He was torn apart alive by the crazy Dongfang Yu. Before he died, Simon Zun kept screaming, his heart was full of regret, pain, and unwillingness and resentment.

“Ye Fei, if you were not unaffected by the ban, you must be the one who died, and it must be you, Simon Zun hates me!”

The last scream was made, and Simon Zun’s whole body , Had been beaten to pieces by Dongfang Yu’s lightning-like fist, only a hideous head was telling the master’s strong resentment.



As the last strongest king was killed, Dongfang Yu suddenly weakened his legs, knelt down in the bloody ground, and knelt in front of the dead lion king and tiger king.

“Lion King, Tiger King, you are not only my subordinates, but also my brother! We have agreed that we will step into Martial Dao Peak together, because of my negligence, you died midway I, Dongfang Yu, owe you two lives!”

Mumbling, Dongfang Yu’s eyes gradually became red, and his clenched fists hit the ground until it hit the ground. It can be seen that the blood of the bones can’t resolve the pain in his heart.


Ye Fei sighed and stood far away. He did not persuade, nor could he persuade, the brother of Life and Death Together, just died in front of him. , That kind of pain can be healed without a few words of comfort.

“Dongfang Yu, what are you going to do next?” Ye Fei asked after a while of silence.

“Ye Fei, let’s go first, I am in a mess. I want to stay with the two brothers for a while!” Dongfang Yu knelt on the ground in a daze without looking back.

“Take care!”

Ye Fei understands the nodded, Dongfang Yu does need time to calm down. Turning around, Ye Fei quickly left this bloody passage.

Behind him, Dongfang Yu’s painful and depressed cry.

When a man has tears, he does not flick, but he is not sad!

“Dongfang Yu, I hope you can cheer up! Martial God space, I’m waiting for you!” He looked back with a heavy heart. Although he wanted to comfort Dongfang Yu a few words, Ye Fei was still determined. Stepped into the Martial God space.

“Injury can break a person, and it can also make a person stronger. Dongfang Yu and I will only belong to the latter!”

Clear your mood , Ye Fei began to look at the burial land, the most mysterious Martial God space. He was surprised to find that this space turned out to be a complete world.

“Yes, it is said that Wu’s divine ability gives birth to me and the world with one thought! Martial God space is actually Martial God’s inner world.”

I just don’t know this Martial God world , Is the world of the buried thirteen Martial Gods, or the world of Human Demon, if it is the thirteen Martial Gods, it’s okay, if it’s the super demon of Human Demon, then be careful.

On the way, Ye Fei also sorted out some gains from the barrier of flesh and blood. The space belt of the Great Desert Yan Emperor was left to Dongfang Yu, and the space belt of the Eastern Sword Emperor and the Polar Ice Emperor, but Ye Fei kept it for himself.

Especially the ice bow of the Polar Ice Emperor, it is very powerful, and the condensed Frost Arrow, if half the emperor is not careful, he may be killed.

This ice bow is a very rare treasure. The formidable power even surpasses the top grade Sovereign Item. Ye Fei is a little skeptical. This is probably a broken Quasi-Emperor Artifact. Because on the ice bow, he found several huge cracks.

These cracks also limit the formidable power of Ice Bow.

Otherwise, even if Ye Fei mastered the Profound Truth of life and death with the arrow in the imperial city last time, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

“Unexpectedly, this ice emperor actually possesses the damaged Quasi-Emperor Artifact. It seems that the origin of the ice emperor is not simple. It is the Eastern Sword Emperor, strong or strong, and the treasure on his body, on the contrary Not as precious as the Ice Emperor, but the treasure of the Eastern Sword Emperor can be given to Xia Jun. Anyway, I use a knife!”

Ye Fei secretly pondered the encounter between the Lion King and the Tiger King, which made Ye Fei a little bit too. I am worried about the strength of the brothers Xia Jun.

Although it is just a Small World, the Small World of Martial God is also very broad. After flying for about three days, Ye Fei flew out of a forest and saw a tall city wall from a distance.

Around the city wall, you can vaguely see a lot of martial artists coming in and out. These martial artists are very young. The younger ones are only eleven-twelve years old, but their cultivation base is very scary.

The eleven-twelve-year-old children are generally in the semi-sacred state. The young man in his early twenties, the aura that he exudes, is basically similar to that of the Western Sword Emperor and the Desert Yan Emperor. Ye Fei secretly smacked his tongue while watching.

“Dongfang Yu is right. The children of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family are all very powerful. The young Sovereign is the strongest in the burial land, but in the Martial God space, they can only be ranked To the middle and lower reaches!”

Then Ye Fei’s eyes gradually became excited.

The stronger the strength of these people, the more it shows that Martial God space treasure is precious, otherwise so many children of the Aristocratic Family would not come here to experience.

Following far behind these children, Ye Fei soon came to a huge ancient city, Martial Spirit City. He was surprised that Martial God actually has a city, a city gate, and guards. . This can make Ye Fei difficult.

“I am not a child of the Aristocratic Family. I don’t know if I will be seen when I enter the city!” Ye Fei was a little worried. In the end, he broke in through the barrier of flesh and blood. Compared to the children of the Aristocratic Family, he is more like a thief who sneaked in.

If this is caught, the consequences are not generally serious.

Ye Fei didn’t dare to enter the city easily, but slowly approached the city gate, while secretly observing how the children of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family entered the city. He observed this for a while. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the city gate.

“Quickly get out of the way, Mengyao Fairy and Wudao Young Master are about to enter the city soon. If they delay their testing time, you will not be able to eat and walk!”

Hearing this, the martial artist who entered and exited the city gate quickly moved to the left and right. At the same time, a group of young men and women riding strange animals ran quickly from a distance.

They are no longer wearing gorgeous clothes, but all kinds of top grade Sovereign Item, gold hazel, Treading Cloud Boots, and the young people headed by them have a faint terrifying trend. . Ye Fei felt slightly, that momentum was very similar to the aura exuding from the ice bow.

It is very possible that there is Quasi-Emperor Artifact hidden in the body of this young man! Even the strongest youth Sovereign can also one hit instant kill!

Chapter 1086 Law Without Way

Chapter 1086 Law Without Way

The emergence of law without way makes the martial artists around Martial Spirit all boil, Ye Fei was also forcibly squeezed to the back. If he were not tall enough to be able to crane his neck to see outside, he probably wouldn’t even be able to see the strange beasts running.

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