here. In the past, only the children of the Aristocratic Family could enter the experience. Now we also have this opportunity. Of course Can’t let it go.” Dongfang Yu said excitedly.

His words also shocked Ye Fei, “Brother Dongfang, what are you talking about, in the Martial God space, are there children from the Aristocratic Family who will experience it?”

No. 1081 Chapter Flesh Barrier

Chapter 1081 Flesh Barrier

“Ye Fei, you see, the front is where the Flesh Barrier lies. After passing through the Flesh Barrier, we can enter the Martial God space. Experience with the children of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family.”

Dongfang Yu is a very decisive person. He discovered the conspiracy of the Eastern Sword Emperor and he immediately invited Ye Fei, the two of them, to lurk. Outside the barrier of flesh and blood.

What makes Ye Fei frown is that outside the barrier, almost all the experts of Divine Martial Sect are concentrated. Not only are there the strongest kings, there are also a large number of ordinary kings who are guarding outside and want to rush in, but Not too easy. Even if they rushed in, they still had to face the three Sovereign threats from the Eastern Sword Emperor.

“It seems that we have rushed into the barrier of flesh and blood. We have to find a way to solve the three talents of the Eastern Sword Emperor! Otherwise, they will leak our news. Those children of the Aristocratic Family will definitely not let go. Pass us.” Ye Fei’s face was a bit solemn.

On his way to Zhong Prefecture, he heard that Guess mentioned the Aristocratic Family. That is a family with a quasi-sage. In this era before the Martial Emperor, the quasi-emperor is the strongest existence of Heavenly Martial Continent on the surface, and is equivalent to the dean of Saint Court.

This means that a quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family is equivalent to a Saint Court as powerful.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly remembered something, and asked Dongfang Yu: “By the way, how do the children of the Aristocratic Family compare to us?”

” I can only say that it is very strong! Once I met a child of the Aristocratic Family who came out to experience, he personally told me that any child of the Aristocratic Family, the worst is also a young Sovereign, the strongest of them is enough for an instant Kill us in seconds!” Dongfang Yu’s expression was full of solemnity.

“Second kill? Let me go, how can we play like this?” Ye Fei secretly smacked. Now he is struggling to kill a Sovereign. As for the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, someone can kill the young Sovereign in seconds, which is too shocking.

Dongfang Yu then gave Ye Fei a heavier blow, “Actually, the Aristocratic Family is not the most powerful. Above them, there are real emperors! Those who have come from real The families of Martial Emperor, but these families are very low-key. I just heard about it. I have never seen it before and don’t know if it is true.”

“It must be true!”

Ye Fei’s tone sank. Strictly speaking, Lin Heaven’s Chosen’s family is the imperial family that represents Huangdi, but with the decline of the Northern Territory, the Lin Family also declined to the extreme. Since the decline of the Northern Territory, there are hidden emperors, Zhong Prefecture must also hide the real Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

“Maybe, Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family is the hidden power of Zhong Prefecture.” Ye Fei secretly speculated.


The two waited outside for ten days. In ten days, Ye Fei almost didn’t blink his eyes, “I and Dongfang Yu’s strength, in the burial land, there are no opponents. If you want to continue to experience, you must enter the Martial God space.”

This opportunity also appeared soon.

11th day. Dongfang Yu was suddenly excited and sound transmission: “Brother Ye, there is a chance. My two subordinates contacted me through Divine Soul. The Eastern Sword Emperor and the others have broken the barrier of flesh and blood, and now they have all rushed in.”

Divine Martial Sect The only thing left is the king!

This is undoubtedly the most empty time for Divine Martial Sect!

“Brother Dongfang, are your two men sure? Are their news reliable?” Ye Fei was excited, but he was still very cautious. This is due to his habit.

“Yes, they all swear by Heavenly Dao that they will always be loyal to me, and they will never betray.” Dongfang Yu was definitely nodded.

Heavenly Dao swear?

Ye Fei nodded, the martial artist is in awe of Heavenly Dao. Once he swears by Heavenly Dao, generally no martial artist dares to disobey, such as taking refuge in his king of trigrams.

Since Dongfang Yu’s two subordinates were so sure, Ye Fei also let go, but he still did not act immediately, but waited for another full day.

For such a long time, the three of Dongdaohuang may have entered the Martial God space, and the king guarding outside has gradually become slack.


At this moment, Dongfang Yu suddenly charged ahead from behind the hidden mountain peak, moved towards a scarlet cave in the distance.

The kings of Divine Martial Sect are also very fast. When they see an enemy invading, they immediately shouted. All kings immediately moved towards Dongfang Yu and surrounded them.

“Kill, the one who stops me will die!”

Dongfang Yu’s fists flashed terrifying golden rays of light, like a golden waterfall, hitting forward, no Knowing how many kings were beaten, he vomited blood and retreated.

“Void Sword Fire!”

Ye Fei follow closely from behind, open the way with sword fire, eight Primordial Spirits, condensed into eight incomparable gigantic void black holes, raging The flames burned the sky to the ground.

“Not good, it’s the North King of Fighters, and kill the Emperor Human Demon!”

“Run for your life, now that the three Sovereigns are not there, we can’t stop them!” Thousand names Although the power of the king’s gathering is great. But without the backbone, they are just a mess.

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